Don't Text and Drive Skit

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So this isn't a Hermitcraft Oneshot. You might have noticed that by the title. Don't worry, this is actually quite funny, :). This actually did happen in real life, where my friends and I put together a completely impromptu, unscripted, freestyle skit on Don't Text and Drive. The result was hilarious, and thankfully my mom caught the footage so I can die of laughter once again.

(This was quite a few years ago)

Alright, let me set the stage for you. I'm not showing the video for privacy reasons, but I can explain it the best as I can.

We had set two chairs facing the audience right next to each other. These seats represented the front seats of the car. As we were lacking other chairs, the two people sitting in the back ended up squatting.

Also for privacy reasons I will not be disclosing any of the real names.

So we had the driver, me. We'll call me, umm, me. It's going to be written in first person for comedic effect even though the audience saw it in third.

We had my best friend playing the passenger. (Her role was to text me to distract me.) We'll call her Mia. (My best friend is also an amazing impromptu actor, she acts irl, so this was perfect for what we were trying to pull off.)

Then we had the announcer who ended up getting in the backseat and causing accidental comedy. His name will be Chris. (He is accidentally clumsy sometimes, although Mia and I own the title of clumsy in our friend group.)

Finally we had Baby Aiden. This was actually a prop we had put together using jumbo marshmallows and toothpicks. He was of course held up by another of my friends, who also took the chance for some comedy. Baby Aiden looked a little like this:

(Yes, this is from the actual footage of the event

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(Yes, this is from the actual footage of the event.)

Alright, now I can finally get to the fun part!


I put my hands on the imaginary steering wheel, preparing to hit the gas once Chris got done announcing the people in the car. This skit, although improvised on the spot would be fun to say the least. I had a plan formulated in my mind, although we had kind of left it open. I had no nervous butterflies, I love acting.

"So our driver for today is going to be Charolette." Chris starts announcing, standing off to the side of our invisible car. I give a little wave as Mia sassily brushes her hair. She was currently wearing sunglasses, making her expression harder to read, but not impossible. I could tell she was excited, she was in her element right now. We knew she could come up with anything on the spot, hence why she was in the front seat with me.

"We have Mia, me," Chris continued. I wished Mia could get a better introduction, but she was likely to endear herself to the audience through her amazing acting skills.

"Finally we have Baby Aiden." Chris pointed at the marshmallow baby which promptly gets waved around. After that intro, he gets into the car, accidentally knocking the blinds closed behind him.

I slam on the gas, determined to get all my passengers to safety. However the beautiful scenery distracts me. "Look at that wonderful mountain!" I remark, Mia not even paying attention. She was currently texting beside me. Since I was so taken by the mountain, I failed to notice the dog darting across the road.

Quickly taking action, I swerve the car left, then right, thankfully avoiding hitting the dog. I sigh in relief as Mia gives me a look, gripping tightly onto the sides of the car. I happen to glance down and see Baby Aiden on the floor! (Apparently my friend had taken the opportunity to toss the marshmallow baby to the front without me noticing.)

"My baby!" I cry, scooping him up into my hands. He was too small to even fit in my arms. At this point I was grinning uncontrollably as I wasn't the best at keeping my smile at bay. Mia had way more experience in the acting field, thus able to keep a mostly straight face in all of the chaos. "Someone save my baby!" I say to no one in particular. I wasn't expecting the marshmallow baby get tossed up front.

Mia takes the baby from my arms and I continue to drive. At this point in time I feel my phone buzz in my lap. I take my hands off the steering wheel to check it, and briefly notice Mia doing CPR on the marshmallow.

My car spins out of control and we crash into a light pole, me flying out of the windshield. All I see while falling to the floor is Mia tucking the baby under her arm and taking the wheel...


I can't tell you how much I laughed when I saw that video again. I'm actually crying happy tears right now. Anyway, just a quick reminder that this was all a skit, we stayed in the same place and there wasn't actually a car. Just for writing purposes I had to change descriptions. Hope you enjoyed! I also released another chapter in my interactive book, go check it out!

Love you all!


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