Chapter 21

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SMASH - Let Me Be Your Star

                      Xolani's POV"Damn, you fine" I heard a husky yet feminine voice say behind me

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Xolani's POV
"Damn, you fine" I heard a husky yet feminine voice say behind me.
I turned around to see a woman who had the style and swag that a some males would have.
She had on designer jeans, a supreme logo shirt with the matching headband and Nike Air Jordon 1s.
Her hair in two jumbo braids, dark brown skin glowing in the sun and I couldn't help but continue checking her out.
"What's your name?" She asked in a very sensual way.
"Xolani" I mumbled shying away.
Damn she's attractive, but I got a man already.
"That's a beautiful name, I'm Jada" She outstretched her hand for me to shake.
"Nice to meet you" I told her smiling as I shook her incredibly soft hand.
"What you doing around this side of town?" Jada asked staring me down while biting down on her lips.
"I'm just waiting for my best friend, she had to get something from her aunty's salon" I don't even know why I'm staring a conversation with her but I won't like that I'm weirded out by her curiosity.
Simone told me to wait for her, two blocks away from her auntie's hair salon.
I love Simone with all my heart but the person that raised her can go to hell.
Her aunty is a fucking racist, I don't understand how some Dominicans can be so prejudiced against a black people.
Every other race out there enjoys our rhythm but when it's time to experience the blues they wouldn't be able to handle it.
First time, I went to get my hair done there was the last time I ever stepped foot in that wretched place.
The way that woman looked at me with so much hatred was puzzling, she almost damaged my hair with products that are unaccommodating to my hair type, if it wasn't for her niece I would have beaters her to a bloody pulp.
I take a lot of pride in my hair, it's part of my personality.
I can't stand that woman, people like her make my cringe.
"Kool, so can I get you number?" Straight to the point. My kind of person.
"I'm sorry, I got a boyfriend. But I'm open to the idea of new friends" I suggested with a small giggle.
"Damn, I ain't even surprised that someone already snatched up your fine ass." She told me with a disappointed look on her face.
Jada hands me her business card before walking away telling me to give her a call sometime.
I just might, she's a cool person. I vibe with her straightforward personality.
Tapping on my foot impatiently, Simone came charging at me.
"Come on let's go" I took my keys out my strawberry shaped fanny-pack and threw it at her.
I entered the passenger's seat connected my phone to the car Bluetooth and began playing music as Simone drove out of the street she grew up in.
Time Skip...
Once, we got to my place I couldn't hide the excitement just waiting to burst out of me.
While I was driving my lawyer called about the finishing outcomes of my contract withdrawal from 'DK Records'
"I'm finally free!" I yelled excitedly while jumping on my couch.
The contract finally got finalized and I no longer have anything to do with DK record label.
But I will still get royalties for my songs or anything I contributed to the growth of the label.
Donny was furious because I refused his pleas to renew my contract.
I'm just glad all is over and I think I might retire as soon as I'm done writing the songs for Nairobi an upcoming R&B artist.
This young lady has the voice of an angel and I'll help her get those hits with the right lyrics.
Nairobi already got the vocal reach, confidence. I just need her to have the emotions to express they song in a way her audience can feel it in deep in their soul.
"Sis, let's go celebrate at the club" Simone suggests out of the blue.
I reeled my head back with a blank stare on my face.
She blew out a frustrated breath groaning.
"Lani, you always do this shit. Stop being so dayroom" Simone grew more annoyed when I rolled my eyes at her whining.
"Why would I got to the club and waste money on expensive drinks, smell different musty scents, argue with perverts who just can't take a hint and besides I don't like being in crowded places it makes me claustrophobic" Simone kicked her leg up grumbling like a child.
"Monie, I got a good sound system and endless supply of alcohol in my basement. So, we can celebrate here but I won't stop you from going to the club." I walked into the kitchen to fetch me something to eat.
"Sometimes, I wonder how I became best friends with your anti-social ass" She said sitting back down.
I winked at her blowing a kiss, and she caught it .
"Lani, have you spoken to your mom since after that day?"
Before I could answer her questions about my egg donor.
My door bell rang, I looked at Simone with a raised brow.
"We're you expecting someone?" I shook my head no.
I cautiously opened the door to see the uninvited guest. Speaking of the devil. How the hell did she know my address?From a distance, I saw two dark shadows emerging from.
"What are you doing here?" I asked with utter confusion laced in my tone.
"Suikerpruim, that not a nice way to greet your mother. Now say hello to your father and fiancé, Ayanda Nkosi" Karen said as she introduced the two men.
One is the cause of my childhood trauma and still is.
But the other is a complete stranger. A very handsome stranger with beautiful dark skin, clear white teeth surrounded by his thick beard, light gray eyes when he came closer and an athlete physique.
It doesn't even matter because I wanna know who the fuck are they to choose who I am to get married to?
"Can we come in?" I stood rigid at the same spot my eyes still on my father who couldn't even look me in the eyes.
He seemed scared and embarrassed.
"No, you can't. She didn't invite you in" Simone answered before coming in from of me and shutting the door closed.
Turning around to face me, She wrapped her arms around me as Karen's voice pleaded for me to talk to her.
Simone directed me upstairs to my bedroom, tuck me into my bed but before she left I instinctively grabbed her hand.
"Please call Bruno for me, I need him. Monie, please bring him to me" I begged her while crying my eyes out.
Why is that when everything in my life is finally going right, something just had to disrupt my happiness?
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Until Next Time...

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