Unwanted Visitor (Part Fifteen)

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The Master Coder couldn't help himself, he was panicked. His brother came into the room and tried to help his racing heart.

"Simon, it will be alright."

"Alright brother?" Simon turned his head. "The darkness has claimed twelve more worlds today and I can't stop it without the other stones!"

"I'm sure Wels will be here soon," Simon's brother tried to appease him. "And he will have the bearers of the stones with him."

"Wels has never failed me," Simon shook his head. "Are you sure he will be alright Luke?"

Luke smiled weakly, only his eyes showing that he was losing faith. "You trained him yourself."

"He said that his friends had the stones." Simon said to himself. "I'm heading to their planet."

"Brother," Luke tried to stop him, but it was too late. Simon's mind was made up.

"We don't have much time left. Only twelve of the main planets are left, and Earth is one of them."

"Oh." Luke let his brother fade as he teleported, knowing stopping him was futile. Earth was their home, and they would do anything to protect it.


"What's going on?" Mumbo stammered as he was pulled out of the room by Grian. Behind him, Tango was helped by Zedaph and they all scampered out of the room.

TFC hollered back to Mumbo as they darted through the crumbling hallway. "I think we are getting an unwanted visitor."

Everyone reached the main room in one piece and TFC grabbed one of the topaz gems. A shaft opened to the side of the room as bits of End Dust floated down.

"Where was that when we needed to get down here?" Tango groused, slightly put off that he needed to go unconscious to get into the bunker when there was an exit.

"It's for emergencies only." TFC replied as a ladder popped out of the wall.

"I'd say being chased by the evilest of evil darknesses, is an emergency."

Mumbo would have laughed if another boom hadn't shaken the ceiling above them. Everyone rushed up the ladder without prompting, even Tango.

When they reached the surface, the group found, not one, not two, but three spectators controlled by the darkness. The spectators were unknown, so Grian had no problem zapping them with his end magic.

"Grian!" Mumbo gasped as the spectators vaporized.

"What?" He shrugged and dusted off his hands. "They were going to kill us."

Xisuma looked on at Grian with fear and admiration. "Definitely don't get on your bad side."

TFC hunkered over the stone he had in his hands. "We need to fix this before we leave."


Scar held the piece of lapis carefully over diamond boots. With great care, he slowly lowered the mineral onto the precious metal. When the blue lapis contacted the diamond, it melted slowly, spreading glowing lines across the surface.

When the lapis had fully melted, Scar took his Vex magic and pulsed it into the boots. They took the charge and glowed on and off before becoming dim. They morphed into normal shoes which he put on promptly. One could not be too careful.

"Scar you in there?" Cub's voice came through the oaken door.

"Yeah," He replied back, putting the tools away. "Just enchanting."

Cub came into the room wearing a knapsack. "We need to leave."

Cub was right. Everyone else had abandoned the world to get to a safer place, leaving Cub and Scar alone on the world. The darkness was getting closer and closer, and no one wanted to risk it.

Scar didn't know what happened to him, but he had changed. His body had grown more agile, and his legs obeyed him more. The scars on his arms grew less prominent, but his hair was greying.

"You're getting stressed, aren't you?" Cub noticed Scar's straying gaze.

"Either that, or I'm getting old." Scar got up and grabbed a bag of his own. "Go ahead, I need to grab a few things."

Cub knew better than to protest, so he left using one of the interdimensional stones. He was heading for the Aether, Scar for the End.

Scar heaved a sigh and prepared to teleport when he was stopped by a portal opening up in front of him.

An older gentleman stepped through the swirling vortex making Scar jump a few feet.

"Are you Xisuma?" The man asked Scar, looking thoughtfully around.

"I am Scar, but I know Xisuma." Scar pulled his knapsack closer to his chest. "Who are you?"

"My name is Simon." The Master Coder replied. "I need to get to Xisuma."


I know its a little short, but I'm writing some longer finalizing chapters. I have some Oneshots I will write on a weekly basis. Most people are doing season seven, but I'm not going to do it quite like that. I will mention the season in the top, but I'm going to float between seasons. Some of the oneshots take place outside of the seasons!

I am putting a lot of thought into another story, its a mystery story about the hermits! I'm trying out another style of writing and this style will require way more planning than other stories. 

Love you all!


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