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Arriving in Detroit after a long bus trip brought Lorelei in desperate need of a comfortable rest, something she was not fortunate to have on the coach. It only made Lorelei appreciate the luxuries Bruce had for her a little more, something she had grown very accustomed to over the past few months. Though, admittedly, she still held a tad of a grudge to the older man. If he was not due a business trip in a short few hours, she could have flown over, comfortably and without back ache. But what could a girl do when her boss was an important figure?

After dropping her duffle bag and silver Wayne Tech case - a very particular case used to hauling around her suit - at her hotel, Lorelei opted for going for a little stroll around the City before heading for food, figuring it would be a good idea to scoop out the area and familiarise herself with her whereabouts.

There was no telling how long she would be here in Detroit and as much as she hated to admit it, she was nervous to meet Dick Grayson, which is the very reason why she was delaying her seeking out the former Robin until tomorrow and praying he had a shift at his workplace, Detroit City Police Department. A tip from Bruce and a quick Google search later told Lorelei he was a Detective. Even without his Robin suit, Dick still wanted to help those in need.

It eased her nerves, to know Dick still wanted to help people, but this case was very particular. It was a case resolving Batman, vigilantes, Gotham. A place he ran from, the place Lorelei ran to. But how long could you outrun your past? That was a pondering thought Lorelei desperately wished to have an answer to.

It was an unusual thing for Lorelei to walk ten minutes in Gotham without seeing something illegal after sundown. Whether it be drugs, a theft, violence, the list was endless. To go from constantly being aware of your surroundings in Gotham to a calmer Detroit was an unusual feeling. Though not completely safe - no place truly was - Lorelei could breathe in Detroit. She could understand why Dick chose this city. Far enough from the shenanigans and villains in Gotham but not entirely a bore-fest.

If Lorelei was sane, she would also have opted for such a city but now she found that homely feeling in Gotham, that feeling she hadn't felt in a long time since leaving her realm.

Walking past an alleyway, Lorelei heard a voice shouting. "Rachel!" The voice, a woman, shouted, as a girl came running into Lorelei, sending both girls to the ground. The young magical girl let out a groan as she landed in a puddle of water, cursing the rain that spilled a few hours prior.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lorelei asked the girl, taking a quick glance over her appearance before helping her up. It was not Lorelei's business and it certainly was not her problem, but the girl looked worried and considering her panicked state, Lorelei couldn't leave her without at least asking if she was okay.

A police car rolled into view, pulling the attention of both girls away from one another as the panicked girl, who Lorelei could now see had purple hair, laid eyes on a nearby brick. "Rachel, is it? I'm not gonna hurt you-" Lorelei began to say, slowly stepping closer to the street and away from the scared girl and her weapon.

The girl shook her head to Lorelei, throwing her brick into the street, causing it to collide with the police car. As the car immediately played its sirens, Lorelei edged further away from Rachel, in hopes to not be dragged into whatever mess she had up her sleeve.

It was one thing to roll into Dick Grayson's work tomorrow morning with a confession worthy of insanity but to be arrested with a stranger for throwing a brick at a police car? That's a level of stupidity Lorelei wanted no connections to as she cursed under her breath at her instinct to help the younger girl.

"Let's go, kid." The woman police officer said as she got out of the car, causing Rachel to comply with no questions asked. At least now Lorelei can be rest assured knowing she was safe under police custody and not with the woman she was running from. "You too, blondie." The officer shouted as Lorelei turned away from the cop and Rachel, who was now sitting in the car.

A sigh left Lorelei's lips as she turned back to the police officer, giving a small, apologetic smile before walking towards the police car. "I really have nothing to do with this, I swear." Lorelei said, pushing her non-existing luck to not get arrested.

The police officer let out a sarcastic 'mhm' before guiding Lorelei into the back of the car, taking her seat next to Rachel who moved to the side as the blonde haired girl was moved into the vehicle.

The car ride was slow, unbearably quiet and, to make things worse, Lorelei was starving and regretting taking her walk before getting food. If she had opted for food first and having a walk later then she would not be sitting in the back of a cop car with a potential arrest awaiting her. Who would she call? Bruce? That was a lecture Lorelei did not need when she had been in Detroit for no more than an hour.

She could hear it already. "You were left alone in a city for thirty-five minutes and were arrested. How can I trust you to fight crime, save a city?" Well, at least she was gaining a free ride to DCPD, right? Dick would get her out of this mess, if she explained. Security cameras, too, if they were working. It was either that or busting her way out and if she wanted the police department - specifically Dick - on her side, Lorelei had to comply, much like Rachel, even if the troubled girl got her in this situation. It was a minor setback, really. Just a teeny tiny one that Lorelei could get herself out of.

Roughly ten minutes after driving with little to no major traffic, you can thank the late time for that, and the still quietness, the group of three had arrived at DCPD, the home to all detectives, police officers and law abiding employees. It had taken Rachel and Lorelei no more than an extra ten minutes of arriving to be guided into an interview room.

It was nothing fancy, the interview room, if anything, it certainly could be upgraded. Plain boring walls with mirrors that were definitely two-ways for those that commit larger crimes. It was at that thought Lorelei got a chill up her spine, thinking about how many murderers may have sat at this table, facing the mirror in front of the two girls before admitting or lying about their crimes.

"I'm sorry they brought you here, too." A soft voice said from beside Lorelei, pulling her attention away from her reflection and thoughts of murder. She was met with an apologetic smile but Lorelei barely noticed that as she truly looked at the young girl, who was no more than fourteen or fifteen.

Her hair was more vibrant under the lights within the room, although still purple. It was mostly Rachel's blue eyes that caught her attention, although not for her colour, Lorelei could see the pain they carried. She may be troubled, or perhaps even desperate for police involvement in her life, but she was in pain. It was something Lorelei could mirror well, for having experienced her own fair share of pain.

Lorelei returned a smile to Rachel, a warm smile. "It's okay, I was coming here tomorrow, anyway." She admitted, keeping her voice soft and quiet, not wanting to cause any alarm to Rachel. "Are you okay?" Lorelei asked, repeating her question from before.

Rachel looked down, her smile dropping as she returned back to silence. Lorelei did not know what Rachel had gone through but every fibre in her body was screaming at her to just look. It would be easy. Almost natural, even, to enter her mind and whizz through her memories, finding out exactly what the young girl had gone through. Lorelei, instead, fought that urge, keeping her invasive powers to herself.

It was just part of who she was, a mage, one whose magic element took form in the mind elemental. Her elemental was nothing special, it was weak in comparison to those who yield fire or time, to name a few. But it was her elemental, one she found ways to exploit during combatant training with Bruce. A quick look in his mind brought her to swiftly dodge his attacks. Invasive, yes, but profoundly useful. She would make a great Detective for that reason, she supposed, but it was not a method that could be proven by lawful means - mind reading, literally, was not something courts would believe. Lorelei would not blame them.

But it was who she was; a mage. She grew up around magic, it was all she had ever known for fourteen years of her life. This realm had its supers and its heroes, yes, but it was not magical, not in the way she knew magic. 

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