Chapter 2

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Peppino Gagliardi - Un Amore Grande

                     Bruno's POVUnlocking the front door, I pushed it wide open and Mario ran inside the house

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                     Bruno's POV
Unlocking the front door, I pushed it wide open and Mario ran inside the house.
I stepped into the vanilla scented atmosphere of my home.
Mario took off his sneakers placing them on the shoe rack by the door.
Before he started making his way to go upstairs I stopped him.
"Son, go pack a small bag, you're staying with your Nonna for the weekend" I told him while taking off my shoes setting them on the rack.
Translation: Grandma
"Okay daddy, I'm going to go do my homework assignment" He said running up the wooden stairs.
My greatest accomplishment in my life is help bringing that boy into this world.
My greatest regret is having a son with a person that hated her own child enough to abandon him with his father.
Lana Brooks, Mario's mother. She's a pornstar who I had accidentally gotten pregnant 7+ years ago.
I tried to coax her to leave the adult entertainment industry but she wouldn't yield.
Lana was at the prime of her career then, she was at high demand many companies wanted her to make movies for them.
She doesn't believe in abortion because of her supposedly "Christian fate" that's why a deal was made between us.
She wanted to keep her career but she also wanted absolutely nothing to do with Mario after his birth.
Till this day, Lana refuses to be in our son's life as any good mother would because she's still livin' it up with rockstars, athletes, and politicians.
She enjoys the sex, fame, money and parties. Lana would have been the worst person that my son should have in his life.
She's manipulative, toxic and a druggie. I can't have that around my family it might tear us apart.
Mario never even asked about his mother, he did when we was much younger but he doesn't bother him anymore I think?
My son never met or seen what Lana looks like, that was her part of the deal for him to never know her identity.
I still can't understand her reasons but I agreed to it regardless.
Plopping myself into the cozy sofa, I sighed heavily.
I didn't feel like cooking anything like I usually do.
Digging into my pocket, I pulled out my cellphone dialing the my mother's number.
"Did you feed my grandchild?" Not even an hello.
"Really mamma? That's how you're gonna start?" I asked pulling on the necktie to loosen it around my neck.
"I don't care, did my grandchild eat or not?" She asked in a sassy tone.
"No, mamma" I replied biting my bottom lip.
"I had a feeling that's why I'm sending food to the house" I closed my eyes thanking God for having such an amazing woman as my mother.
"Thank you so much, mamma" I told her making kissy sounds.
"Shut up, just feed my baby and I'll be at the house by 1 AM tomorrow" I hummed in understanding before telling her goodnight.
As usual she kissed her teeth and hung up not even bothering to bid me goodbye.
I chuckled to myself then I began thinking back to Mario's teacher, whom I've had a crush on since he started kindergarten 5 months ago.
Her kind aura, nurturing personality, beautiful smile and not to mention that glorious body of hers is enough to make any man bow and worship at her feet.
In the entertainment industry, word gets around about how Xolani is the genius that created the hits most of these artists have.
I kept wondering why such a talented woman like herself stays in the shadows perfecting her craft for the ones in the spotlights?
I'm going to ask her about it on our date tomorrow night.
Looking at my palm, I typed in her phone number then saved it in my contacts.
The exhaustion from work took a toll on me when I laid down on the sofa.
The bell rang 2 times, I jumped up from the comfortable furniture and made my way to the door.
I opened it to see William the 17-year-old part timer from my mother's restaurant.
"Hey buddy, how are you?" I asked the teenager.
"Good, Mr. Salerno" He answered smiling politely.
"Boss lady, told me to give this to you" William said handing the big brown paper bag to me.
I carried the bag, putting it to the side then reached into my cheat pocket.
I pulled out a $50 bill and gave it to the young man.
"Thank you, Mr. Salerno have a goodnight and tell Mario I said hello" He said with a big grin on his face.
"Goodnight William get home safe" I waved at the teenager as he made his way off out my compound.
"Mario!" I called out to him.
Soon I heard his small feet on the wooden floors as he came back downstairs.
"Nonna sent dinner" I raised the bag to show him.
"Yay!" He said giddy running into the dining room.
I set the paper bag on the table taking out the different varieties of food.
Shrimp Scampi, Lasagna, Beef Stew, Ossobuco and Cannolis for dessert.
"Mario, which one do you want to eat?" I asked motioning to the spread out dishes.
He pointed to the Lasagna, I opened the plastic cover of the aluminum plate hading him a plastic fork.
"Thank you, Daddy" He said before taking the first bit with a satisfied look on his face.
I pat his head affectionately gazing down at my precious little boy.
"Daddy, aren't you gonna eat?" Mario asked licking the sauce from the corner of his mouth.
"I will" I sat down next to him reaching for the Ossobuco with yellow rice.
I began eating the delicious meal, groaning at the flavorful taste.
My mother has to be the best cook I've known. God, bless her hands.
After eating dinner, I told him to go upstairs and take his bath before going to bed while I finish cleaning up.
10 minutes later, I entered Mario's bedroom to see him reading a superhero comic book with a flashlight under the sheets.
"Son, put that away it's your bedtime" I lifted the Batman duvet off his head.
Taking the book and flashlight from him.
"Daddy, I know you have a date with Ms. Wazi tomorrow. Don't break her heart or I'll kick you like Nonna does" I chuckled at the serious look on his face moving his pointed finger away.
"Alright son, sleep well" I tucked him in securely kissing his forehead.
I exited his bedroom going inside mine. Poor boy, I pity him so much. That selfish woman doesn't even care about her own blood.
Grunting at the thoughts about that calloused woman fueled my anger that I've kept repressed for years now.
I despise you Lana Brooks.

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