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This takes place in season seven, after the Nether Update. Since that is in the future, just imagine what might have happened since then.

"How much gold do we need?" Grian complained to Iskall as he heaved a heavy stack around. Iskall was deeper in the cave system, the tings of the pick hitting stone and metal ringing in his ears.

"Do you want to get a Netherite hoe and some crying obsidian?" Iskall came around the corner, his tan face streaked with dirt.

"I just wanted to build a house in the Nether, then you dragged me here so we can barter with... what were they called?" Grian heaved a big sigh as he opened the bag for Iskall to pour the ore into it.

"They are called Piglins, Grian." Iskall grabbed a shulker from his inventory, the backpack expanding when put on the ground. The sack fit easily in, and once Iskall picked it up again, it weighed no more than an ounce.

"Why can't we take some from Sahara's villagers?" Grian pulled his elytra out and replaced his chestplate with it.

"Because last time you accidentally hit one and I had to re-zombify it with Cleo's help. Then she wanted payment, and the trades locked out. So no. Mining is the only thing you can't mess up." Iskall made to leave, but Grian was already lower in the cave.

"I think I see some diamonds!" Grian called back.

"Grian wait!" Iskall held a hand up as he saw a creeper spawn in an unlit area. It quickly ran towards the unsuspecting builder.

This hiss and boom quickly followed the disappearance of the mottled green menace. When Grian rounded the corner, Iskall fell over, clutching his heaving stomach. Chokes of laughter bubbled out of his mouth as he was rendered helpless.

"Owww......" Grian rubbed his blackened face, frowning at his doubled over friend. His entire body had a black soot blast radius across it. The only reason he had survived the explosion was his shimmering diamond armor.

After Iskall had gained his composure, he pushed off of the floor and headed to the surface. "Did you bring your gold armor?"

"Of course I did!" Trying to rub the soot off of his face, Grian only succeeded in smudging it. "So I get to look like Winnie the Pooh before I die to a creeper."

"Creepers don't spawn in the Nether."

"Whatever!" Grian threw his arms open wide before flying out to the tops of the trees, Iskall following suit. "Blown up by a Ghast then!"

Iskall had to admit that was more likely since the soul sand valley had more Ghasts than one could count. It was their first time visiting the new, albeit more deadly, Nether. Grian wanted the building supplies for unique builds, and Iskall wanted to work with the mobs.

After Mumbo tried to explore the Nether and died quite a few times, Xisuma took a look at the new biome. To save anyone else from further deaths, he wrote an extensive essay that only Iskall bothered to read. He relayed the information to Grian and Scar, although Scar would probably still die. 

Scar's clumsy tendencies managed to kill him frequently, though his neighbor, Grian, sure didn't help. Even Grian could be clumsy sometimes, as he overshot on his next firework and crashed into a thicket.

"It just isn't your day," Iskall lent Grian a helping hand.

Brushing off his arm, Grian accepted the hand. "Tell me about it."

The Nether portal they had built was just around the corner, surrounded by a quaint village. Iskall silently put his armor on, and stowed away his valuable pieces in his Ender Chest.

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