Chapter 24

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*Singing* Angst time, angst time, who's ready for some angst time? >:3

Ooh, this is gonna be fun~ - Fandom Trash

You spent the rest of that morning preparing how you were gonna tell (f/s/s) that you love him. It wasn't anything too showy, but it was enough for him to see your care and admiration for him.

'Oh, I hope he likes this!' you thought excitedly as you entered your room, sitting down at your desk to write him a quick note.

Dear (f/s/s),

Would you meet me by the Tree of Feelings after breakfast? I have something very important that I want to tell you.

I only figured it out this very morning and I just need to know your answer.

Best wishes, (y/n) <3

You sucked in a deep breath as you placed the note into an envelope and walked to his bedroom door. You quickly knocked before dropping the letter and darting back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You just wanted to get the meal over with so you could finally tell (f/s/s) your true feelings and hopefully end the trio's dispute.


The boys arrived just after you had finished preparing the meal and you handed them each a plate with a smile, making sure you 'accidentally' brushed hands with (f/s/s) before he walked away. The skeleton blushed and gave you a knowing smile before walking back to the table. You quickly took up the seat next to him and you all began to eat. Occasionally, you would see (f/s/s)'s eye lights flick over to you and a gentle smile graced his face as he studied you. You had to admit, this made you all the more excited to confess, giving him a smirk in return that made him blush and avert his gaze.

'He's so adorable...'

Finally, finally, you all finished up breakfast and you hurried out of the kitchen without another word, eagerly making your way towards the Tree's hill.

You expected (f/s/s) to follow you but that didn't seem to be the case as you waited there for several minutes. Anxiety began to eat at your SOUL as time dragged on and you began to fidget in place as thoughts of rejection plagued your mind.

'Maybe... maybe he's just getting something? Maybe he had something to do...? M-Maybe I've read this all wrong...'

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," you muttered, trying to mentally urge him along. But as more time passed you came to the unfortunate conclusion that he wasn't going to come.

You sighed sadly, walking backwards until you hit the trunk of the tree and sliding down it to sit on the dewed grass. Your mind was numb as you processed the outcome of what you had thought was going to be the perfect moment.

"He... rejected me..." you said quietly, your voice cracking near the end as tears built up in your eyes. You covered your mouth to stifle a sob curling up into a dejected ball as you allowed your tears to fall freely. Your thoughts twisted and swam around your mind and you felt your sorrow slowly morph into anger. Every moment he spent with you... Had he been leading you on this whole time? Playing with you? Were you nothing more than a toy to him?! "This isn't fair. It's not fair. IT'S NOT FAIR!"

You stood up as your emotions overwhelmed you, the dark blue aura beginning to circle your form. You clenched your fists as they sparked with restrained magic, finally letting out a yell as your aura formed into a bubble before imploding and creating a crater where you were standing. "I don't deserve to be treated like this!" you said angrily, dragging your hands through your hair. You felt a warm unknown liquid pool up in your eyes before cascading down your cheeks. You reached a hand up and pulled it away to see a thick black substance sticking to your fingers. You laughed at the sight of it, watching it merge with your flesh and begin travelling up the length of your arm.

You were corrupting... and it felt so good.

Your laughing grew a bit more crazed as you dropped to your knees, hugging yourself as the grass and flowers began to shrivel up and die as your aura spread.

You didn't even notice how several apples fell from the Tree of Feelings, now rotten and decayed as you let the power of your magic take control.

You've always held yourself back... but what's the point anymore?

You looked up as three sets of footsteps came towards you. You managed to make out the Shattered Sanses through your blurred vision and a grin stretched across your face.

"Feels good, doesn't it princess?" The Shattered Dream taunted as he extended a hand down to you. You stared at it for a brief moment before smirking and reaching forward to accept his proposal. He pulled you to your feet and placed a soft kiss on the back of your hand. "Welcome home, our sweet~"


(f/s/s)'s perspective: I struggled against the restraints as Nightmare stood before me. I was chained to a wall with my two teammates on either side of me. Nightmare and his crew had set up an ambush for us in the mainhall. We had no chance and were quickly overpowered and drugged. The others were still unresponsive, so I had no way of planning an escape. Not without their input...

"Let me go Nightmare, I have to get to (y/n)!" I said loudly, tears clouding my vision as I thought of my lost chance with her.

'I was finally going to tell her how I truly feel, give her the present I'd been keeping for her... It may have made her run away all those years ago but perhaps this time would've been different. Guess I'll never find out now...'

I clenched my fists, growling angrily as I stared down the corrupted prince. Oh, if looks could kill...

"I'm sorry, (f/s/s)... But I'm afraid your precious (y/n) may be a bit too far gone." Nightmare stepped out of the way of the projection he was watching to show (y/n) in the arms of the Shattered version of me; she was half-corrupted and seemed perfectly content being in my alternates embrace. My SOUL sank at the sight and I stopped struggling in defeat.

"No..." I said quietly, tears falling as the corrupted (y/n) and my Shattered form moved towards each other for a kiss. "NO!"

Well, are you guys mad at me? Hehehe, oh the wonder and joys of writing, eh? Such a beautiful experience of imagination and creativity :3

...Why do you have a knife? Did I do something wrong?

See you next Sunday >;) - Fandom Trash

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