Chapter 11

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Post Malone - Goodbyes

                      Bruno's POV"Sir, the woman that was kicked off the property during young master's birthday celebration is here for 30 minutes and she refuses to leave until you hear what she has to say" Dominic said through the video interco...

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                      Bruno's POV
"Sir, the woman that was kicked off the property during young master's birthday celebration is here for 30 minutes and she refuses to leave until you hear what she has to say" Dominic said through the video intercom mounted on the wall of my living room.
I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.
"Send her in" I said cutting off the communication system.
I took a seat by the leather sofa and waited until Lana enters my home.
"Is there a reason why you're bothering me inside my house." I gritted through clenched teeth.
"I came to warn you about Bruna. She's planning something that I don't agree with very much" Instead of answering my previous question she got straight to the point.
"Lana, I know that my mother is up to something can you elaborate on what it is?" I asked her picking up the bottle of water on the glass table.
"Bruna, wanted me to get with you so you could break up with your girlfriend the beautiful woman I saw you with during the party. Your mother wanted me to convince you that she should be allowed to see her grandson no matter what you grouped her under, I'm sure there's more to what she had planned but this is all she disclosed to me" I should be stunned at how shameless my mother is being but she's always been that way and I'm finally seeing how much of a scheming, manipulative person she is.
I stood up from the sofa to make my way upstairs.
"Thank you for the information. You can go now" As I passed by Lana she got on her knees begging.
"Bruno, please let me see my son. I won't hurt him, please I'm his mother for god sake" Lana pleaded grabbing my leg preventing me from walking away.
I sighed tiredly gazing down at her tear-filled eyes and flustered face.
"Get off the floor Lana, it's embarrassing" I said shrugging her frail arms from wrapping around my leg.
I helped her up to stand pointing for her to take a seat on the couch while I sat opposite.
"Do you still use it?" She looked at me confused by my question.
Then the realization hit when both her eyebrows rose up.
"No! Absolutely not, when I met my husband he helped me get over my addiction, I went to Rehab for a year and I recently just came back but I go to NA meetings." She told me sounding very sincere.
"Are you going to quit the industry?" I asked peering at her intently.
"I'm pregnant and the profession is getting old, I don't even have to work a day in my life because of how much I've saved for the past 8 years" Lana said laughing nervously.
"Good, I'm very proud of you Lana. I'll try to ignore the hatred that I feel in my heart for the sake of our son" I bluntly told her turning my head to the staircase.
"Mario! Son! There's someone I want you to meet!" I yelled incase he couldn't hear me.
I heard a door open and close along with his little feet tapping on the steps as he made his way down to me.
Once his eyes landed on the woman sitting on the couch staring at him in pure adoration.
"Son, I want you to meet your Mother" I told him motioning my hand to the direction where Lana sat.
"Mommy?" Mario asked in a small voice gazing back at Lana with uncertainty in his eyes.
"Hi baby, how have you been?" Lana stood up walking closer to him causing Mario to take several steps back.
Lana seemed to noticed the frightened look on his face then she stopped advancing towards him.
"If you're my mommy, where have you been all this time?" My son asked with unshed tears in his big brown eyes.
"I-I-I'm sorry" Lana croaks out wiping the stray tear that had fallen on her cheek.
Before I could stop him Mario ran out the living room running up the marble steps either to his room or his mini art studio upstairs.
"He hates me" Lana whispered downheartedly.
"He doesn't hate you, Lana. It's just a bit difficult for him to accept you yet" I told her taking a seat.
"Well, I'm going to take my leave and Thank you Bruno. You won't regret it"
I hope I don't regret my choice of welcoming you into our lives and if you fuck me over like you did before. I promise you won't ever be the same after I'm done with you" I said in pure affirmation giving her a look that said I meant every word.
Lana smiled tightly as she picked up her purse and left me in the silence of my home.
Omniscient POV
"No, Mr. Salerno! I can't risk it, I'm not going to have an affair with you." Ruth pushed against the burly Italian man's chest while her back flattened against the wall.
"Cara mia, I'm getting a divorce soon. We can be together now without any boundaries" Bertino hugged her tightly to his body no matter how much she squirmed to get out of his grip.
"But, why?" Ruth asked in a slightly muffled tone.
The older Salerno gentleman, tilted the beautiful brown-skinned goddess face upwards smiling wryly.
"Bruna hasn't been faithful to our marriage for years. I found out she had been having an affair with my cousin Abramo, he confessed to everything when I confronted him a few weeks ago." Bertino finished off then buried his face into the neck of his beloved.
The truth came as a huge shock to Ruth because everyone who knew about the Salernos would think they have the happiest marriage and there wasn't any issues in their matrimonial union.
"Are you okay?" The woman asked running her fingers through his pepper salt hair.
Instead of answering her properly, Bertino hummed in content pulling her warmth closer to his body and she took that as a response.
As Ruth was about to speak, a screeching angered voice interrupted her.
"What's going on here!?" The tone of the person harsh and furious.
Ruth tried to break frees from Bertino's hold but he didn't let her go ignoring the intruder.

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