Riddle Solver (Part 17)

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Bits of Endstone crunched beneath his feet as Simon shifted. Grian raised his eyebrows with question. "Either you're going to have to slip through time and create a double, which I do not recommend," Grian paused and glanced at Xequla, still not sure what to do with him. "Or you have to die to give up the stone."

Simon paused to let that reality sink in. His brother Luke would be able to help the Coders just fine. He just felt bad to leave him like that. "I know the costs. But before I go, what do you mean one more stone? I thought this was the last stone?"

Grian slowly nodded before a light flashed in his eyes. "I know how to find the seventh stone!"


"You do?" Everyone asked simultaneously.

"Yeah," Grian nodded his head rapidly. "How could I not see it before?"

Xisuma looked at the void thoughtfully. "Riddles, once cracked, always seem easier."

"Care to let us in?" Zedaph inquired.

Grian scrunched his eyelids together in thought. "The first part of the riddle was simple.

One of you has the stone, but to reveal itself is untold.

That meant that we had to figure out based off of the next parts who has the stone. Next part was harder, but I think I solved it.

You must find your mortal enemy and trust him three-fold.

We all have enemies, but who has a mortal enemy?" Everyone shook their heads, so Grian continued. "I had a mortal enemy, one from another dimension. Xequla could have just killed me and taken my place, but he didn't."

"Sometimes I thought about it," Xequla admitted. "But I understand that I don't belong here."

Once Xequla finished, Grian continued explaining the riddle. "To trust him three-fold. I had to trust him not to kill me, backstab me, or kidnap me. I had to make him a friend.

To break free the bondage, find the other self within the wreckage.

My other self was the Salmon Ghost. He died earlier, so I had to find him again, even though I didn't. When I went through time I changed, leaving myself behind. Then I realized that I needed that part of myself, the prankster, and I had to find him in the rubble.

Where worlds meet, the mortals keep, the stone of light away from blight.

Where worlds meet, that is our group. We are people from other worlds and dimensions. As for the mortals keep part, it meant that one of us had the stone in us."

Right as Grian finished up, white light started flashing through his chest. A breeze gusted through, ruffling everyone's feathers. A ball of light shot off of one of the rays and started circling Grian.

It took the form of a tiny human, clothed in white. She had no wings to hold her aloft, but simply hovered as she was revealed.

"Who are you?" Grian asked nervously.

"I am Aura, the Light Pixe." She curtsied deeply. "You have set me free from the stone, so that I may aid you in the fight.

"Do all of the stones have Pixes?" TFC asked, glancing at his own cracked one.

"They do," Aura replied. "Pull you stones out."

Everyone one complied, and once they were all out, Aura shot a blast of white light at Mumbo's Overworld Stone. A green ball of light shot out and formed another female pixe, this one clothed in a flowing green dress.

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