Hermits @ Disney

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Little bit of backstory here before we get into the final chapter of this oneshot book. I know, it's sad, but I need all of my focus on my new stories. Anyway, as the name implies, the hermits will be at Disneyland in this chapter. Disney in California. I have been to Disney more times than it's healthy, but I don't really know all the names. I apologize ahead of time, but what are we waiting for! Lets see what craziness happens here!


"What do you mean you've never been to Disney before!" Scar exclaimed, looking in shock at Xisuma. All the hermits managed to fit onto the shuttle headed for the happiest place on Earth, getting some strange looks from passerbys. While they did look like they came from a movie, the hermits who had crazier outfits dressed more normally. Xisuma had traded his suit for a t-shirt and jeans, and Doc did his best to look normal in a sombrero. Grian had tried to convince Mumbo to wear anything other than a suit yesterday, and eventually the mustached man caved, although he was still fancier than the others.

"Well, I do have to fly across an ocean and the entirety of the United States." Xisuma replied, gazing at the city of San Francisco. "It's practically on the other side of the world."

"I have to travel far, but I come every year!" Etho chimed in from another row, his silver and white hair spiking up high in the front.

"I tell you, we are going to get some strange looks from security." Grian looked the most normal out of all of them. He was human, and he was dressed casually, almost blending in with everyday people. However, he stuck out in the group of mixed people and aliens.

"They can look all they want. It won't be the first time humans have seen aliens, and it won't be the last." Doc was barely visible, but his shiny robotic arm stuck out from his baggy shirt.

"Yeah, but we don't exactly look like a specific race of aliens." Ren tilted his brown wolf ears nervously in the direction they came from.

"Oh relax boys!" Stress beamed at all of them, trying to cheer everyone up. "It's the happiest place on Earth, and you're going to have fun. Even you Doc." She poked his non-robotic arm when he grunted.

"Key word there is Earth. My planet could probably do better."

"Hey, give the human race some slack, Doc!" Iskall laughed hard. "They didn't have modern day technology to aid them when this was first built." He pointed at his robotic eye, which had the ability to see the whole spectrum of light upon command.

"We make quite the group, don't we?" Mumbo glanced at the twenty-four of them situated in the back of the bus. The people in the front of the shuttle were giving them strange looks from time to time.

"Yes, but if they knew who we were, they might be a little more lenient on us." Tango had curled his legs underneath himself, and tucked his body in a corner, tinkering with some sort of gadget. He stared at intently, adjusting things microscopically. He flicked through different magnifications on his spectacles, before he was nudged by Impulse.

"While that might be the case Tango, I doubt they'll let you in with that." Impulse handed him a shulker, in which Tango deposited everything in with a sigh. Everyone packed any suspicious items into the provided shulker, Xisuma taking it and putting it in his ender chest. Xisuma put it in his because he was the most organized out of all of them.

"Welcome to Disneyland, the happiest place on Earth! If you will please exit on your right, enjoy your time in Disneyland!" The bus driver called out, giving the hermits an odd look. The doors opened, letting them walk up to the guard station, the Magic Kingdom to their right and California Adventure land to their left.

Xisuma handed the tiny ender chest to Cleo, who tucked it away in her bag. She had turned human for the occasion, not wanting to scare anyone as her undead self. The reason why they had put their stuff in an ender chest was because no one else would be able to access their stuff, making it completely safe from theft.

An older woman greeted them at the station, sorting through all the bags presented to her. She struck up conversation when Xisuma passed her his backpack. "It's not often we see groups from other worlds."

"No, ma'am," Xisuma smiled as he took the bag back and walked through the metal detector. "We are very close friends."

"Ummm, Xisuma?" Doc looked slightly nervous. "I'm half metal. It's going to set that thing off."

The woman took one look at Doc before she summoned over a male guard. "Yeah, that might be a problem," She said, continuing to take the bags. "Kyle will help you."

Apparently Kyle had to do what they did at the airports, and search the robotic circuits. Doc heaved a sigh and looked at Xisuma with a look he could only describe as a look a cat would give you when its pride was ruined. 

"You sure make quite the group," The lady finished Ren's bag, he was the last one. "Have a nice day at Disney!"

Once they had made it out of earshot of the security, Doc grumbled about the scanning. "Never again." He muttered as they looked around the massive courtyard that made up the section in-between the two parks. Unsurprisingly, Grian was already dragging Mumbo and Iskall to the ticket booth, eager to get into the park once again. They only had so much time after all. Grian was the only non-American who had been to Disney world.

"Do they know we are famous Youtuber's and architects?" Cub asked as people milled around them, heading for one of the two gates. Simply shrugging, Scar started walking after Grian, everyone following suit.

That question was answered when a teenage girl and what looked to be her boyfriend came running up. "Are you from Hermitcraft?" She asked excitedly.

Everyone nodded, all looking at the irony of Cub's statement.

"Can I get a picture with all of you?" Her eyes were bright with the surprise of seeing all the hermits in one place at once.

"Yeah, just let me get Charles, Oli, and Victor." Xisuma slipped, accidentally using their real names, instead of the names they had created for their in game personas. Thankfully, the Sahara team had released their names onto the internet, making the problem non-existent. If one had said Xisuma's name in front of a fan, it wouldn't be long before the whole of the internet knew.

"Who?" The teenage boy tilted his head as Scar took the task of hollering the hermit's names.

"Grian! Iskall! Mumbo!" 

That answered that question. Upon hearing their names, the bros turned their heads and walked over.

"What's up?" Grian tilted his head, understanding when he saw the two teenagers. "Ahhh, Magic Kingdom will have to wait a little, won't it?"


Well, maybe it wasn't necessarily them doing the rides at Disney per-say. This is my last chapter in this book, I'm not really cut out for oneshots. It was a half successful idea, I started writing a story in the middle of this, but at least I can say I tried! I don't think I'll change anything in this, that way I can see how I used to write.

If you're craving more Hermitcraft FanFiction, you can always check out my Shapeshifters story. The fact that it has gotten so much support in its infancy tells me you guys like it. It's still in work, I'm taking longer to make sure it is completely consistent. 

Anyway, I'm sad to end this book, but happy to continue this book. I promise to always finish a book, or at least say if I'm not going to finish it. I believe in finished work, so if a book really isn't going to make it, I'll pull it. Needless to say, I haven't done it yet, only removed and remodeled unpopular books.

Love you all!


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