Diamond in the Rough (Part Ten)

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Zedaph and Layla had gone their separate ways when they reached the floating capital. Her to the market, and him the council. Ever since he had returned to his home dimension, the council of Aether had wanted him to update them monthly on the condition of the stone. They hadn't taken it away from him yet, but after last meeting, it sounded as if they wanted it for "observation".

Zedaph flew among his kind, miraculously not bumping into anyone. Traffic was so thick in the central district, it was a wonder no one crashed.

"Morning Zed!" A paperboy called out. Checking his watch, Zedaph flew over to the young Elther. 

"How are you Zing?" An unspoken agreement passed between them and they landed on the less crowded ground.

"Have you seen the news?" Zing asked him eagerly holding out a holo-tablet. Big words stood out from the rest.

"Unrest in the Nether?" Zed frowned at the headline before handing it back.

"Yeah!" Zing nodded his head with rapid strokes. "Apparently some guy named Tango challenged the king. He turned into a phoenix, and you know how rare that is!" The kid was speaking so fast it was hard to keep up with him. At the name Tango, Zedaph felt himself grow dizzy. "Then he killed the king, which made him the king, but he left with some Overworlders and then left Fireren in charge of the kingdom. She is also a phoenix, can you believe the odds?"

Zedaph nodded faintly, but he wasn't really listening. "You said his name was Tango?" He interrupted.

"Yeah, that's what the article says," Zing frowned. "You okay, Zed?"

"I'm fine." Zedaph turned and flew away, heading for the market. The council could wait, Layla needed to know about this.


"Your old friend Tango did what now?" Disbelief and concern warred across Layla's face after Zedaph told her what he had learned. Distant shouts could be heard, but neither of them were paying too much attention.

"I wonder whats gotten into him," Zed trailed off. When the commotion got closer, he turned his head.

"Please, I need to see Zedaph!"

Layla glanced at her husband and nudged him forward. "Go."

One of the guards growled at the hidden speaker. "Zedaph isn't here. You aren't welcome here either."

Zedaph walked up the guard and tapped his shoulder. When the disgruntled Elther turned his head, Zed spoke. "Heard my name, can I be of any help?"

"No," The guard growled gruffly. Zedaph, slightly displeased, continued speaking. 

"You must be mistaken good sir. These are my friends, and I must help them."

"You're friends with three Netherites, one Endite and two humans?"

"Three... Netherites?" Zedaph faltered, hoping he wasn't letting criminals into the city under his name. "Let me see them."

The guard complied, and he motioned for the crowd to disperse. When the Elthers had flown out of the way, it revealed the scraggly group of intruders. Tango was standing up front, proudly holding his firey red phoenix wings in a tense position and his tail nearly touched the ground. Behind him, two men, one with a mustache, had dragon wings. Zedaph recognized Xisuma, but not the tall human beside him.

"Why did you bring Netherites?" Zedaph confronted Tango.

"Nice to see you too Zedaph." Tango wasn't known for answering questions when asked.

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