Balance Between Worlds

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I entered the familiar white blankness of the writers world. Visiting writers worlds brought me so much joy. I would visit others worlds, where people roamed and talked, and I would visit mine, full of color and uniqueness. As heart-wrenching as it was, I had to leave my previous world and all of its people. That story was over, and this one was just beginning.

I sat down at the wooden desk in the center of the blankness and a pen and paper materialized in my hands. Try as I might, no ideas were coming to me. The world remained blank and devoid of life.

Tapping my pen on my lips, I had a spark of inspiration. I would bring one of my characters into this world. Surely he could help.

So I put the tip of the pen to the paper and let the ink flow into words. Soon, a handsome man with honey blond hair and jade green eyes was looking at me with curiosity. His red sweater was untucked and his gray jeans complimented his black converse.

"Starting a new world, Charolette?"

I simply smiled and wrote a little more, making the white blankness take the shape of a room.

"I needed ideas, Grian, and I figured that you would be a good place to start."

He laughed, a hearty laugh, and proceeded to lean over my writing. "How about you bring our favorite spoon into the mix?"

"Ooh!" I scribbled rapidly, agreeing with bringing Mumbo into this world. With his technical knowledge, and Grian's creativeness, this world would be built up quickly.

"Where am I?" Mumbo was on the floor rubbing his head. His suit was spotless, I hadn't gotten that wrong, but I seem to have negleted something.

"Umm, Charolette?" Grian helped his best friend up. "You may want to give him his tradmark mustache."

"Oh no!" I quickly erased part of my sentence and started again. With a pop, Mumbo's mustache was restored to his tall body and he rubbed it gratefully. Once everything was restored to its proper form, I got up and clapped my hands. "Okay! I brought you here so I could design a new world, and I need your help. Any thoughts?"

"Turmoil." Grian replied way too quickly. "What?" He lifted up his hands and shrugged his shoulders when Mumbo gave him a sideways look. "It makes a story. No one wants to read about a perfect world."

Mumbo turned his gaze back to me and gave me the helpful answer I was looking for. "How about you keep it simple? A group of friends meets trouble and has to overcome it. And keep the amount of people low. It's hard to keep up with all these people."

I nodded my head and wrote a little more. The setting changed, and we were in a small shop in what looked like a medieval village. People bustled by, going in their various errands. "Alright Chef Grian and Storekeeper Mumbo!"

Grian and Mumbo both jumped as their outfits changed to their respective roles. Because of the time setting, Grian merely had an apron, instead of the chefs hat.

"I didn't mean that simple." Mumbo muttered as I shooed him off to his post.

"What?" I teased, "Missing your redstone?"

I got no reply from him, but I didn't need to. I knew his thoughts, but not in a creepy way. Part of being a writer was knowing everyone. It wasn't an easy task, and that was why I had hired Mumbo and Grian. For once, I decided to be apart of my story, instead of controlling it. I would keep my pen handy, in case something really went wrong.

On cue, thunder rumbled in the distance. Trouble was coming, I could feel it.

"Like any good story, huh?"

I spun around, gasping and trying to catch my breath. Sugar, a fellow writer had visited me without me realizing.

"Is the story open to Readers yet? There is nothing going on!" I grabbed my pen and prepared to create a hasty plot. Admittedly, no quickly written plot of mine ever turned out well.

"Charolette," Sugar put one of her dainty hands on mine, keeping me from writing. "I snuck in because when you entered, you looked idea less.

I pushed my glasses up my nose and took a deep sigh of relief. My best friend studied me with her deep brown eyes. "Why don't you start with yourself?"

She was right. I had entered this world in sweatpants and a sweater, and it wouldn't do for me to present myself like that. These were my comfort clothes, not my outing clothes. Trusty pen at my side, I drew up my normal dress, when I was in human form. My blue tipped hair braided itself and tied a neat bow with some pearl ribbon.

"You remove a lot of the blue when you are human, don't you?" Sugar glanced down at the stylish overalls she was wearing on top of a maroon shirt. Her short curly hair was tucked back on both sides by a hairpin.

"If I want to be a mermaid, I'll adorn myself with fitting attire. Plus, in my human form, I have more freedom with outfits."

"One day I'll get you into hip clothes." She smiled playfully and her gaze traveled over to where Mumbo was rearranging items on the shelves. "Hey, isn't that Mumbo?"

Mumbo turned his head at his name, but I simply shook my head, indicating he was free to go back to work.

"Yeah, he's Mumbo."

"Why isn't he doing redstone?" Sugar raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Story doesn't want him to. Plus, do you see any redstone in this world?"

"Guess not...." Sugar frowned at me but chose not to say anything.

"I'm going to bring another person in, any preferences?"

My best friend smiled and pulled out a sheet of paper. "Hmmm, I think Scar sounds good."

I nodded as I wrote it down. My story had characters, but did it have plot?

My question was answered when Grian wandered out of the kitchen, covered in flour. Was friendship a good enough plot line? Or was it just a start?

However much I wanted to take control, I resisted. I would let things happen the way they were supposed to, not the way I wanted them to.

"You did the right thing." Scar nodded from where he had appeared and busied himself with helping Grian, who apparently couldn't cook.

"Yes, yes I did." I smiled and let myself slip into spectator mode. Sugar beside me, did the same and we watched the world come to life.


This is a bit if a fluff chapter while I work on my next chapter. It's just another one shot and I hope you enjoyed it!

Love you all!


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