Chapter 9

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FKA Twigs - Cellophane

                     Xolani's POV I looked down to see Angela with cake icing around her mouth

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                     Xolani's POV
I looked down to see Angela with cake icing around her mouth.
"Lala, I don't feel so good" She said rubbing her stomach with a pained expression.
I carried her into the house to the guest bedroom, then into the en suite bathroom.
We haven't been here for more than 20 minutes and I already gotta deal with two problems.
1: Not getting jealous that my boyfriend's baby mama is here.
2: My little cousin ate more than she was supposed to and if her mother was to find out Angela might be sick, I'll have to answer to her even though it wasn't my fault.
I disrobed Angela of her clothes leaving her in her strawberry print underwear along with a matching tank top.
"Angel, do you need to vomit?" I asked rubbing my hand up and down her back in a comforting manner.
"No Lala, I feel bloated and sleepy" I nod carrying her out the bathroom to the bedroom.
I gently placed her small body on the bed, getting in with her.
Draping the huge cozy covers above our bodies, I wrapped my hands tightly around Angela as her head rested on my chest.
Soon after, I heard soft snores escaping her slightly parted lips.
Bending my head, I moved her straight blonde hair out of her face kissing her temple.
I slowly got out of the bed without been too alarming. Picking up her jean jacket, I took out her phone placing it on the second pillow beside her head on the bed.
I walked over to the dresser table grabbing the keys to the guest room, I exited the room locking the door behind me.
It's for my cousin's safety, this house is filled with strangers that I don't know personally and if anyone was to come across this room seeing it unlocked anything might happen.
I'm just being cautious of my surroundings and Angela is smart enough to call me once she wakes up.
This isn't the first time this has happened, that girl always falls asleep when we go to any kind of social gathering.
I went back to the party outside, checking around to see if I could spot Bruno.
I sighed despondently, taking a seat by the bar pulling my phone out of my leather jacket then began taking videos of the joyous display of Mario's birthday party.
Out of nowhere a firm hand grabbed my wrist dragging me off my chair to the direction of the main house.
Bruno pulled me along with him until we got upstairs to his bedroom.
Not giving me a second to talk, he slammed me against the door making me wince at the harsh contact my back made with the wood behind me.
Bruno leans in capturing my lips in a fierce kiss, his hand traveled down to lift my leg to his waist tugging me even closer to his body warmth.
I feel so turned on and confused at the same time. Why is he acting like this? This  is so unlike him.
A few seconds later, I pushed against his chest wrenching my bruised lips from his.
He tries to kiss me again but I stopped him placing my palm on his mouth muttering a 'no' to him.
                       Bruno's POV
1 hour ago...
Once we reached the driveway, I dropped Lana's hand like I had been scorched by fire. 
"What in the godforsaken hell are you doing here? I'm sure I didn't send you an invitation" I gritted angrily through clenched teeth.
"Well, Bruna was very nice enough to invite the mother of your son" She answered smugly.
I let out a frustrated laugh glaring at her.
"That's too bad because she's not invited either" I said folding my hands over my chest.
"Leave my property before I call the cops" I bellowed at her.
"No! He's my son too, I deserve to be here" Lana said trying to stand her ground with a determined look in her eyes.
"Deserve. You said? No, I don't think so because 8 years ago you abandoned Mario and gave away all your paternal rights saying you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. Remember when we both had our lawyers in the hospital room after you gave birth, you signed away every single thing that legally binds you to my boy. Lana you have no right to be around here, you made the mistake now deal with the fucking consequences" I told her as I watched her face morphed from three different expressions but regret was the one that was more evident on that stiff face of hers.
Lana looks so much different than she did years ago regardless of that she's still beautiful that's the inky thing she has going good for her.
"Please Bruno, I just want to see my him the last time I saw him was when he was an infant. It's not fair to take our son away from his mother" She begged inching closer to touch me.
"Lana, news flash Mario thinks you're dead. Her doesn't knows you exist he never saw you and as far as I know he's not bothered with the fact that he doesn't have a mother. I'm all my son needs" I spat out the bitter truth.
"W-what? HOW COULD YOU!" She grabbed my shirt collar shaking me as I stood rigid in the same spot.
I grasp her wrists tugging it off me.
"Wasn't this what you wanted? I kept my end of the bargain, you did for years so what's changed?" Lana couldn't give two shits about me and Mario someone put her up to this and I know exactly who that person is.
"I think it's time for you to leave" I pushed her off me, signaling one of my trusted guards, Dominic to get her off my property.
Dominic stood behind her outstretching his hand to the direction of the gate for her to go on.
She sighed in disappointment taking one last look at me before turning around to leave.
Something popped in my head that made me call out her name.
"And Lana, whatever you and my mother have planned up your sleeves better throw it away because I'm sure you wouldn't want to see the other side of me I've kept hidden for many years. Understood?"
"Yes, I understand" Lana meekly modded her head in submissive.
She knew exactly what I meant, if she defies me all hell will break loose.
I wasn't always the nicest, caring man that I am today.
I'd it wasn't for the birth of Mario I will still be a devious, wayward bastard who only cared about himself.
My son is the beginning of my humble beginnings.
After I saw Lana was escorted out of my property, I turned my back to go to the party.
From the entrance of the backyard, I saw my beautiful girlfriend giggling and laughing while taking a video of the chaotic little kids running around the compound.
I smiled at the sight, but my anger still hasn't eased down.
I felt the sudden urge to consume Xolani and that's exactly what I did.
I stalked towards the bar grabbing her left hand dragging her away for privacy.
Taking her up to my bedroom, I couldn't resist the innocent look on her face when I backed her against the wooden surface of the door.
I cupped her cheeks in my hand and kissed her like I'd missed her for a long time.
Her small moans and whimpers were barely making me hold back what I intentionally wanted to do to her.
Then she pushed me off looking at me stunned mumbling a 'no' when I tried to kiss her once again.
"Bruno, are you alright?" Xolani's soft calming melodic voice asked as she peered up at me through her long eyelashes.

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