Chapter 8

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Nao - Drive and Disconnect

                      Xolani's POV"Angel, you ready to go?" I asked my little cousin who raised her arms pouting

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                 Xolani's POV
"Angel, you ready to go?" I asked my little cousin who raised her arms pouting.
I groaned rolling my eyes because she knows her adorable puppy dog look are my weakness.
"Ugh, you big baby" I said jokingly lifting her up to my hips.
"Auntie, we'll see you later. Bye" I bade her goodbye as she pressed soft kisses on both Angela and I foreheads.
We exited the house walking towards my car on the huge driveway.
"Lala, hope you didn't forget Mario's gift?" I bopped her nose rubbing mine against hers.
"I didn't little one, you'll see it in the car"
Today is Mario's 8th birthday, I got him a personalized 80 piece art set with his name engraved on the wooden box. That boy is a mini Picasso, he's definitely going places.
"Angel, what did you get for him?" I asked her while buckling her seat belt.
She reached into her pocket pulling out her iPhone 11 Pro.
'Damn she's spoilt' I cringed at the thought. Growing up I didn't have none of the things I see this little girl hold in her possessions.
I only had those pink Barbie toy flip phones.
Angela tapped on the screen a few times then turned the phone to my view.
I gasped in shock when I saw a Mini Ferrari 308 GTS.
'What the hell!?' I screamed inwardly.
"Sweetheart, how much was that?"
"I don't know? I told Daddy to buy it and he did. He hired people to take it to their house this morning because it was too big to fit in your car trunk" She said shrugging nonchalantly.
Lord, if this was my child I wouldn't know what to do with her.
"Okay Angel, do you have your iPad?" I asked collecting myself as I stood up from my bent position.
"Yes, now let's go or will be late" Angela nagged putting her rose gold Beats headphones on her small ears.
I chuckled closing her door and I walked to the driver side.
I put the car into ignition then turned on the radio and "Tell It Like It Is" by Aaron Neville blared through the speakers.
I sang along to the song as I backed out the driveway and the automatic black gates opened itself.
Soon, I was on the main road driving to the Salerno's Residence in Beverly Hills.
It's a 40 minute drive, since my aunt and uncle live in Malibu.
Out of nowhere a very memorable moment of me and Bruno on a date flashed in my mind as I waited for the traffic light to change to green.
That specific memory was about a month ago, when Bruno finally asked me to be his girlfriend.
I couldn't contain my excitement because I said 'yes' before he could even finish his sentence.
Our relationship is new and growing. This is my first ever real love affair with anyone.
I feel like I'm on top of the word and lately Mario has been very attached to me, he has in the past way before I started actively talking and dating his father.
He's a good kid and I love being in his presence.
The only thing I'm concerned about being in a relationship with a man who's mother is an absolute racist scares me a bit.
I knew that dating Bruno wouldn't be unicorns and rainbows but I'm just terrified that his mother might try to break us apart and if she were to succeed; I fear that my true colors would be exposed and it's not a good look.
Time Skip...
Once we arrived at the Salerno's mansion, I parked in the huge driveway along with the varieties of different cars.
The guards in black suits, directed us to the backyard that had a Batman theme.
It was absolutely beautiful and perfect for a kid like Mario's age.
I checked behind me for Angela and I don't see her, I wonder where she ran off to?
"Hi Ms, Wazi" The childhood said in unison almost all the kids in here are my students.
"Hi everyone, how are you?" I greeted them as they all surrounded me with a hug.
"Good" They shouted excitedly.
"Hope you guys have fun" I told them walking over to where I saw Bruno fixing up drinks for the adults.
On my way to meet up with my man, I greeted some of the familiar parents that I knew but not before I dropped off Mario's gift at the present section.
"May I please have an Appletini?" I said standing behind him.
He stopped doing his previous task, he turned around to face.
"Ciao bellissima" I almost melted hearing the sexy Italian words come out of his mouth.
Translation: Hello Gorgeous
That voice of his and the way he's eyes roamed over my body is enough to get my juices flowing and my panties damp.
I stood on my tippy toes pressing a kiss to his juicy pink lips.
"I missed you" I whispered against his lips.
"Mmm, I missed you so much, darling" He mumbled kissing my jaw and my neck.
"Mo-Ms. Wazi!" I heard little Mario's voice scream my name in pure excitement.
I bent down giving the birthday boy a bear hug.
"Hi Mario, happy birthday" I said kissing his chubby pink tinted cheeks.
"Thank you, Mo-Ms. Wazi" This time I decided not to ignore the fact that he almost called me his Mom.
I would love to be his mother but his father and I are not at that stage yet.
This relationship is very new and I wouldn't want anything to complicate it.
"Go on, Mario. I think it's time to go smash the piñata" His father said pushing the little boy to where all his friends stood.
One of the adults handed Mario a bat to smash the piñata that looked like the Joker.
I smiled widely enjoying the entertainment in front of my eyes.
"What the fuck is she doing here?" Bruno said looking over my shoulder.
I traced his gaze, as I turned around to see a petite brunette haired woman standing at the backyard entrance.
Her wavy hair cut short, she had a very structured pointy nose, and her dark bluish-gray eyes flittered on the rowdy children in pure disgust.
"Excuse me, for a minute" Bruno said pecking my lips then stormed off to the direction where the lady stood.
He roughly grabbed her arm pulling her away from the party.
Is she Mario's mother? Judging by Bruno's actions. I'm guessing that she is.
How could such a beautiful woman abandon her own child for selfish reasons?
I sighed hugging my arms around my body until I felt a hard tug on my dress.

How could such a beautiful woman abandon her own child for selfish reasons? I sighed hugging my arms around my body until I felt a hard tug on my dress

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CL as Lana Brooks

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CL as Lana Brooks

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