Chapter 6

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Il Divo - Ti Amero

                       Bruno's POV"Why did you hang up on me the other night, Bruno" Mamma asked glaring at me

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                       Bruno's POV
"Why did you hang up on me the other night, Bruno" Mamma asked glaring at me.
"Because I felt like it" I answered nonchalantly eating my buttery toast.
"That was very disrespectful of you" She spat out angrily banging her hand on the table.
I stopped eating dropping the toast on the plate picking up the glass of apple juice.
I grabbed a napkin wiping my hands and lips then focused my attention on her.
"Mamma, I'm not going to beat around the bush and ask this question; are you a racist?" I clasped my hands together with a raised brow.
"W-what? NO I'M NOT! Why would you ask me that? There are some African-American women in the charity committee and I don't have a problem with any of them." She answered while fidgeting bouncing her leg under the table.
"See Mamma, that's exactly what a racist would say, they make stupid excuses. If you were the founder of that committee, would you have let African-Americans joined or would you have racially profiled them like a prejudiced person would?" I asked another question hoping the words and actions could give away her answer.
"I just don't want their kind around us, they are rude, ugly and their skin is very dark, most of those black disgusting people are criminals and they make me sick whenever I see them walk around freely like they are better than us. I truly miss the old days when they were put in their place, life was so much better then" I was utterly mortified listening to my mother say those cruel things.
"THEIR SKIN! It looks just like those stupid fancy chocolates you eat. What's the fucking difference? One of the main reason, why they have the highest crime rate in this goddamned country is because racist bigots like yourself, do everything in your power to bring down one race to uplift yourselves. I can't believe you, have you always been this way? Because if that's the case, I am in complete revulsion of you and very disappointed. How could you?" I cringed at her pushing my chair back standing up.
I slowly backed away from the dining table.
Who is this person? This stranger can't possibly be my mom. Where is the soft-spoken, kind, nurturing woman that raised me not to judge people no matter their race and nationality? Or was everything just a front, a big facade that I fell victim to?
"Bruno, where are you going? You haven't finished your food" She asked following me.
I looked at her sighing despondently "Now that know your true colors, it makes me see you differently. I think it'll be better if you don't see Mario for a while" I confessed to her honestly dragging my hands over my face.
"MARIO WE'RE GOING HOME, SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR NONNO!" I yelled the message so he could hear me from his Grandpa's library upstairs.
"No Bruno, you can't do this. I'm his Nonna" Mamma said on the verge of tears. I didn't care as much as I feel heartbroken at this moment.
I can't let her tears get to me. She's not who I thought she was.
"Change your perspective because I don't want any of the racist bullshit to rub off on my son. I won't take him away from you" I snarled at her angrily.
Mario came down the steps happily humming to himself.
Once he saw his grandmother tear-stained cheeks, he looked confused.
"Daddy what is Nonna crying?" He asked while standing at the bottom of the stairs looking between me and his grandma.
"It's nothing, say your goodbyes" He rushed over to her wrapping his arms around her hips muttering a goodbye.
Mario walked over to me lifting his hand so I could put his leather jacket on for him.
I smiled at my mother tightly watching her turn her back crying.
"Daddy, when are we coming back?"
"I'm not sure but it'll be a while" I answered with uncertainty in my voice.
"Did you fight with Nonna?" This boy is too damn smart for his age.
"No, I wouldn't call it a fight. What do you say about, we gat some ice cream" I suggested looking through the rear view mirror.
"Yay, I want chocolate ice cream with rainbow and chocolate sprinkles." He said excitedly making me chuckle.
Once we reached a very famously know ice cream parlor.
I saw a familiar backside on the waiting line. Mario was jumped excitedly pulling on my jeans, pointing to the flavor combination he wanted and unknowingly poked the lady in front of us lower thigh.
She turned around and I was shocked to see Xolani's, she looked so different and very beautiful like every time I set my eyes on her.
"MS. WAZI!" Mario yelled in a very enthusiastic manner gaining the attention of the other customers in the store.
I waved shyly mumbling a sorry to the crowd.
"Hey Mario and Bruno, fancy meeting you here" Xolani's delightful voice said while laughing.
"Hi, Mario and Mr. Bruno" The little blue eyed beauty came behind her smiling brightly as she showcased her deep dimples.
"This is Angela" Xolani's placed the girl in front of her pinching her cheeks.
I bent my knees sticking my hand out to shake her tiny one.
"Hello, Angela" I said smiling whilst still shaking the small humans hand.
"Hi Angela, I'm Mario and I want to be your friend" My brave little man told her confidently.
Making Xolani and I chuckle loudly.
"#21 is ready!" The person behind the counter called out.
"Oops, that would be me" Xolani's turned back to the cashier and paid for the delicious treat then was given a tray of diabetes.
"Would you like to join us?" She asked pointing to the table by the window.
Before I could answer Mario and Angela were already running towards the destined table.
"Sure, but I have to order for Mario or he'll have my head" I said jokingly.
She nodded walking to the table where the two new friends sat chatting together animatedly.
After paying and receiving a similar tray of diabetic deliciousness, I made my way over to them.
I sat the tray in front of Mario and he wasted no time devouring the ice cream.
"I didn't know you had a daughter? I said causing the two girls to look at each other then at me with confused expressions.
"No silly, Lala is my cousin. My mommy is her aunty" Angela's adorably said giggling with Xolani.
"Shit sorry" I apologized feeling embarrassed.
I saw Mario and Angela with their eyes wide as they covered their mouths.
"Ms. Wazi, Daddy said a bad word" Mario told her.
"Watch your profanity, Bruno" Xolani grinned with a flirty smirk playing on her lips.
I gulped chuckling nervously feeling myself get hard under my jeans.
'What the fuck is wrong with me? Now is not the time, there are children here.' I scolded myself inwardly drowning in shame and awkwardness.

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