Results are Pending

436 8 22

I am now grading all submissions. All contestants will get a direct message involving their chapters. I will determine the winners by tomorrow night. 3/29. Have fun, and thank you for writing!


For all of you who participated in my competition, thank you so much! I really enjoyed reading your stories, and seeing the creative ways you implemented the prompt. I was impressed, and I am about to start the hard process of judging. Before I do that however, I wanted to make a quick announcement.

I have gotten four entries from the nine contestants. For this fact I am giving the remainder of you guys a little more time before I make any final judging. To keep it fair, if the people who have submitted their work in any way wish to edit their stories, tell me so that I can re-read it.

I have already started work on reviewing each story based off of the rubric, but all final decisions will be postponed until 3-28-20 5:30pm MST or 12:30am GMT.

People who entered but haven't submitted yet:

Just wanted to give you a little more time to make your entries, but the new date is final. Thank you all for putting work into this, and I look forward to seeing what you create!

Love you all!


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