Chapter 7

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Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry On Their Own

                    Xolani's POV"How have you been?" I asked Bruno as he sat across staring at me with a longing gaze but he looked a bit sad

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Xolani's POV
"How have you been?" I asked Bruno as he sat across staring at me with a longing gaze but he looked a bit sad.
I wanted to make a conversation with Bruno, since the kids were talking to each other deep in a conversation about random things children their age love chatting about.
I wanted to ask why he seemed so disheartened yet I didn't want to pry.
"Ah yes, I'm very good. Thanks for asking, what about you?" He tried to sound cheerful but the tight smile on his face gave it away.
"Can I take you out later on in the week" He asked biting his bottom lip.
"If you promise to tell me why you look so dismal then I'll think about your offer" I asserted with a stern tone.
"I promise to tell you the reason" Bruno concludes while running his fingers across that silky hair of his.
I never felt the texture of his shiny hair but it looks very silky and well taken care of.
"Alright, I'll let you know when" I said with a beaming smile.
"Angel! Mario! Come on we're going home" I called out to the two adorable humans who came charging towards up holding each other hands.
Bruno held out his hand for his son to hold while I held on to Angela's free hand as we accompanied them to Bruno's vehicle in the sidewalk close to the park near the ice cream parlor.
"Daddy, can I go to Angela's house?" Mario asked his father with puppy dog eyes.
I looked at Angela to see her holding the same look on her face except that her palms were together as if she was begging.
"It's alright Mario, I'll take you to visit Angel whenever you want as long as you stay the good boy that I know you are" I said ruffling his hair.
I opened my arms hugging Mario small body to mine as I gently sat him on the leather seat of his father's car.
"I'll see you tomorrow" I kissed his cheek securing his seatbelt.
I stepped back closing the door, I felt Angela's little limbs wrapped around my left thigh her head resting beside my butt.
Watching as Bruno got into his car, Angela and I waved them goodbye.
"Lala, I'm sleepy" She mumbled tugging on my shirt.
I picked her up placing her on my hip, walking over to my car.
Once we got to the vehicle, I opened the backseat she sat down as I draped her neck pillow over her shoulders so she could sleep comfortably until I got her back home.
I fasted her seat belt closing the door then jogging to the driver's seat.
"Safety first" I said to myself putting my key into ignition.
Looking at the backseat, Angela has her mouth opened snoring softly then she scrunched her nose causing her lift her hand to scratch it.
I chuckled waiting for the traffic light to come so I could take a picture of this gem.
Sometimes, I wish I had my own little human that would love and cherish me unconditionally. But for now, I will be eternally grateful for what I have right at this moment.
     Bruna's POV
2 Weeks Later
I kept throwing and smashing everything I could get my hand on.
"Madam, please stop" Ruth the oldest working maid who's been in this home for the longest pleaded with me.
I looked at her letting out an unbelievable scoff throwing the vase directly to her.
"Ahhhhh" Ruth screamed in horror when she saw the porcelain object been thrown her way.
I laughed humorlessly sitting on the sofa with my legs crossed staring at the brown colored woman that reminds me of chocolate truffles.
How could we be the same age and she doesn't look a day over 50, no wrinkles or sagging skin.
I've always been jealous of Ruth, her glowing skin, bright smile, kind-hearted personality that made her to be loved by many and the fact that she ages backwards.
"What is wrong with you, woman!?" My husband of 33 years roared out angrily helping Ruth off the the carpeted floor.
He cradles her face wiping away the bloody cut on her forehead.
He began escorting her out of the room, but not before sending me an harsh glare in his bright blue eyes.
My husband Bertino always had his sights on Ruth and I know about her feelings for him. I can see it in their eyes when they looked at each other.
Not once has he ever crossed his matrimonial boundaries, he's very loyal to me even though I haven't exactly been a faithful, honorable woman I carry myself as.
If Bertino ever finds out that I have been in an adulterous relationship with his cousin for the past 6 years he's going to raise hell.
Bertino is the epitome of a perfect man, he's very humble, gentle, committed, modest, and sensitive.
One flaw that I took for granted is that he trusts too easily and I used that to take advantage of him.
I love Bertino with everything in my being but I'm in love with his cousin Abramo.
Our marriage has lost its original spark and nothing has the way it used to be.
Abramo wants me to leave Bertino, but I know my son will be even more disappointed and betrayed by me.
I've been calling his cell phone endlessly telling him I'm not a damn racist.
I just don't like the people that look different from me, it's not my fault I was raised this way.
Now those teachings by my parents, it's affecting me a lot.
I'm a 56 year old alcoholic, who is having an affair and I'm apparently a racist according to my son.
How could someone that I pushed out of me after 12 hours of agonizing labor say those awful things and restricting me from seeing my grandson.
I picked up my phone from the wooden table.
Dialing a number that I haven't even bothered with for years until now.
"I have a favor to ask. Tomorrow meet me at my restaurant at lunchtime" I said hanging up before the person could get a word in.
"If Bruno wants to play this game with me, so be it" I vowed clenching my fist tightly.

"If Bruno wants to play this game with me, so be it" I vowed clenching my fist tightly

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Vanessa Bell Calloway as Ruth Knight

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Vanessa Bell Calloway as Ruth Knight

Vanessa Bell Calloway as Ruth Knight

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Mikael Persbrandt as Bertino Salerno

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Mikael Persbrandt as Bertino Salerno

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