Writing Competition

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Welcome to competing in quarantine! Who else is stuck inside, bored with nothing to do? Well, I can't say I'm bored, I get to spend even more time writing, as I'm on spring break. (My college classes resume online.)

So for all you readers and writers, I have a little challenge for you guys to undertake! (Sign up at the bottom where indicated, that way I can keep track of everyone.)

This competition starts now, and the deadline is 3-27-20 5:00pm GMT. This allows five days for you to write your short stories.

Prompt: Black Hole

Rubric: (This is the requirements and a basis for points.)

-Must contain at least one reference to the prompt.

-Must have at least 1000 words and no more than 2500 words. (I don't have infinite time on my hands!)

-Must be complete in one chapter, hence the name one shot.

-No copying others work, or your own previous work. If it is published online, that counts to copying your own work.

-Must be appropriate for most ages, 8+. EX: No swear words, no mature content.

-Must be Hermitcraft related, OC's are allowed


Grading: (You are graded on creativity.)

You will be graded on a few things:

-Descriptive quality (Can I envision the setting and the characters with just your words?)

-Use of adverbs, adjectives, etc...

-Plot (Is it followable, does it flow together, can a reader make sense of it?)

-Uniqueness (What makes your story different from the others?)

-Following Rubric (Did you keep the word count?)


Prizes: (This is where it gets interesting.)

Disclaimer: This competition is not Wattpad affiliated, it is by a separate party. No monetary prizes will be given out, if you see something saying otherwise, contact me.

First Place: Get a follow, special mention on my main page and this book, your winning chapter put in this book.

Second Place: Get a follow, and a special mention

Third Place: Special mention

Any honorable mentions: Names will be put in the winners list. (Published at end of winning chapter and on my main page.)

Contestants: Will be listed after the winners list at the end of the chapter, your work will not be forgotten!


Please sign up here ------>

Good luck and have fun!


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