Chapter 15

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Brian McKnight - One Last Cry

                      Xolani's POVEntering my boss's office, I saw Simone straddling Donny as they kissed like two horny teenagers

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       Xolani's POV
Entering my boss's office, I saw Simone straddling Donny as they kissed like two horny teenagers.
Ain't none of my business. I'm just here to tell Donny I can't work with him anymore.
I knocked on the plastered wall to get their attention.
Simone pulled away looking like a deer in headlights.
"Uh hey, I didn't know you were coming today" She said quickly jumping off Donny's thighs.
Something about her tone told me she didn't want me to see what I just saw.
My gaze found Donny and this dude had the nerve to wink at me while biting his bottom lip.
I rolled my eyes pulling out the envelope in my handbag.
Approaching the glass table, I slide the white crisp paper with Resignation written boldly on it towards Donny's direction.
Donny picked up the letter with a raised brow? Simone stared at me wide-eyed and I shrugged admiring my newly done nails.
"You do know that this is a violation of your contract to the company. Xolani, you still have 4 months till it expires and you have to pay a hefty price for wanting to break the agreements you signed 5 years ago." He said flinging the letter on the table clasping his hands together.
"Yes, I'm fully aware. My lawyer will talk to yours and we'll settle this issue properly. Have a blessed day Mr. Kane and Simone" I coolly told them exiting the office leaving those two to continue whatever they were previously doing.
My phone started ringing and vibrating in the pocket of my jean jacket.
A big smile overtook my face when I saw Angela's face on my phone.
I swiped my index finger across the green icon on the screen, raising the phone to my face.
"Hi Angel, how are you?" I asked my little cousin excitedly.
"I'm good, what about you Lala?"
"Please buy some snacks on your way, mommy got rid of all the yumminess and she's making me and Daddy eat leaves saying "we have to eat healthy" ugh I hate it so much." I giggled loudly at her whiny voice and facial expression.
"Your mom is right, you know she just wants the best for you. Don't take it for granted" I seriously told her with a hidden truth behind my words.
I wish my mother wasn't such an awful person and maybe we could have had moments like my cousin and aunty are having.
I guess it's true as they say, we all don't get what we want.
"I know she's just looking out for me but I can't take it anymore or I'll go mad. Please  please get me some sugar for my system. I need it" This girl. Sneaky manipulative little thing, still love her though.
"Okay Angel, just text me what you want. I'll leave them in the doghouse and you'll go get them in the morning alright and remember DO NOT tell her you got them from me or I'll won't ever help you again." I said with a stern look on my face warning the cheeky girl on the screen.
"Crystal" Angela said smiling sheepishly.
"Bye, see you later" I told her before I hung up.
Blowing out a deep breath, I put on my sunglasses exiting the company then made my way to my car that was parked across the street.
A few seconds later, I saw a text message from Angela. I opened the message and read a total of 25 items she wanted me to get for her.
I shook my head at her list of food requests.
Pressing the unlock button of my car key, I pulled open the door, sitting down on the slightly warm leather seat.
Shutting the close door, I turned on the radio then put my car into ignition bringing it alive as I made my way to the closet Walmart around.
Time Skip...
Finally, I got everything that little brant asked for. The total of what I bought was $126.42.
Angela better take better care of me when I'm grey and old. The things I do for that child.
Loading everything into my car trunk, my hands and back were hurting by the time I was done situating everything.
Going back to the driver's seat, I began driving to my aunt's house which was gonna be a long ass ride.
I tuned in to some Afrobeats. Even though I'm South African, I have to admit that Nigeria and Ghana make the best songs. Those two counties are unbeatable in that genre.
Bopping my head to "Soapy by Naira Marley", I was singing the lyrics knowing damn well I didn't understand what I was saying.
After 20+ minutes of listening to upbeat songs I felt the need to change to change the song to something softer, like a ballad.
When I got to a traffic stop, I picked up my phone going to my ballad playlist clicking "Nomvula by Nathi" one of my favorite South African artist followed by "Things We Cannot Hide by Kabomo".
I wonder what kind of world this would be with music or melodic sounds. Music makes everything better, I've heard a few individuals in my life tell me that they hated music but deep down they know that's a lie. Music helps express your emotions better, it makes you happier, emotional, angry, sad, active and relaxed. Believe it or not, people can understand you better based on your music tastes. Music in general is satisfying, sensually, emotionally and physically alleviating. Our world would be nothing without music to keep us sane.
Before I knew it, I was already pulling into my aunt and uncle's driveway.
I got out of the car, calling over the gateman.
"This is for Angela, can you please take them out of the car and put them inside the dog house." I took out $50 and gave it to the eager man who got to work.
I waited for him to take everything out of the trunk then I locked the car entirely.
I don't even know why they still have the dog house even after all these years.
Bingo, German Shepard died from Canine Parvovirus when Angela was 4 years old.
Walking to the front door, I knocked on the wood for a few times.
My uncle opened the door, with a sad yet scared look on his face.
"Hey uncle" I entered the house greeting him with a hug and a kiss to his stubbled cheek.
As I were about to go inside the living room, he stopped me by grabbing my elbow gently.
"Umm, I should probably tell you that uh there's som—" He was cut off by a preppy voice.
"Suikerpruim!" I turned my head to the direction of the woman I haven't set my eyes on for over 10 years is in front of me looking as beautiful and vibrant as ever.
Translation: Sugarplum (Afrikaans)
She didn't age one bit. Still looking as young as ever.
If my mother is here that means my father is here.
Without saying anything, I ran out of my aunt's house. Ignoring the calls for my name.
Locking myself inside my car, I drove out of their compound and into the main road.
Parking inside a diner's lot, I into my purse dug into my bag and texted my little Angel, apologizing to her because I bailed on her.
One question that ran through my mind as I entered the delicious smelling establishment was; why the fuck the woman I can't seem to hate appeared back in my life?

One question that ran through my mind as I entered the delicious smelling establishment was; why the fuck the woman I can't seem to hate appeared back in my life?

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Kate Hudson as Karen Nolwazi

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