Chapter 27

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The Pretty Reckless - My Medicine

                     Xolani's POV"Lala, I wanna go home now" Angela said tugging on my hand

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                     Xolani's POV
"Lala, I wanna go home now" Angela said tugging on my hand.
We were all in the living room doing absolutely nothing.
When I say doing nothing, I mean to say; I'm cuddled to Bruno's side playing with his fingers as flashbacks from our sextivities from earlier swirled in my mind like an endless loop.
While the kids were playing with Mario's train set on the carpeted floor.
"Okay Angel go get your things and we can go." I shifted from my very comfortable position and not very with not feeling my boyfriend's warmth anymore.
Angela ran back to the Mario's room to go get her backpack.
I turned my head to the side to see Bruno deep asleep, snoring softly.
Then Mario looks up at me with his big eyes.
"Nonno already left because Ms. Ruby wanted him home for dinner and Daddy's sleeping. Who's gonna watch over me when you leave?" I stared the boy down with a smirk.
I knew exactly what he was doing. He didn't want Angela to leave yet.
The little Salerno has a crush on my cousin.
"Not for long" I told him before smacking his father cheek immediately waking him up.
"Damn it, Xolani! That fucking hurt" Bruno said while cradling his aching cheek.
Mario giggled and scolding his dad for the use of profanity.
Angela came back downstairs with her jean jacket and backpack on.
"Sorry honey, I had to wake you. We're leaving." I turned his head to face me kissing the cheek I slapped multiple times.
"Ewww" The kids said in unison with a look of disgust on their faces.
I rolled my eyes at them as I stood up grabbing my bag.
Both father and son walked us to the door step.
"Call me when you get home alright?" I nod my head at Bruno's request.
"Bye Mario" Angela pecked his cheek and ran out the door.
Bruno tugged my hand inching me closer to him and gave me a kiss goodbye.
I walked out of there home and unlocking my car door.
Angela sat inside sneaking a peek at Bruno and when I turned the car on the engine roars to life.
From the corner of my eye, I saw the father and son duo waving us off.
I also noticed the blush on Angela's cheeks but I decided not to say anything.
Time Skip...
"Aunty, we're back" I shouted while locking the door behind me.
"Hi my loves." She walked into the living room with a towel wiping her hands.
"Hey mommy" Angela wrapped her small arms around her mother's hips.
"How was your play date with Mario" Angela's cheeks turned into a bright shade of pink before answering her mother.
"That's great, sweetheart. I want you to go take a shower and come back down for dinner alright Princess?" My little cousin nodded at her mom then turned her head to look at me.
"Lala are you staying for dinner?" I smiled pinching her cheek.
"Of course, I think I smell our favorite Alfredo" Without wasting anymore time, Angela dashes up the stairs to her bedroom.
30 minutes passed and we are all seated around the dining table except my uncle.
He's currently in the Philippines on business.
He'll be back in a few day.
"Mommy, did Daddy call today?" Angela asked with Alfredo sauce dripping from the corner of her mouth.
I picked up my napkin and wiped it off, and she mumbled a thank you.
"Yes he did and he wants you to video call him before you go to bed" My cousin hummed in response before going back to eating her food.
My aunt turned her attention to me raising the wine glass to her lips.
"Xolani, how's the cafe doing" An huge smile overtook my face.
"It's been amazing, the customers love your recipes and we never got any complaints only good reviews. Aunty, thank you so much for helping me with this. I truly appreciate you" I pushed my seat back and went to go give her a hug.
"It's no problem, I'm glad I could help. That's what family is for right." I wiped my tearful eyes thanking her once again.
After we finished eating, Angela decided to go get ready for bed.
Me and my aunty were cleaning the dirty dishes.
I don't understand why she has a dish washer but refuses to use it at all.
"Do you want the remaining of the Alfredo, I made a bit too much and I don't want it to go to waste." My aunt told me as she began putting the rest of the pasta in a clear container.
She didn't even let me answer, I shook my head as I dried my wet hands with a towel after cleaning the last plate.
"Here you go, darling." She hands me the plastic container and a wine bottle but I gave the wine back.
I'm not really a fan of drinking anymore.
Telling her my goodbyes, I exited the house walking to where my car was parked.
I placed the leftover container on the passenger seat, I put my car into ignition and swerved out the driveway to the main road.
As I waited for the traffic light to turn green, I recognized the area so I decided to take a detour to Simone's apartment and check on her.
I haven't seen my bestie all week,
When I got there, I let myself in because she had given me a key for whenever I wanted to come over.
Once I walked into the condo, to say I was stunned by what I was seeing would be an understatement.
"Simone! What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled at the sight in front of me.
Simone was on her knees giving head to a very familiar figure.
"Lani, what are you doing?" She scurried back on her feet wiping her mouth.
"You gave me a key obviously" I responded before shifting to the smug bastard who still has his dick out stroking it while staring at me with that disgusting glint in his eyes he always shot my way.
"Why is he here? I thought you were done with him?"
"Donny has been helping me dealing with my depression. Since you failed to do that, he offered me company and I accepted" Simone told me shrugging nonchalantly.
I looked at Simone like she was crazy.
"Get out" I snarled at Donny
"I said get the hell out of here!" I yelled since the asshole wanted to act like he's deaf.
Donny stood up and fixed himself before walking out of Simone's place.
The dirty bastard didn't even clean his hand.
I walked into her kitchen and got the windex wipes from under the sink going back to the door and wiping the metal handle clean.
Once I was done, I came back to the living room and Simone was still in the same position as she was.
"Are you deadass? I wasn't there for you? So, you expect me to drop everything going on in my life and come cater to you like I don't have my own responsibilities?" I asked her with utter frustration in my tone.
"Lani, I just wanted my best friend but your were always busy with your cafe and that boyfriend of yours not giving me a time of your day." I let out an humorless laugh.
"Do you realize how selfish and unreasonable you sound?" I asked her but the only thing I got was another shrug.
"You know where the door is, make sure to lock my door" Simone turned her back to me walking into her bedroom.
I can't believe this. This isn't the first time Simone has accused me of not give a damn about her.
She always found a way to make me feel guilty about it but not anymore.
I finally noticed just how manipulative she is but you know what, I don't need this mess.
I already have more than enough conflict in my life. From now on, I'll just focus on myself and keep it going.
"Goodbye Simone" For good. I said the last part to myself.
Then I let myself out of her place but not before giving one last lingering look at the door.
I left the building with an heavy heart because I'm honestly hurt.

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