Chapter 18

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Boyz II Men - I'll Make Love To You
Warning ⚠️ Mature Content 16+⚠️

Boyz II Men - I'll Make Love To YouWarning ⚠️ Mature Content 16+⚠️

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Bruno's POV
"Daddy, can we go to Ms. Wazi's house Angela's staying with her till the break's over" Mario said pulling my hand to give him attention.
He's been going on about seeing his best friend for 2 hours now.
I am packed with so much things to do my workload still hasn't lessened.
Maybe, I should invest in getting a babysitter for my son.
Lana's busy doing whatever with her husband, my father and Ruth are on a trip out the country.
Which leaves me with the ultimate responsibility to take care of him.
Mario is my son and it has always been my duty but it just gets overwhelming after been a single parents after so long. I'm stressed beyond measure.
"Okay buddy, let's go" For his happiness and for my relaxation I'll take him to his best friend.
"Thanks daddy" He jumped into my arms hugging me excitedly.
I patted his head before telling him to go put his shoes on.
I picked my phone off the table then called my girlfriend.
"Hey baby, how are you?" I asked after she picked up after the 2nd ring.
"Hey Bruno. I'm good, what about you." Xolani asked
"Stressed out" That was the truth and I needed something to relive myself with but I just didn't know what?
"Come over then" She proposed the idea.
"That's what I wanted to ask you about. Mario wants to see Angela and I wanted to ask if we could visit" I heard rummaging in the background.
"Oh, I took Angela back home this morning. She apparently cried about missing her father who just got back from a business trip last night" Xolani laughed to herself while the sound of a shower being turned on was in the background.
"Damn, that's too bad" Mario will be disappointed about not seeing Angela.
"Hold on a minute, I'll call my aunt to notify her that you guys are coming to their house. Angela would be excited to see her best friend and maybe he could spend the night at their place and you can stay with me. Hmm?" Her suggestions weren't bad and if it meant free babysitting I'm all in then I get to spend more time with my woman.
I haven't seen that devilishly cute face of hers for almost a week.
"Alright, send me the address" of my future in-laws. I badly wanted to finish the rest of the sentence but it'll probably freak her out.
Xolani told me goodbye before hanging up the phone call.
"Mario pack some clothes you're staying at Angela's house!" I yelled to my son upstairs and I heard a loud 'yes' coming from the upper level of the house.
I ran up the stairs and packed a small bag because I wanted to be with my girlfriend a little longer.
After packing my clothes, necessities and laptop in case I wanted to finish up some work.
Mario and I settled into my vehicle as I drove to the address Xolani had sent to me.
When we arrived, the gateman opened the black gates wide enough for my car to enter into the humongous driveway.
Turning off the engine, I exited the vehicle then opened the backseat door to unbuckle Mario from his car seat.
"Daddy please get my bags, I'm going inside first" Not letting me get a word out the little man ran towards the front door knocking furiously on the wooden platform.
I shook my head at his behavior getting his bags out the trunk.
Soon, I joined him at the door knocking two times and a gorgeous blonde hair woman opened.
Her face contorted into a big smile as it wandered between me and my son.
"Ah, you must be Bruno, Xolani's boyfriend and this handsome fella is Mario, Angela's friend. He's all she talks about" She said moving out the way to let us in.
"Good evening ma'am" I shook her hand when she introduced herself as Katy Benedetto.
"Hello Miss" Mario greets her before running off when his eyes landed on Angela who had a bag of chips in her hand.
"Angela, Angela, Angela I'm here" Mario screamed very happily going to meet his little friend.
"Sorry about that" I chuckled nervously scratching the back of my neck.
I think I might need to discipline Mario about having proper manners in other people's home. He seems to be lacking it.
"It's alright kids will be kids" Mrs. Benedetto said dismissively laughing at her words.
"Once again, I sincerely appreciate you Mrs. Benedetto. Is there any way I could repay you?" I asked my future in law with expectancy.
"Just don't hurt my niece she's been through a lot and I know you're a good man. Please don't disappoint the high expectations I have for you." She said smiling responded with a wink.
"Wasn't even dreaming on it. Xolani is safe under my care" I told her to ease down any uneasiness she might have felt.
"Alright Bruno, I'll hold you onto that" Mrs. Benedetto said in a stern tone.
"Bye Daddy" Mario waved me goodbye with his other hand clasped with Angela as their little limbs climb up the marble stairs.
I turned my attention to the older woman who looked way much better than females of any younger generation.
I think I might have had a 10 seconds crush on the lady because of her beauty.
I politely bade her goodbye walking out to the house then entered back into my car and began a journey to my woman's place in Glendale.
Time Skip...
"Bruno, please take the pain away. I want peace, happiness and pleasure. Please grant me my wishes" Xolani begged while taking off each article of clothing that once covered her skin.
I wonder how we even got up to here.
15 minutes ago, we just finished having dinner together and talking about random things then Xolani went upstairs to apparently get something.
She called me up help her and without knowing I was falling into her trap of seduction.
I walked into the bedroom to find my woman on her bed playing with herself while moaning out my name.
I unknowingly fell for it, when she fully pulled me into her bedroom.
Now, she's standing in front of me in sexy two-piece lingerie staring me down with undying lust in her eyes.
My hands found the curvature of her hips pulling her body closer to me.
I kissed the top of her navel before looking up to meet her hungry gaze.
"Are you sure?" I asked in the softest voice I could muster.
"Yes, I'm ready" She breathed out smiling beautifully as always.
Xolani pushed me back on the bed straddling my bottom half but not before taking off her pink lacy bra and panties.
I took her in my arms and started kissing her passionately letting our hands roam each other bodies. As I squeezed her tits, her hands instinctively went to my hair tugging the roots.
I broke the kiss and gave my woman a once over observing how her bountiful breasts hung without the support of the underwire bra, her brown nipples had grown thick and firm.
I couldn't help myself, as I lifted my top half and latched my mouth on the pebbled bud and played with the other breast.
As I sucked, she moaned a great deal and her breathing had quickened.
When I pushed both tits together and got both nipples in my mouth, and lightly bit down
Xolani's nipples weren't the other thing to stiffen with desire.
My right hand slid down her belly, then over her clit and started playing with her vulva. She gasped when my fingers started stroking her outer lips.
My cock stood at attention under her wet heat. It was painfully erect and wanted urgent release.
"Sit on my face" I demanded from her.
Xolani froze looking at me with widen eyes.
"W-What" She opened her mouth but nothing but stammers and incoherent words passed throughout lips.
Slowly Xolani lifted herself till her womanly parts were directly place on my awaiting lips.
God, she was perfect. Soft pinkness, clean shaven and sweet scented.
I dipped my tongue inside her slit, I'm going to lick and suck her until she came against my tongue.
I'm going to grant her every wish. Hard, passionate love making then give it to her rough.
My tongue traced around her lips, breathing her honeyed scent and tasting the delicious juice that was leaking out.
I looked at her pussy and marveled at the size of her clit, which had to be sticking out almost as the size of a peanut M&M.
It was big and juicy and definitely needed some attention.
I let my tongue work all around her inner lips with her moaning a great deal begging me to eat her I keep my tongue right there then I started fucking her pussy now and she was loving it by how loud her moaning got.
Xolani's hips gyrating on my face in a swift back and forth motion helping me get deeper as she complimented me on how skilled I was in the art of eating pussy.
Then I finally started licking her clit, I think this drove her crazy when I took it into my mouth, her ass lifted off my face as her body stiffened.
"I'm cumming!" Xolani squealed out grabbing the headboard for support.
I looked at those pretty lips which were very wet and then a slight gush of liquid came out soaking my face which I wasted no time lapping up.
I was still licking her pussy as she came down from her orgasm then she grabbed my hair tight.
"Baby, I really need to feel you inside me. Please fuck me" I tapped her ass twice telling get up.
Xolani did as she was told shifting her body over falling on the bed beside me still shaking from her orgasm.
I got off the bed stripping out of my cloths, I picked up my jeans pulling a condom out of my wallet.
"Put that away, I have an implant. When I said I wanted to feel you I meant it." She said giggling.
I threw the gold packet away then crawled back into the bed pulling apart Xolani's thick thighs to see her glistening juice around her swollen lips.
My fingers found her clit flicking it rapidly, arousing her desires to even greater highs. She cried out softly couldn't last any more longer.
I stroked my hard cock vigorously before lining up my cock up with her soaking wet snatch. I rub the head up and down the slit.
When I did this repeatedly until she placed her palm on my stomach
"Stop teasing me, just put it in" Xolani told me with a low grown once I started easing into her.
She moaned in pain as the head slid between her lips then a sharp scream escaped her mouth once I went last her virginal barrier.
I laid still "Are you okay?" I asked her worried that I might have hurt her badly.
This is my first time having sex with a virgin and I have no idea what to do.
Xolani released the tight grip her walls had kept my appendage captured for the last few seconds.
She pressed her body against mine whispering that I should go on.
Her curvy hips moved in little circles, showing me how desperately she wanted me.
Xolani's POV
I could feel him expanding my inner walls opening, as I took him deep inside.
Gasps came out of my mouth when he pulled out then thrust back into me.
The feeling of Bruno filling me was like no other. My mind went blank nothing but unadulterated bliss floated in my head.
A deep heat began to burn in my loins.
Bruno spread my thighs open and began to thrust into me more forcefully.
My heavy breasts heaved up and down then he leaned down to suckle on my nipples devouring them into his hot mouth.
My painted toes swayed in the air as he thrusted hard. Our bodies crushed together over and over his powerful thighs slapping against my soft skin.
Bruno's traitorous love making had me screaming at the top of my lungs.
He slowed down, rocking his hip then sped up, then slowed down then sped up again. This motion went on for more than 3 minutes.
Bruno's tempo kept me on the edge. His fingers found my sensitive bundle of nerves.
I cried out as he drove deeper and deeper. Then he stopped pulling out then untangling my legs from around his waist and slid down my body .
His head moved between my legs, his lips finding my wet folds.
I moaned as he held my hips in place licking me furiously. I dragged my acrylic finger nails through his silky brown locks, pressing his face more causing his nose to bump with my clit.
I could feel myself growing wetter and wetter. Bruno's tongue was relentless, my heels were pressing against his shoulders, digging into him.
I wanted him so badly, Bruno's free hand hand moved up my belly pushing me down into the soft bed as he continued his pleasurable assault.
The teasing was simply too much to bear. I pulled him toward me begging with my eyes for him to fuck me again with his cock.
Bruno chuckled wrenching his mouth from my pussy then pinned me down onto the bed and drove his cock back into me as deeply as he could.
My body shook as he worked his long shaft into me. I moaned with the delicious pleasure, yet still I needed him even deeper.
I pushed myself up making him temporarily retreat his dick.
I turned getting on my hands and knees, Bruno smacked my ass watching it jiggle then he took hold of my hips and drove his cock into me from behind hitting so deeply I could only gasp.
He pulled me toward him then reached around cupping my breasts.
Bruno held me to him, my back pressed against his chest as he remained deep inside me.
We paused, taking a small moment to breathe.
He lets go of me as I returned back to all fours, this time ready to climax.
Bruno drove into me with everything he had and I pushed back against him with equal force.
Our bodies glistened with sweat and inherent cries grew louder.
The bed shook against the wall. The bedroom walls could barely contain our passion as I grew closer to my final moment of pleasure.
All of a sudden, I cried out as I came. My insides exploded with a sensation of pure euphoria and electrified pleasure.
Now it was his turn, I moved around face to face and took his dick in my mouth.
I felt the tension and his need to release.
I sucked him harder and harder until he was so close I could sense it.
Then I quickly pulled my mouth away climbing on top of him and straddled his hip sliding back down on his shaft.
I rode him like a pro, bouncing, twerking and grinding on that hard dick.
Bruno's body shook quietly under me as I felt hot thick cum coat my walls.
I fell face front collapsing on his body breathing heavily.
I lifted my head up to kiss him deeply, unable to keep from smiling.
Both of us knew what each other was thinking.
The only thought swirling around my head was how much I wanted to do it again all through the night as I let him make endless love to me.

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