Chapter 14

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Eminem - Farewell

                     Bruno's POV My mother's dead

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Bruno's POV
My mother's dead. Why would she commit suicide? This is unreal.
2 weeks, two fucking weeks! Mamma decided to end her life for what?
How could she do this to us, she didn't have my father, me, or her grandson in mind when she established her selfishness.
I've been distancing myself from everyone including my family and girlfriend.
I didn't even go to the funeral, I just needed time to grieve.
As much as I loved and hated my mother at the same time those two emotions seemed to balance each other well.
Mario is currently staying at his grandpa's house. I knew I couldn't take proper care of my son with my mind not in its right place.
Ruth offered to take care of him because my father was handling my mothers death way better than I.
Knocking me out of my melancholic thoughts series of loud bangs came from my front door.
"Bruno, open up. Baby, please let me in. I'm worried about you" Xolani's voice pleads from behind the door.
Everyday she comes her to check up on me. I never open the door because I didn't want her to see me like this.
A depressed, dirty, pathetic mess. That's how I'm describing myself at this time.
I've been avoiding her even when she only has good intentions to help me.
I picked up the glass of whiskey gulping the rest of the content.
On wobbly legs, I opened the door to see my beautiful lady walk inside the house dropping a Nike duffel bag on the floor.
I grinned widely giggling a little.
She looks so cute in the jean skirt and flowery top, instead of her colorful hair it was in its natural curls.
Tugging her small frame to my chest, I buried my face in her neck and my wandering hands settled on her plump ass kneading the jiggly flesh.
"Babe, have you been drinking and when was the last time you took a proper bathe?" Xolani asked pushing against my chest to take a look at me.
I haven't to take a shower since 4 days ago when my father came over to see how I'm holding up.
I cleaned up for his sake but got back to the nasty habit.
Grabbing my wrist, Xolani's pulled me along with her upstairs.
Once we got inside my room, I jumped into the bed face flat until I felt a harsh smack on my butt causing me to jolt up by reflex.
"Sorry" She muttered with a small smirk on her face.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up" Xolani dragged me off the bed and into the bathroom.
"Take off your clothes " She ordered pointing to the dirty clothes on my body.
I took off my clothes dropping them inside the laundry hamper.
Then entered the bathtub filled with soapy warm water. This tub could fit 5 people, it's basically a hot tub in a sense.
Xolani took off hers neatly folding them and placed it on the small sofa in the bathroom before joining me.
If I wasn't the slightest bit drunk or tipsy she would be on all fours getting roughly fucked from behind. Back shots all night, she might even get thicker by the next morning.
Chuckling at the silly thoughts, Xolani's smiled looking over at me.
"What's so funny?" She asked grabbing the loofah and pouring an abundant amount of my shower gel on it.
Squeezing the blue colored sponge, she moved closer to my body and began scrubbing my neck, down to my chest, pits, arms, and lifted my leg out the water scrubbing the hairy limb.
After the bath we took a quick shower together but she stayed under the water a bit longer while I brushed my teeth more than 3 times to get the alcohol taste off my tongue.
When I was about to spit out the mouthwash, she emerged out the steamy glass door of the shower looking like a wet dream.
She wrapped a fluffy towel around her body and a smaller one on her head to fry her hair.
Xolani noticed me staring and sent me a teasing wink walking out the bathroom.
I heard my bedroom door close meaning she probably went to go get her duffel bag.
Entering my closet, I picked out new set of clothes.
A flannel pajamas pants and a grey shirt.
Soon after, Xolani came back with the black bag, fully dressed in a black silky nightgown and robe that reached her knees but the towel was still wrapped around her head.
"Don't you look sexy" I said twirling her around causing her to giggle.
"Let's go downstairs" She said pulling me out of the room down the steps of my home and into the kitchen.
"What do you want to eat" Xolani asked standing behind the kitchen island.
I was so tempted to lifted her on the marble counter and eat that delicious pussy from behind. Yep, I think I'm sober now.
"A big juicy steak" I told her with a certain glint in my eyes while I licked my bottom lip.
Xolani rolled her eyes turning around to get the meat out of the refrigerator and her ass cheeks bounced at each step she took.
'Damn, she too thick and is she even wearing any panty under that flimsy excuse of a gown?' I thought to myself completely hypnotized by the movement of that booty.
"Baby, can you help me with the vegetables?" She asked cutting me out of my trance.
"Uh, yeah sure thing" I said standing up from the barstool walking around the island to do as she asked.
30-40 minutes later, we were sitting by the dining table eating our delicious supper.
"My entire night just got a whole lot better. Thanks for not giving up on me even though I pushed you away" I said appreciating my beautiful girlfriend.
She pushed herself up from her chair planting a chaste kiss on my lips before sitting back down.
"You're welcome baby, just know that I'll always be here for you." Xolani told me then clinked together our wine glasses filled with apple juice because she wanted me to sober up and I already did.
From now on, I'll always count my blessings because I landed me a good woman.

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