Chapter 18

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You eventually dropped down onto the floor, already excited to make your way back to the Star Sanses. Your eyes widened as you saw a familiar figure waiting a few feet from where you standing before your gaze softened and you gave them a welcome smile.

"Fancy seeing you here.... Cross," you said to the monotone skeleton. Cross jumped upon hearing you speak and turned to face you with a slightly threatening expression. He blanched upon seeing you, dim eye lights roaming your form. His stern look fell as you crossed your arms giving him a sly smirk. "Come to save the damsel in distress?" you asked sarcastically, making him roll his eyes.

"I see that is no longer needed," he said simply before extending a hand out to you. "I've come to offer my assistance." You stared at his hand before smiling thankfully and accepting. While you knew he worked for Nightmare, you also knew that he had an honest SOUL and would stick to his words.

"Thank you Cross, I appreciate it," you said and he gave you a curt nod before opening a portal, tightening his grip on your hand before walking the two of you through.


Dream's Perspective: I frantically searched the Doodle Sphere, checking every AU to see if I could sense (y/n) within any of them. So far, I had hit a rut. Ink and Blue were doing the same as me in different parts of the Void and to say we were all worried was an understatement.

We were terrified.

(y/n) had been missing for about a week now and none of us knew who had taken her, where they had taken her, and what they were doing to her. It scared us.

"C'mon, c'mon, give me something!" I said hastily, feeling my usually positive aura start to dwindle as each AU I checked came out blank.

"Dream, any luck?"

I turned around and gave Ink a solemn look, shaking my skull in defeat. I clenched my fists as I heard him sigh.

"Yeah, I got nothing either."

"It's like she's just disappeared!" Blue said sadly as he walked over to join us. Tears laced the bottom of his eye sockets as his hands shook from pent-up nerves. "I-I miss her..."

"We all do Blue but we can't do anything to help until we find her," Ink said letting out another sigh and opening a portal. "Let's go back to the castle for now. We... we can try again tomorrow."

Blue and I both nodded in mynute understanding and followed the artistic skeleton through the colourful opening, stepping out into the main hall of my home and our hideout.

We were about to head our separate ways when a loud crash resounded throughout the castle. We all gazed at each other in alarm before racing towards the source of the noise - the living room.

A few quiet curses and hushed whispers flowed out from behind the closed door. The three of us looked at one another in concern and I was just about to reach for the handle when a voice spoke out.

"Seriously, you couldn't have opened the portal anywhere else?"

"How was I supposed to know it would open on the ceiling!"

"Oh I don't know, maybe because it's your magic!"

"God damnit, this stupid code!"

"Stop blaming the code and start paying more attention!"

"He started it!"

"Are you assuming the code's gender?"

I blinked dumbfounded. Whoever these intruders were, they weren't exactly the brightest. They were giving off strange emotions too; one of them was relieved, comforted albeit annoyed while the other was... reluctant and unsure. I was trying to see if I could identify them from their voices but... they were actually speaking too quietly for me to make out any actual distinction!

I let out a quiet gasp as Ink pushed past me, brandishing his paintbrush and looking prepared to kick the door down. He was just about to too, when the voices started up again - louder this time.

"You know what? Screw this whole 'surprise them' thing!"

I heard Blue let out a surprised gasp, a hopeful look crossing his face at the sound of the familiar voice.

'I-it can't be... But it sounds just like-'

"Boys! It's (y/n); I'm back!"

The three of us forcefully threw the doors to the living room open and I almost cried at seeing (y/n) there with her arms spread wide open. Blue wasted no time in dashing forward and tackling her to the ground with a tight hug. She laughed wholeheartedly as Blue nuzzled into her shoulder, softly rubbing his back as she returned the embrace. I soon snapped out of the mini trance I had fallen into and raced forward myself, eagerly joining the hug and loving the feeling of her arm around me as she reciprocated it.

"Oh (y/n), we've missed you so much, so much!" I whimpered as I tightened my hold, beginning to unconsciously snuggle further into her side. She hummed in content and lifted her hand to rub the back of my skull.

"I've missed you boys too. I'm so happy to be back!" she announced before looking up with a confused expression at the skeleton that remained standing shock-still by the doorway. Ink's eye lights had gone out, giving him a hollow appearance as he trembled. "Inky?" (y/n) said worriedly as she wormed her way out of mine and Blueberry's grips to walk over to him.

She stood infront of the shaking skeleton with a sympathetic smile, gently cupping his cheekbones in her hands. Ink seemed to snap out of his daze at her touch and threw himself into her arms, hopelessly sobbing into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry!" he weeped making me and Blue blink in confusion as (y/n) muttered sweet assurances to the broken skeleton. She pulled back and pecked his forehead before leading him back to us by the hand and dragging him down onto the floor to join the group hug.

"You can go now Cross," (y/n) said suddenly, making us all look up with a start at the skeleton who was standing awkwardly in the corner of the room. "I'm home now," she added as she gave us all one last affectionate nuzzle.

By the way, do you like the artwork for this chapter? Cuz I drew it ;) - Fandom Trash

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