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Bob Marley & The Wailers - Is This Love
⚠️ Warning Mature content ⚠️

                     Xolani's POV"Bruno!" I yelled out his name as I ran down the steps

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Xolani's POV
"Bruno!" I yelled out his name as I ran down the steps.
"Babe, what is it?" He met me at the end of the stairs wearing a kitchen apron.
"Give me your hand and close your eyes" I demanded with a cheeky smile on my face.
Bruno raised his left brow suspiciously before complying to my request.
I dropped the stick on his open palm and told him to open his eyes.
As soon as he did, Bruno looked up at me with tears in his eyes.
"We are having a baby?" He asked and I nodded my head wiping the fall tear on my cheek.
"Yes, are you happy?" I nervously asked chewing on my bottom lip.
"Of course I am, this is the best news I've received in a long time." He wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned in kissing me firmly on the lips.
I molded my lips against his in a heated lip lock.
Bruno's hands began roaming around my body touching everything he could get his hands on.
After meeting Lana's daughter baby Esme, a strong sense of happiness and a tiny bit of jealousy surged through my heart.
The baby fever I had made me beg Bruno that I wanted a baby.
I expected him to talk me out of it since h me already had his hands full with Mario. Instead this man took me to his bedroom and did ungodly things to my body.
We went at it like rabbits for 5 months straight, any chance we got each other alone it was we ended up naked.
Things got a lot more easier when I decided to take on Bruno's offer to move in with him.
I honestly expected this because I've been getting certain symptoms that definitely made me conclude that I was pregnant.
I can't wait for our little one to start running around the halls of this home.
We continued kissing, until Bruno detached our lips to sweep me off my feet.
I squealed as I securely wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Baby, what about the food?" I asked him while pressing another kiss the corner of his lips.
"There's nothing on the stove, I haven't started cooking yet" Satisfied with the answer I kept quiet and let him take us upstairs.
Once we reached the bedroom, this man wasted no time to undress the both of us.
I grabbed his broad shoulders and pushed him into the bed.
As I straddled him, I began gyrating my hips along his hardened length teasing him.
My labia lips wrapped around his him dick like an hotdog bun.
I giggled at the random funny thought.
"What's so funny?" Bruno asked as he pawed and spanked my ass.
I bent down to kiss his lip then replaced it with my nipple telling him to suck.
As Bruno's busied himself with suckling my tits I decided to sink down on his dick.
I let out an high pitched scream because I never did get used to his size regardless of us dating for a year and the half.
He on the other hand squeezed my butt like he was kneading dough.
Bruno sat up leaning against the headboard watching me working my magic on his pole.
I was in a squatting position moving my hips in a circular motion.
Bruno took my left boob in his hand and brought the brown nipple into his mouth.
I threw my head back in ecstasy as I continued bouncing up and down his thick rod.
He lightly licked around my areola and I shivered due to the sensitivity.
I think Bruno noticed my slight tiredness before flipping us over, I fell on my side then got pulled up to my hands and knees.
"Are you ready for Daddy to take you to pound town?" Bruno asked smugly from behind.
"Stop teasing me and put it in already!" I pushed back on his harden length and let it slide into my hungry awaiting hole.
Bruno groaned loudly then began moving his hips in a steady manner.
Once I felt my body start to relax, he surprised me out of nowhere.
Like a madman, Bruno drilled into me with an harsh grip on my waist I'm sure I will have a light bruising there.
But I didn't care about that, he was fucking me in an human pace.
The words spewing out of my mouth made absolutely no sense.
"Soooo gooood..." I mumbled into the mattress seeing as my face was buried in it.
"Fuck yeah, baby you feel so damn good." Bruno's grunted out the words.
He continued to slam into him, his speed was so breathtaking.
My breathing matched his and I was certain I might cum soon because of his erotic words of encouragement and dirty talk.
"Harder! Please!" I screamed as he lost his rhythm.
"Damn baby, you feel fucking amazing. You're going to make me cum!" He says just as his hands pulled your ass cheeks apart farther, my asshole winking to him.
"I'm going to fill you up, fuck I'm cumming!" Bruno thrusts hard three times then stood rigid as he emptied his sticky seed inside me coating my walls.
His dick kept pulsating inside me over and over again as each rope of cum fills me up.
Once Bruno's unusual breathing turned back normal he slowly pulled out.
A pop sound resonated the bedroom as I felt hot cum drip out of my vagina down to my thighs, he really dumped a massive load.
Bruno turned me over onto my back then buried his face between your legs.
His tongue lapped up every drop of cum on my pussy.
"Dirty bastard" I said with a loud giggle when he bit down on my clit.
The primal look in his made me even wetter.
My legs were spread wide on the bed, pussy fully on display.
While my fingers played with my nipple as I let him eat me out like I'm his last supper.
I pushed my head deeper into the mattress screaming the word "Fuck!" over and over again.
Until I squirted on Bruno's face, he detached his lips from my sensitive part and watch me.
After the orgasmic sensations cooled down a bit, he laid beside me hugging my sweaty body closer to his.
"Thank you for everything." I mumbled while gazing up at him.
"No, I should be thanking you instead. God! I love you so much baby." He kissed me breathless and lean our foreheads together.
"I love you too." I whispered softly as my eyelids began to shut close.
Bruno's POV
8 months later...
"Sweetheart, where are the little ones and that wife of yours?" My stepmom asked I walked into my childhood home.
"Mom, she's not my wife yet." I told the older woman before giving her a hug.
"I'm going to keep calling her by that title because she's already your wife but without all the legal stuff and ring. Bruno get it together and marry that one she's gonna be pushing out your baby next month, what are you so scared of?" I sighed entering the living room.
"Just forget about it, Xolani went back to school shopping with Mario he resumes next week Wednesday" I think she noticed the stress on my facial expression.
"That's great, how have you been?" She asked as I took a seat on the leather couch my father usually occupied.
It's his favorite furniture in the house.
"I'm good, work has been really tough"
"Aww honey, why don't you take some time off. You do own a production company and you're the boss. Why not rely some of your duties to your executives, I'm sure they can do the job well maybe not as good as you but it's better than nothing." I thought about it fir a second and it didn't sound like an all bad idea. It was actually brilliant.
"Thanks mom, you're the best" Even though I never ask Ruby for advice she always found a way to share bits of her wisdom with me.
"Where's papa?" I asked her while looking around for a trace of him.
"I think he's upstairs, hold on a sec" She went into the kitchen and cane back texting furiously on her phone.
"He's coming down soon" I nodded at her while tapping my feet impatiently on the polished hardwood floor.
"Boy, get out of my chair" I heard the bellowing voice of my father say in a joking manner?
I stood up chuckling before going up to hug my old man.
"So, what brings you here?" I faked a glare at him.
"What a son can't visit his father?" This old man chuckled at my words patting me on the shoulder.
"You know that's not what I meant, come on let's have a talk" He said leading us back to couch area.
"I'll leave you guys to it" Ruby told us before walking off to the direction of the kitchen.
Time Skip...
"Did you get the items I sent you to get?" I asked Jason through the car Bluetooth and he responded with a solid yes.
"I got the 3 Birkin bags, different colors and patterns of course and a few more things. I'm sure Ms. Xolani will love them, Sir." I hummed in response before thanking him and then hanging up.
Since she's having my bun I have to give her push gifts.
Xolani told me herself she wasn't mentally prepared to get married yet but she's not going anywhere but staying by my side regardless of her not bearing my ring on her finger.
That woman is the mother of my child, well children. Mario already started calling her mommy regardless of his biological mother still around.
Lana doesn't even mind she was sincerely happy to hear her son call another woman something only she could be called.
I guess Lana has changed a lot over the years, she's like a completely different person from who I knew in my early 20s.
I starting to have a certain appreciation for the person she is now. Javier and Baby Esme must've really humbled her.
Once I arrived home, I parked the car by the driveway.
I let myself into the house, no one was in the living room and the lights were dimmed.
It is pretty late, I began walking up the stairs.
As I started making my way down the halls, Xolani's exits the nursery room.
"Hi, my love" She leaped into my arms.
"Hey hey, careful before you hurt little one" I told her in a stern tone.
"Oops sorry" She sent me a cheeky smile.
I couldn't help but smile back at her adorable puffy face.
I turned us back to the direction of our bedroom.
Opening the door, I pushed it wide open for us to enter.
"If you're wondering Mario, went to bed about 30 minutes ago." I hummed at the information.
"Baby, I had an important talk with my father today. I just need your definite answer to my question" I said as I kneeled in front of her as she sat on the bed.
"What is it?" I took a deep breath then stared into her eyes watching me curiously.
"Do you not want to marry me?" A sharp gasp escaped from her mouth.
"I do Bruno, I just don't know what's wrong with me? I want us to get marry but I'm scared" The waterworks began to fall on her cheeks.
"Aww baby, there's no pressure. You're stuck with me forever okay?" I pulled her body close but careful of her huge bump.
"I get a special type of feeling whenever I'm near you or with you. Baby, I want you to be my wife, but I respect your decision and I'll wait as long as you want me to because that's how much I love you." Xolani's face was red now that the tears wouldn't stop.
"We support each other's regardless of what obstacles might be in our way we'll overcome it together, there should be no secrets between us alright." She nodded her head as it laid on my shoulders while my hand rubbed up and down her back in a comforting manner.
"Meeting you and falling in love with you was like a fairytale. Thank you for everything" She mumbled into my ear.
I closed my eyes relishing the warm embrace.
The End...

                    Author's Note:
We have finally reached the end of this beautiful couple's story. I appreciate each and everyone of you who took the time and read this book. Please check out my other book "Young, Dumb, Passion" I promise you won't be disappointed.
Bye bye see you in the next book.💋👋🏾

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