Caustic Beach

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It was a nice sunny day, the waves cresting gently over the fine white sand. Not a single cloud obscured what had to be one of the most perfect days that the hermits had seen. BDubs was building a sandcastle with his two daughters while his wife was sitting on a chair, talking amiably with Tango's spouse. TFC's grandchildren were playing tag in the waves with Joe's kids.

Stress watched her daughters searching for shells with Iskall by her side. Jevin was staying away from the water, and so were his seventeen slime children. Zedaph and Tango were chatting on a park bench, while Grian, his wife, and Mumbo splashed each other in the waves.

False and Cleo were surfing farther out, doing tricks and jumps trying to out do the other. Impulse flew high in the sky, gliding over the turquoise water. Xisuma trailed after him, slowly but surely. Doc, Scar, Cub, and Ren sat in a circle and discussed the future of this beach, all the while enjoying the scenery.

Soon enough, the sun hitting its peak in the sky, everyone gathered in a loose circle around a cooler. Lunch was a barbecue prepared by none other than Impulse and TFC.

The kids couldn't be kept still for long, so soon Scar was swimming with them in the waves, making sure that they were all safe.

"Scar has always been good with kids," Cub commented, watching the athletic swimmer chase playfully after the young ones.

"Inevitably, he will get some of his own one day," Joe replied, glancing at his own wife.

"It's nice to take a break, huh?" Grian took a sip from his water and couldn't help but tilt his head up at the brilliant blue sky.

"Sure is," Mumbo closed his eyes, glad to have a break from his strenuous redstone projects.

Iskall heaved a sigh and twiddled his fingers. Stress saw it and bumped his arm teasingly.

"Missing all your redstone builds?"

"A little," Iskall admitted making all the other redstoners sigh. Doc chomped down rather loudly on a chicken leg. The sound made Grian think of how Poultry Man would be horrified to see such a sight.

"Daddy!" The older of BDub's daughters shouted from the waves. "Come play with us!"

BDubs shook his head and grinned, leaping up from his chair like a fledgling bird out of its nest.

"Want to play Water Ball?" Grian asked Mumbo, Iskall and Stress.

"What is Water Ball?" Mumbo wondered aloud before getting pulled up by Iskall.

"You'll find out soon enough Mumby!"

Everyone watched with peaked interest as three hermits tried to teach Mumbo how to play Water Ball. To say it was unsuccessful was an understatement to say the least.

Xisuma took to the air again to get a better view, while False and Cleo started to teach Cub how to surf.

Scar was the one who noticed the under toe first, and went to warn everyone. He quickly scooped up the kids before the vicious current swept them away. BDubs noticed what Scar was doing and quickly grabbed the hands of his daughters.

From Xisuma's vantage point, he saw the Water Ball group slowly floating towards the current, unaware of its dangers.

"Guys! Look out!" He hollered, making sure that False, Cleo, and Cub heard him as well.

Iskall heard Xisuma's shout right as he felt the tug of the water beneath him. Mumbo and Grian made a bee line for shore, having been outside its grasp.

"Iskall, help!" Stress bobbed for a second before she went under in a flurry of bubbles.

"Stress!" Iskall tried to go after her but Xisuma held him back.

"I'll go," X nodded before plunging under the frothing surface. His wings could help him whereas Iskall did not have anything.

Iskall waited a few seconds before he realized that no one was coming up to the surface. What was he going to do?


Stress felt herself sinking lower and lower even though she was fighting with all her might. Precious bubbles escaped from her mouth as the sunlit surface got farther and farther away.

A shadow flitted above the surface before diving down. It was Xisuma who was swimming hard to get to Stress. The world was growing dimmer as Stress's lungs screamed for air.

Right as Xisuma wrapped his arm around Stress's middle, another current pushed them towards the shore. Their heads broke the surface, both of them gasping at the air.

"X!" Stress bubbled out. "Iskall needs help!" She was safe for the time being, able to reach shore, but Iskall was still stuck with the undertoe.

He hadn't noticed that Stress and Xisuma were safe, and had just taken a deep breath and dove under the surface.

Stress could only hope that Xisuma had enough energy to carry another person to safety.

False and Mumbo helped Stress to climb onto the solid ground of the beach and she lay there panting. Joe checked her pulse and listened to her breathing, nodding when he was satisfied.

After it was affirmed that Stress was okay, everyone stared at the waves with apprehension. Once charming, the waters gave a feel of ominous misery as they continued their path.

Stress had just buried her head in her knees, certain that her friends were dead, when she heard a cry of relief from Tango.

"They made it!"

Almost collapsing with joy, Stress looked at the ocean again to see two heads slowly making their way to the relative safety of the land.

"Never do that again," Stress buried her head into Iskall's shoulder, pausing a moment to let it sink in that he was alive.

After that moment was up, Stress gave Xisuma a big hug, releasing him awkwardly. "Thank you for saving my life and Iskall's. I don't know what I'd do without him."

Xisuma grinned and wrung out the blue T-Shirt he was wearing. "Always here to help."


Hello again! Another One Shot while I finalize the next parts of Hidden Powers. Thank you Wuluf for the idea that I changed slightly. Didn't feel like making a shipping chapter this time around, but I might next time. We'll see how it goes. 

Get lots of sleep, cause I certainly haven't!

Love you all!


P.S. I made a new book! You can check it out if you want to.


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