Chapter 16

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KiDi - Thunder

                      Bruno's POV"Babe, talk to me what's bothering you?" I asked my visibly stressed girlfriend

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                      Bruno's POV
"Babe, talk to me what's bothering you?" I asked my visibly stressed girlfriend.
"It's nothing. I don't want my issues to be an inconvenience for you" Xolani said tracing her artsy painted nails over my jawline smiling in rueful manner.
Something is really distracting her and I need to know.
"You were there for me when me when I was in a bad place it's only right I return the gesture. Please just talk to me and I'm all ears your promise are mine too. We aren't in a relationship for nothing" I told her pulling her warmth closer to me.
Xolani sighed deeply closing her eyes for a second before opening those innocent brown orbs to me.
"My mother is in LA" She started while fiddling with the hum of my shirt.
"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked her confusedly.
Xolani shook her head disapprovingly.
"I haven't seen here for many years because she betrayed my trust, virtue and womanly temple..." She went on and told me everything her parents tried doing to her when was a manor.
I can't believe a father would think about his own child so obscenely. It was sick and disgusting, and her mother even condoned in her husband's pedophila actions towards their daughter.
I held my emotional girlfriend tightly not wanting to let go.
I feared that my words wouldn't be enough to comfort her but I knew that my understanding and conveying my feelings through physical contact would be better for her at this moment.
"I'm scared that she's going to try something again. My mother is the reason why I haven't went to my aunt's house before I know she's going to be there waiting for me."
"I have an idea, why don't you formally confront her and ask the questions you desperately want the answers to. Maybe it could give you a bit of clarity and help you overcome your fears" I suggested while twirling the a bouncing curly strand of her sweet/topical scented hair.
Xolani turned her head to face me age placed both her palms on my cheeks pecking my lips repeatedly.
"Bruno, you're a genius! Why did that never cross my mind?" She said gazing up at me with a look of appreciation.
"Thank you, darling" I kissed her temple before untangling her limbs off my body.
"I need to pee" I told her getting off the couch and making my way towards the neon pink painted bathroom.
The colors of her whole house were all endearing, lemon yellow walls for her bedroom, emerald green in the living room, turquoise blue covered the kitchen and metallic gray for the home gym.
Each colors matched her personality, it was perfect.
After I finished taking my well deserved leak, I washed my hand dried then with the fluffy pink towel hung behind the door.
I exited the bathroom and heard two voices speaking.
One sounded like Xolani and the other had to be her best friend who I've met only an handful number of times.
Simone was a cool girl, but she was a bit too much. Her personality is very different from my woman's quiet and laidback one. Nevertheless, Simone and Xolani still make their friendship work despite their differences.
"Umm, I'll just come back" Simone said when she saw me come back into the living room.
"No it's alright, I was just leaving. Have to go pick up my son from my dad's." I was telling the truth it's quarter past 7 pm.
"Oh ok, bye I'll call you later" Xolani said standing on her tippy toes giving me a shirt hug and a kiss.
I kissed her lips briefly, going over to the coat hanger to take my leather jacket then waved her goodbye as she did the same.
Closing the door behind me, I pulled out my phone to call Lana.
"Yellow..." Her preppy voice spoke through the speak.
"Come pick up Mario at 1o am. I'm going out of town for a few days and this would give you two more time to get closer together"
"Thank you so much for been so accepting of me after what I did in the past" I could hear the sincerity and regret in her voice.
"I really hope you don't hurt my son again" I told her truthfully.
"Bruno, I was a young and stupid who didn't know what she wanted. I'm sorry and I promise you that I'm not the way I used to be." Lana voice started to croak meaning she might cry.
Why do I keep forgetting that she's pregnant.
"Uh, it's alright I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight" I said then hung up as I made my way towards my car.
Thinking back to everyone Xolani told me, the more furious I got. Her father's perversion makes me what to find that man and punish him for messing with my girl.
The mother is no good either, none of them deserve an amazing woman like that for daughter.
No way in hell an I letting them hurt her again.
                  Omniscient POV
"Hey, I haven't heard from you since t—" Xolani immediately cut off her friend.
"If this is about me catching you and Donny making out. It's none of my business, I never liked the dude or messed around with him so you shouldn't have to feel like you owe me anything. Do as wish sis, just don't be stupid enough to end up like the other females who he already trapped as his baby moms" The short, curvy woman said tugging the much taller and slender lady towards the couch.
Simone was honestly surprised by her best friend's reaction because she thought Xolani would be bitter and might hate her.
"Why aren't you saying anything" She questioned with a raised brow.
"I'm just speechless that's all. I thought your reaction would be entirely different" Simone confessions making the her laugh boisterously.
"Gurl, shut up and cuddle with me. I need snuggles" Xolani's laid half of her body on Simone pulling the blanket over their bodies.
Xolani turned on the TV and began browsing around Netflix then settled for Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse. It was Simone and hers favorite after all.

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