Tagged Yet Again!

189 7 21

How does this keep happening? Funny thing is, with all these fun facts chapters, a lot of these tags are moot points. Alrighty then!
1) What is your nickname?
I go by Char. (Pronounced Shar)

2) What is your eye color?
Short answer: Grey Long answer: Sterling Silver. (I have a little blue and green in my eyes.)

3) What is your eye color?

4) What is one fact about you?
I'm a very talkative introvert.

5) Favorite color?

6) Favorite place?
Local coffee shop

7) Favorite celebrity?
Chris Evans.... :)

8) Favorite Song?
Amazing Grace. (It was the song that my dad sang when my Grandpa passed away when I was young. It holds a place in my heart and every time I hear it, I cry) (Probably shouldn't have shared that, but now I've shared it!)

9) Favorite animal?
Dolphin or kite

10) Favorite book?
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Tag twenty people? Umm nope. If your username has a prime amount of numbers, then you are tagged :).

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