Chapter 1

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Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes - If You Don't Know Me By Now.

                      Xolani's POV Erasing the blackboard, I felt a tug on my khaki pants

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Xolani's POV
Erasing the blackboard, I felt a tug on my khaki pants .
I turned around to see one of my favorite students Mario, with tears in his eyes.
Bending to his level, I wiped his tear stained cheeks.
"Are you ok, sweetie?" I asked petting his head.
"Ms. Wazi, Dylan stole my Oreos again" He said in between sniffles.
This is a common thing for anyone that teaches a class filled with kindergartners.
It's inevitable that these adorable little spawns will annoy you to no end but still make your day fulfilling.
"You're a big boy right?" I asked smiling.
"Yes" He said before hiccuping.
"And big boys don't like to cry, am I right?" Mario meekly nodded.
"Good, I'll get you back your snack" I told him standing in my full height.
I called for the troublesome yet hilariously funny Dylan.
The little boy walked over with crumbs on his face.
"Dylan, Mario told me you took his snack without asking, is that true?" My tone was playful but serious.
"No, Ms. Wazi" I almost laughed but I held a straight face.
"So, what's that on your face?" I asked pointing to the cookie crumbs in the corners of his mouth.
Dylan's eyes widen as he quickly try to wipe the remnants off his face.
"For lying to me, you get 10 minutes of time out and no snacks will be given to you tomorrow" The boy's lips poked out in a pouting manner.
As he were about to walk off to the time out corner, I stopped him.
"And Dylan, apologize to Mario" I said with a stern look.
"I'm sorry, Mario" As expected he didn't sound apologetic at all.
I shook my head at the boy smiling to myself as I faced the other boy beside me.
"He already ate my cookies" Mario said with quivering lips.
I walked over to the snack closet in my classroom and grabbed a 6 Oreos cookie pack giving it to the young boy.
"Thank you, Ms. Wazi" He said in gratitude before kissing my cheek and running off to his assigned seat.
Checking the clock mounted on the wall, 15 minutes till break time's over.
From a hearing distance, my ringtone resonates around the room gaining a few of my students attentions.
Rushing to my desk table, I picked up the vibrating phone and swiped across the screen answering the call from my best friend Simone.
"Hey bitch!" Her modulated yet honeyed voice sounded through the phone.
"Hey sis, what's up?" I asked whispering as I looked over at my students.
"Donny, wants you to come down to the studio when get off work" She said while munching on something crunchy.
Probably those hot chips she's obsessed with.
"Gotchu, I'll be there at 6 pm" She hummed in response.
"Ok, I gotta go back to my class" I told her when I saw Samantha and Jaden playing tug of war with a notebook.
"Lani, I don't understand you ass sometimes. You're a famous songwriter that makes big bucks whenever you create the next big hit but you wanna be teaching those little demons you call students!" I couldn't help but laugh.
"I love kids and teaching these little angels not demons brings me joy. So mind your business" I said in a joking manner.
"Simone, you rolling your eyes aren't ya?" With the click of her tongue.
"Oh, you know me so well" She said in a shrilly tone making me wince at the sound.
"Aye, you two stop that before you get time out" I yelled over the classroom to Samantha and Jaden.
As soon as the two got word of my scolding they stopped and sat right back down.
"I told you little demons~~~" Simone sang her words.
"Whatever, now I really have to go later"  I said before hanging up.
I placed my phone back on the desk, going in front of the class.
I clapped my hands gaining my students attention.
"Ok everyone, I need you to clear up your tables and take out your notebooks and Dylan go to your seat, it's time for mathematics!" I said making the children groan and whine in annoyance.
Taking hold of the white chalk, I began writing basic math problems on the board.
Time Skip...
"Bye guys, have fun during the weekend" I said to my students whose. parents had come to pick them up.
I closed the door once the last parent exited with their offspring.
"Ms. Wazi" Mario tiny voice called out.
"Yes, sweetie?" I asked leading him back to his desk.
"My daddy's running late again" He said with a sad look on his face.
I almost felt bad for the little boy because he's father, Bruno Salerno is a walking sin. Basically sex on legs, with his tall stature, muscular physique, dashingly handsome face and a touch of his sexy Italian accent.
That man is a wet dream, that I would love to hop on but I'm not a thirsty broad.
I never ask a man out, I wait till they grow the balls to do it first.
Mr. Salerno is a world renowned film producer at the age of 29, a single father to little Mario and unfortunately he's a complete workaholic.
"Don't be sad, he'll be here soon and besides don't you want to have a bit of creative fun with me?" I told him excitedly, squeezing his chubby cheeks.
"Can we color and may I please have a lollipop?" I nodded going into the supply closet to get the coloring sheets and crayons then my desk table taking out two lollipops from the cup holder.
I walked back to Mario's table and sat my ass on the tiny ass chair made for these little humans.
"Here you go" I gave him the watermelon flavored candy.
He mumbled a 'thank you' as he quickly tore the wrapper.
For the next hour and the half, the two of us colored while having conversations talking about what kids his age have to say.
It was entertaining and very amusing, it made me think of my younger days when I still had huge smiles on my face, daydreaming naively of useless things. The moments of laughter, and crying over the smallest details. Overall I was happy, life was so much simpler.
Then again, everything passes with time. I grew up, the responsibilities were increased, maturity heightened and I stopped questioning my purpose in life.
A soft knock, took me out of memory lane.
I sat up from the fun-size chair going over to open the door.
"I apologize for being late again" I had to squeeze my thighs at the majestic view in front of me.
God damn, he's HOT all caps, and that deep guttural voice is enough to make you want to buss it open for him. But I am a lady of class and dignity who puts herself on a high level of respect.
"Hello Ms. Nolwazi, you look mighty fine today" As usual the subtle compliments along with his greetings.
"Thank you, Mr. Salerno. Mario pack your things your dad's here" I politely responded telling the little boy it's time to go home.
I felt Mr. Salerno's eyes digging a hole on the side of my face.
The small human came over to door and tilted his head to look at the 6'2 giant he calls dad.
Mario took the lollipop out of his mouth
"Ms. Wazi, my daddy thinks you're pretty" I patted the boy's head looking up to catch his father's gaze on me.
Mr. Salerno moves his eyes when he noticed my peering through my lashes.
He rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling nervously.
"It's the truth. You are a beautiful woman and if it's not too much to ask, would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" Mr. Salerno asked timidly.
'And he's a cutie' I thought to myself giggling inwardly.
"Yeah, sure thing" I responded gently grabbing his other hand and I wrote my number on his palm with the sharpie pen that was in my pocket
"Call me" I said with a wink.
I saw a bright pink tinting on Mr. Salerno cheeks.
"Daddy, let's go." Mario said tugging his father's hand pulling him away from the classroom.
"Bye Ms. Wazi see you on Monday!"
I waved my hand wiggling my fingers at the extremely handsome man and the little boy.
Walking over to my desk, I took a seat opening my journal and continued writing the song, I started for one of my usuals clients new album.

Walking over to my desk, I took a seat opening my journal and continued writing the song, I started for one of my usuals clients new album

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Cooper Lunde as Mario Salerno

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Cooper Lunde as Mario Salerno

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