Chapter 20

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Dj Neptune - Nobody Ft. Joeboy & Mr. Eazi.
⚠️ Mature Content Ahead ⚠️

                      Bruno's POV"Hey buddy, how's your stay with Lana" I asked my over-hyper son over FaceTime

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Bruno's POV
"Hey buddy, how's your stay with Lana" I asked my over-hyper son over FaceTime.
"I like it and she took me to Pacific Park with her husband. He's a very nice person" I nodded my head in acknowledgment because I've met Javier on more than 4 occasions whenever Mario spent his weekend at their home.
He's a pretty cool guy, I wouldn't mind being friends with him.
Sometimes I just wonder how Lana ended with someone like him.
Javier is a tall, lean yet muscular, Hispanic gentleman who has a few words to say.
I just wanna to know how he managed to tame Lana wild character and make her change her direction in life?
I'm might still have a little hate for Lana deep in my heart but I'm thankful to Javier for straightening her out so she could be a better person and mother to our son.
Mario deserves a good woman he can freely call mom without hesitating.
"Did you have fun in the park? And did you eat a lot of yummy things?" Mario puts down his iPad then comes back multiple things in his hand showing me everything he "won" meaning Javier probably got then for him.
"Did you say thank you to them?" He nodded his head because I taught him better to always appreciate people that help and give him things.
"Daddy, do you think Miss Lana would like it if I called her mommy?" Mario asked in an unsure manner biting his finger nail.
"Take you hand out of your mouth" He listener muttering a sorry.
One bad habit I've been trying to get him to Stop doing.
"I think she'll love that." I sincerely told him.
It really is refreshing to hear that my son is finally accepting his birth mother and getting a little more comfortable with her.
At first, when Lana reappeared Mario was scared to her, he wanted absolutely nothing to do with her.
But I think he started to realize she only had honest intentions maybe that's for the new reveal.
"Really!? Are you sure, Daddy?" A huge grin overtook my facial expressions.
A sharp knock on the door stopped me from opening my mouth to answering him.
"Mr. Salerno, the reporters are ready for the interview" My assistant enters my suite informing me about the press conference for my new movie.
"Absolutely! I'll be home soon, stay out of trouble" I warned him with a hard look.
Mario saluted me and waved me goodbye.
"I love you daddy" This boy is gonna be the death of me.
"I love you too, buddy" I blew him a kiss before I hung up the call.
Standing up from the loveseat I sat on, I checked fixed up any wrinkles in my suits then exited my suite, walking behind my assistant to the elevator down to the conference hall in the hotel since the interview is happening here.
One think I hate about my job are the interviews, attention, less privacy and the crows I try to keep at bay.
I took a deep breath once the elevator doors opened indicating we have arrived at the first floor.
Kelly, directed me to the area where
"Is it true that you're in a relationship with Xolani Nolwazi? I thought women like her aren't your type?" I wanna break his face.
What the hell did he mean by 'women like her?' Is he talking about her race, skin tone or weight? I won't have anybody disrespecting my beautiful queen.
"Is this the first question? I thought this interview was about the upcoming movie premiere?" I asked trying to change the direction of the interview.
"Sorry, about that Mr. Salerno." A different reporter apologized glaring at the man who asked me the previous question.
"Now on a serious note, how did you come up with the idea for your new movie "Young, dumb passion" It's different from your usual genre of films. You mostly produced action flicks in the past now you've turned to the direction of romance? Why's that?" I smiled to myself as I thought about the reason for my switch up.
I clasped my hands together on the wooden tabletop.
"You know there's nothing was more fulfilling to me than getting a picture in my mind's eye and then being able to manifest it in the form of visual storytelling. This movie portrays how easy it is for certain type of people to fall in love and the only thoughts in the heads are all about the person they fancy. It's inevitable once you're smitten with than person there's no going back, it's sort of like an obsession. Love is an intoxicating drug you just can't get enough of it and some will say it's beautiful and others would agree that's it's tragedy waiting to happen. To love someone and have someone love you back is a privilege. The topic of love was where I got my inspiration to make this movie." I told them before taking a sip of the water that sat on the table beside my hand.
"Mr. Salerno, you seem to have a deep connection to this movie. Did you by chance get inspired by your love story with the talented singer-songwriter?" The redheaded female reporter question with a sheepish grin on her face with a never ending curious in her green eyes.
"Yes, she's the reason why I chose to switch things up but believe me. The action movies will keep on coming. Perhaps you guys might better a better understanding after watching it. The premiere is tomorrow night, I hope to see you all there. Thank you for coming" I didn't even give them a chance to ask more questions because I wanted to get out of there and call my girl.
I haven't talked to her for almost 17 hours, the need to hear her voice was too strong.
Once I got back to my suite, I took off the suit and put on somethings little bit more comfortable.
I went to my contact list and called my woman on FaceTime.
She picked up the call and I began smiling big.
"Hi honey, how are you?" Her sweet voice brought me peace and warmth.
"I'm doing fine, what about you?" I asked placing the back of my phone against the ceramic bowl on the glass table.
"I just came back from settling the rest of my contract withdrawal and I had to pay an hefty fee for violating the rules that I signed years ago on that stupid paper. It's alright I'm just glad it's over" Xolani told me as she opened up the plastic cover for the ice cream in her hand.
I cringed like my teeth was aching when she took a huge bite of the Talenti ice cream.
Not that I'm calling my girlfriend a psychopath, but what sane person chews ice cream like it's rice they're eating?
"Doesn't you teeth hurt?" I asked pointing at my mouth.
"Nope, I feel nothing but delicious salty caramel on my tongue." Immediately dirty thoughts crossed my mind.
I shook my head trying to remove the obscene images of our last sexy time together.
But temptation was just too much and I couldn't fight it off.
"Baby, I'm horny" I whined like Mario would when he wanted something from me.
"What do you want me to do? We're 2,448 miles away from each other" She said rolling her eyes.
"Phone sex?" I suggested as I bit hard on my bottom lip.
"Really Bruno phone sex? You're a big boy, I think you can handle two more days" Xolani said waving me off while laughing at the idea I proposed.
"Baby please, I'm gonna bust anytime soon. Just show me something" I begged hopelessly as I palmed my hard on.
Xolani leans down to the camera, placing the ice cream on the table where she had positioned her phone.
She pulled up her tank top and flashed me her glorious breasts, immediately my mouth watered.
I wish I could suck on those taut nipples that reminded me so much of chocolate chips.
Xolani readjusted her top coughing
"Was that enough?" She asked sitting back on the couch playing with the strings of the velvet shorts I had bought for her.
"What color of underwear are you wearing and what type of is it?"
"My white granny panties with polka dots on them" I knew she was lying because she only wear those type of panties during her monthly menstrual cycle and it ended last week Saturday and I left on Sunday morning so I really didn't get any before coming to New York.
"I don't care, you still look sexy in them anyways. Let me see it?" I asked in a pleading tone.
"Oh my God, you're such a horn dog. This isn't happening!" Xolani exclaims but the the look on her face told me she was more than open to the idea.
"Come on babe, you know you want to..." I teased her as I sat up pulling down my sweats until it was at my ankles.
I freed my rigid cock then gripped the base, and began moving my hand up and down the veiny length.
"Bruno! What are you doing? Put your thing away" Xolani said placing her hands over her eyes spreading her fingers to take a peak then going back to closing her face.
"Baby please help me, I need to cum" The desperation in my voice was beyond pathetic.
"Ugh, fine" When she began taking off her clothes you could see the hearts in my eyes.
"I want you to slowly start running your hand in between your legs" Xolani spreads her legs showing me her glistening pussy.
I had to gulp down the spit in my throat the things I would do to be with her right now.
Her pink painted nails rubbed against her clit and small whimpers passed through her lips.
I looked down on my cock to see how painfully harder it had gotten, it looked so angry.
"Honey, what next...?" Xolani asked moaning wantonly.
"Now start teasing your nipples and tell me what you want me to do to you?" I got more comfortable when I saw her pinching her erect nipples and fingering herself.
"I wish you were here to fuck my brains from behind, pulling my hair as I feel you deep in my guts. I love it when I can squeeze my pussy around your thick cock." The sultry tone in her voice just might make me cum quickly.
"Oh yes baby keep going" I encourage her as I pumped faster.
"I want to cum inside my pussy then eat me out like I'm your last meal. Bruno, you have a pretty dick, it makes me want to kiss it after you cum in my mouth."
"Fuck baby, spread your lips more let me see that wet pussy" Xolani moved her butt to the edge of her couch parting her labia.
Hopefully she lets me fuck her tight ass someday.
Then her fingers slide back inside her wetness and with that I grunt as I released an the heavy load that was in my balls.
"Agh, fuck that's was good" I said leaning my head back smiling victoriously.
"Baby..." I called out to my girl who looked just as spent as me.
"I love you" I declared proudly and clearly.
"I love you more" After hearing her say it back my eyes shut closed.
Then I began falling asleep.
"Sweet dreams, honey" I really don't deserve her at all. Xolani is too good to me.

Manny Montana and Javier Iglesias

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Manny Montana and Javier Iglesias

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