Chapter 24

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Peppino Gagliardi - Come Le Viole

                      Bruno's POVAs we got closer to the Benedetto's home

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                      Bruno's POV
As we got closer to the Benedetto's home. I swear I could feel Xolani's heart beating to my back as she wrapped her arms tightly around my waist.
"You okay baby?" I yelled the question due to the fast blowing wind as we rode through the deserted road.
"Yes, I'm just nervous." She answered chuckling nervously.
I know Xolani doesn't want to be around her parents, she once confessed to me her detest for them.
I tried to make her choose a different word to describe her emotion towards those individuals but she didn't yield her hate was just too strong.
Closing in to the big black gates of the extensive million dollar home, I rode up to the brick driveway.
Xolani's breathing increased so did her grip on my midsection.
I smoothly parked my motorcycle, turning my head to face my frightened girlfriend.
"Baby, are you sure you want to go in? I could just turn back around if you want" Xolani shook her head mumbling no before she climbed off the bike.
Removing the helmet from her head she handed it to me.
I took mine off then placed both on the leather seat of motorcycle.
Before we walked any further, I gave her a reassuring kiss telling her she's not alone.
As we neared the front door the loud arguing voices of Mrs. Benedetto and an unfamiliar voice yelled insults at each other.
Xolani pulled a key out of her pocket and keyed the hole of the door, unlocking the double mahogany doors.
"Karen, you're such a manipulative bitch! Why can't you understand that Lani doesn't want you in her life. You fucked it up by staying with that pedophile you call a husband and I don't feel comfortable having him in my home due to the safety of my little girl. Leave right now or I'll be forced to call the cops on you." Mrs. Benedetto sounds furious and I were in her shoes I would to.
"What? You wouldn't do that to me, I'm your sister Katy" The voice I'm guessing is Karen's said shakily.
"You heard her, leave" Xolani spoke beside me gaining each of them attentions.
The two sisters looked shocked to see her and two unknown men were in the living room.
"Why do you bring this bastard here knowing damn well aunty wouldn't want that? And you have the nerve to argue about who she should let into her home, how dare you! Nah, fuck that how dare both of you!" Xolani's
"Suikerpruim, that's no way to speak to us!"
"Father? I don't have a father. I became an orphan the minute I ran away from you two" Xolani sneered at the fuming woman.
I turned my attention to the freakishly tall African male who seemed embarrassed and ashamed.
He should be after all, he's the cause of my her traumas.
"Bruno, call 911 and report to them about the two uninvited individuals who are refusing to leave a private property" I stared at the side of her face for confirmation.
"No, don't call the cops. We'll go but just know that this isn't over. At one point in your life you still have to forgive us" Karen snidely commented making my enraged girlfriend laugh.
"Which life are you talking about because pigs will fucking fly before I forgive you or this man!" Xolani screamed start Karen causing her mother to flinch.
I rubbed her back in an effort to comfort her body as it shook in anger.
Karen has nothing else left to say kissing her teeth and strutted out the house slamming the door behind her.
The unwelcomed visitor walked up to us causing Xolani to take a few steps back. But stopped when he realized she was scared of him.
"I truly regret what I did to you, Xolani. I hope you find it your heart to forgive your old man" Her father finally spoke for the first time.
Xolani's face twisted into grimace at the words that came out of his mouth.
"It's time you go, man" Xolani's uncle said sounding a bit annoyed.
The man who's name still stayed unknown had his heads down as he walked towards the door.
Until Mrs. Benedetto told him to wait before she ran into a random room and came back with a light gray metallic suitcase and slide it to Xolani's father.
He picked up the heavy object and exited the house.
If not for me holding onto her waist, Xolani would have collapsed on the floor.
The Benedettos rushed to where their niece and I were then embraced her as she cried in their embrace.
I didn't know what to do but stand aside.
"Mr. Bruno, Lala! Are you okay? Mommy why is she crying" Angela ran down the steps to her very emotional cousin.
Xolani opened her to hug the little girl who started crying for absolutely no reason.
"Bruno come with me" Mrs. Benedetto called out to me.
I followed her into their kitchen, I sat on a barstool as I sipped on the bottle of water they
"Sorry you had to witness all that mess and appreciate you for being here with my niece. You're a good man and I respect you for that" She compliments.
"It's no problem ma'am, just doing my job as a supportive partner" I told her honestly.
Mrs. Benedetto patted my arm telling me goodnight while looking over my shoulder then walked out the kitchen.
The sweet swelling perfume I recognize anywhere filled my nostrils.
"I'm so proud of you baby" I said pulling her body to mine in a tighter embrace nuzzling my face in her neck.
"I think I'll spend the night here, I really needed you here. Thank you so much, see you tomorrow" She stood one her tippy toes wrapping her arms around my neck kissing me firmly on the lips.
An obnoxious couch made me loosen my hold on her.
I turned my head to where the voice
"Can I see you for a second" The blue-eyed gentlemen told me before walking off.
I stared down at my girlfriend with a raised brow.
She shrugged her shoulders before stepping away from me urging me to follow her uncle.
I did as I was told and followed behind the fellow Italian, not knowing what he had in store for me.

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