Q & A

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Welcome to a Q & A! This is similar to fun facts!

Q: Is Charolette Buurn your real name?
A: No, but if it was, would you know any better? I found it off of a fantasy name generator, and selected the surname and the first name separately. 

Q: Do you have a tag line?
A: Yes, "Find your inner adventurer." 

Q: Are you doing a sequel to your first story, Demise?
A: Yes, I'm working on the plot while I finish my Shapeshifters book.

Q: Will you ever do a face reveal?
A: It depends.... I have done one under a different name. (Hint, it's a cooking show.) If you manage to find it, kudos to you.

Q: How do you get your covers?
A: I make them! I use Pixelator to create them in high quality and design. The next one I make I'll try to do a time-lapse or a stream. If you want a cover, check out my design studio! BedazzledBlue

Q: How do you come up with such good ideas?
A: This isn't a simple answer, and I wanted to make a video on this. Basically lots of years of honing in the ideas and finally getting the inspiration to write them.

Q: How do I draw?
A: Again with the not so simple question! Look at diagrams and completed drawings. Better yet, pause a Disney animation from before 1995. Those are all hand drawn. Base it off of that! If you want a place to start, here is a Pinterest page loaded with tips: pinterest.dk/CharoletteBuurn/boards (Shameless plugin lol)

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: It would have to be between a bee and a dolphin.

Q: Do you listen to music as you write, if so, what?
A: The music I listen to varies, I prefer ad free music. I will listen to the Spotify playlist: All-Nighter or this movie soundtrack compilation.

Q: Do you write on Wattpad, or somewhere else then copy it over?
A: I usually write on Word then paste it into the form.

Q: Any tips on getting my writing seen?
A: Ummm, what's up with all the hard to answer questions? Who put this thing together? Well... Don't set a bad reputation for yourself, begging for follows and reads tends to not go to well. Write good content that is spelled correctly and grammatically correct, and only time will tell.

Q: When did you hear about Wattpad?
A: Seven months ago.

Q: When did you join Wattpad?
A: Seven months ago... :D

Q: Why did you join Wattpad?
A: (Hey can this be the last Wattpad related question? You're killing me over here!) I orginally joined Wattpad to support a friend, then I realized I could write. People liked the first story, so I kept writing and improving. (The first story was horrible and so short. I wrote it on Mobile, so what did I expect? No, it wasn't Demise.)

Q: How many stories have you completed?
A: Three

Q: How many potential stories do you have?
A: More than fifteen. Ideas constantly come to me.

Q: Can you give us any hints to a new book?
A: Yes, the new Demise book as well as a Time Series.

Q: What genre do you write in?
A: Technically Fantasy.

Q: If I see a detail in a story that goes unanswered, have you forgotten about it?
A: No, everything is in there for a reason. The answer will likely come later.

Q: How often do you upload?
A: I try to at least once a week, but it varies based off of how motivated I am.

Q: What is your Discord Server for?
A: Chatting, fun, and more. I will post behind the scenes, deleted parts and so on into there. If you want to join, click the link in my description.

Q: How did you get your logo?
A: The original sketch of it was by an unknown author who later deleted their post.  Wolves did the basic coloring for it, and I added skin color and a little shading.

Q: Why do you not include more references to recent Hermitcraft events such as 'Pesky Bird?'
A: They tend to be overused and stale. It's also very unoriginal, so I create my own funny things.

And that's it for now folks! (Yes I love Bugs Bunny. No, I'm not that old.)

Love you all!

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