Void Magic (Part Twelve)

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"Will that affect our mission?" Xisuma asked from where he was leaning against a tree.

"Normally, I would say no." Tango sighed as he plucked a loose feather from his wings. "But since we are going to the end dimension, we are going to need to be able to fly."

"Mission to the Overworld?" Grian asked.

"We will all need elytra," Xisuma replied, glancing over at his shoulder. "Looks like Zedaph has arrived."


Mumbo was fighting the pain. It enveloped his body, causing him to wince on occasion. It wasn't pain like a broken bone or a cut. It was a searing pain in nerves he didn't even know existed. The pain was relentless, and it was only getting stronger.

Mumbo hadn't told Tango about the pain, only the tingling that preceded it. The pain wasn't the least of his troubles, as he went through the portal, he found himself in Xisuma's base. If he couldn't use his wings, he couldn't fly. That also entailed not being able to put on the artificial elytra.

While his body was consumed by pain, his mind was free to think. It thought about the mission and how violent Xequla was getting. Mumbo wasn't losing Grian again, that was for sure. The loss of Cassius, Wels, and the others was weighing on his heart. Once they found the Master Coder, he could bring them back to life, but that would be tricky without Wels.

Grian seemed to notice Mumbo's pain and questioned him about it after they stepped through the portal.

"Mumbo you okay there?" Grian's own dragon wings were looser than Mumbo's tightly tucked ones.

"I'm fine." Mumbo kept it quick and short and partly said it through gritted teeth. Iskall gave him a worried look as Xisuma detached his helmet from his belt and put it on his head once more.

Once Zedaph stepped through the portal, Xisuma walked quickly to his storage.

"How long did it take you to build this?" Zedaph asked with wide eyes.

"Weeks," came the muffled reply from the storage. "Oh! Here you are!" Triumph gleamed in Xisuma's eyes as he pulled out a gray shulker box.

"Guys," Grian started making everyone turn and look at him. "My wings are tingling."


There really couldn't be a worse time for Mumbo's and Grian's transformations to wear off. Mumbo's pain was increasing by the second and had reached a point where he could barely move his body. Grian's wings had only started tingling, but Mumbo knew the pain was yet to follow.

"We have to wait." Tango ordered, carrying Mumbo to a bed since he could barely stand. "Mumbo is in no state to go anywhere and he is key to the mission."

Grian flexed his fingers and looked down at the ground when Tango said that. He knew he wasn't key to the mission, just a helper. After a bump from Iskall, Grian walked over to where Mumbo was laying down. Tiny beads of perspiration appeared on Mumbo's forehead.

"Is Scar still here?" Grian asked Xisuma who tilted his head in confusion.

"Presumably. Unless the poison has spread to him as well."

"Can you call him?"

Xisuma didn't seem to quite understand why but he nodded and pressed a button on his glove. Soon amplified ringing echoed in the large green room.

"Hello?" Came Scar's slightly garbled voice.

"Hello Scar," Grian replied.

"Grian?!?" The call fuzzed even more but quickly came back. "But you're dead!"

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