Chapter 4

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Eminem - Never Love Again

                       Xolani's POV I checked the clock for the 26th time, my legs bouncing in anticipation

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                     Xolani's POV
I checked the clock for the 26th time, my legs bouncing in anticipation. He'll be here any moment from now.
Bruno called me earlier today, saying he's coming to pick me up at 7:30 pm.
Never have I ever been on a date, this is my first time going on one. I'm so damn nervous.
Last night, after leaving the studio, I was supposed to stick to my original plan of watching anime on Netflix but I decided to do a little researching on Bruno Salerno and what to do on dates and what not to do. They were all very informative and I found out pretty interesting things about Mr. Salerno that sexy beast.
That's what I saved him under in my contact with a blushing emoji.
I'm don't want to mess up during our date, I plan to be as open as I can. I need to stop letting my insecurities get the best of me.
I'm a successful young woman who has a very unhappy and unexciting life.
I want to do better for myself and I'm order make that happen I need to open up to people.
Starting with Bruno and I will tell Simone everything I failed to tell her all these years.
She deserves to know the real me instead of the mannequin I show her every given day.
Taking me out of my mental conversation, I heard a sharp knock on my door. I shot up from the couch.
Pacing around the living room, hyperventilating like a cat who accidentally ate her owners edibles stash.
"Ms. Nolwazi? Xolani? It's Bruno Salerno, are you there?" I heard that deep accented voice of his behind the door.
Immediately, I stopped freaking out fixing up my appearance and checking if my hair was messed up.
I took a deep inhale of air then exhaled running to the door, I briskly opened it to see Bruno is a gray wool suit almost knocking the breath out of me.
"Xolani, you look amazingly beautiful" He compliments lifting my right hand to kiss the back of it.
I felt him sniff my hand and wrist "And smells good too" My light-skin complexion gave it all away.
My cheeks were heated and I bet my face looks like I put too much blush on.
"Umm, thank you Bruno." I bit my lip to stop myself from grinning to big.
"Hey, don't hide that gorgeous smile from me." He teasingly said pointing a finger at me before going ahead pinch my cheeks.
I was utterly baffled, my mouth wide agape at the random gesture.
Bruno saw the look of my face then quickly dropped his hand from making anymore contact with my skin.
"Sorry, it's a habit. I do that to Mario a lot and—" I cut off his adorable rambling standing on my tippy toes planting an innocent kiss on his cheek.
I drew back to see a funny expression etched on his face.
Giggling to myself, I turned around to lock my house door and I tapped Bruno to snap out of it.
"Ah yes, shall we go?" He asked directly me to his car parked on the sidewalk directly in front of my home.
Bruno opened the fancy sports car door for me and I muttered a thank you.
I buckled in the seatbelt and waited for him to enter the car.
He sat and secured himself before putting the car in ignition.
During the car ride to a restaurant in Santa Monica.
Bruno only had Italian songs playing in the background while we had a subtle conversation.
Some of the songs sounded familiar because my aunt's husband Pietro Benedetto is Italian but American raised, he never wanted to forget the beautiful language and culture that's why he always had music by Peppino Gagliardi or Dean Martin playing in the house that I grew up in.
It's been awhile since I've seen my aunt and my uncle. I need to go visit them soon.
28 minutes later, we arrived Capo.
I've heard a lot about this place from the sophisticated setting and interior.
The upscale Italian meats, seafood & pasta dishes, plus a vast wine selection.
I think Simone told me one of her exes took her here.
It doesn't look like much on the outside but once we got settled inside the cozy atmosphere of the place.
I loved it, not too many people here except or an older couple and a family of six.
The waiter led us to the back area of the restaurant, away from the noise and I noticed it gave us a bit of privacy.
Bruno pulled out a chair for me to seat like the gentleman he his.
I thanked him smiling while looking around the scenery of the place.
A waitress came over to our table and gave us water and asked for our orders.
"I want the ribeye steak with Alfredo on the side and white wine" I pointed at the menu telling the friendly waitress what I wanted to eat.
Bruno recited his order in Italian so I didn't know what he asked for.
When the waitress left, we fell into an awkward silence.
"So, this is where we ask the questions right?" I asked fiddling with my thumbs.
"Are you nervous?" Bruno asked placing his hand on mine.
"Yes" I whispered looking away from his intense gaze.
"Why?" His voice went a little deeper that it was before.
I had to clench my thighs together. Is this what Simone meant when you're turned on?
I think I like it? "Xolani, you didn't answer me" I heard him call out my name squeezing my hand gently.
"I've never been on a date before?" I said biting my bottom lip peering at him through my lashes.
Bruno looked stunned for a second before masking it.
"I'm surprised, a lady of your beauty and grace should have a lot of suitors coming her way. Why haven't you been in one until now?" He said folding his hands on the table.
I shrugged moving the tendrils of my hair from the side of my face tucking it behind my ear.
"I haven't found anyone interesting until I met you" I mumbled feeling embarrassed.
I meant it in a good way.
Bruno sudden laughter made me clamp my thighs tightly together.
"Is that so? What's so interesting about me?" I looked at his handsome face observing those Adonis features for his.
"Bruno, can I be blunt with you?" He nodded vigorously.
"You're fucking HOT! Bruno, you're also a doting father and you sound like an interesting, fun person to be around based on the stories Mario shares with me and the other students in class. Those are my honest reasons I would like to keep the remaining ones to myself" A full cheeky grin overtook Bruno's face and I couldn't help but smile.
I can't tell him the rest of what I wanted to say yet. It's too soon.
I coughed taking a sip of the chilled glass of water.
"Enough about me, I want you to answer some questions of mine pertaining to you."
Just when Bruno was about to open his mouth and talk.
The waitress arrived with our delicious meals.
She set them on the table along with the liquor.
I closed my eyes whispering the Lord's Prayer before I began eating.
Bruno looked at me in amazement nodding his head while mumbling somethings in Italian.
He picked up his fork and started eating the seafood medley he had ordered.
Halfway done with my food, I felt full.
I watched the hunky man eat while I wished he was eating something else Me.
                     Bruno's POV
"Bruno, I've heard some rumors about your past in the adult film industry" She whispered with curious eyes.
"They aren't rumors, but I did produce a few movies during the early years of my career and I did a scene or two. I think that was about 8 or 9 years ago" I said with nonchalant shrug.
"Umm, wow" She chuckled. I could hear the anxiousness in her laugh.
"If you don't mind me asking, how was it you know doing it in front of camera?" Xolani asked nervously scratching the side of her neck.
I took in her appearance and body language.
Her cheeks flushed tinted with pinkness, she kept squirming in her seat.
I 'accidentally' dropped my fork just so I could look under the table.
I saw her ankles were crossed while she tightly squeezed her thick thighs that I wished were wrapped around my head right now.
"Bruno, are you alright" I heard her voice out concernedly.
I quickly picked up the fork, sitting up straight.
"To answer your question, I rather show than tell" I leaned forward smirking at the horny woman in front of me.
"I-I-I" Xolani's eyes widen in shock while her mouth opened and closed trying to find the right words to respond to me indirectly saying I wanted to have sex with her.
"I'm just kidding" Not "No need to get all flustered unless you want to take up on the offer" Xolani lets out a boisterous laughter throwing her head back.
"Thank your for the very tempting invitation, but I don't have sex on the first date." She said after composing herself with a small smile on her face.
"Take me out more and I might just give it after I know you deserve my treasure" Xolani's said before lifting the wine glass to her lips then sent me a sultry wink.
'What a tease' I thought to myself while gazing at the beautiful woman I seem to enjoy her company a lot.
She's so much different from the birds I used to entertain myself with.
Xolani Nolwazi is exactly what me and my son urgently need in our lives and I will sure it happens.

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