Chapter 12

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Post Malone - Go Flex
⚠️Warning Mature Content ⚠️

                       Xolani's POV "Okay, I want everyone to go back to their seats

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                       Xolani's POV
"Okay, I want everyone to go back to their seats. We're going to be coloring. I'm going to call you up one by one to come pick the crayons and coloring sheets that you want and NO FIGHTING! Understood?" I announced to my students holding two the two plastic baskets that held the crayons and coloring sheets.
"Yes Ms. Wazi!" The all answered in unison.
"Very good, Allison come on up" The adorable little girl with the puffy Afro walks up to me.
I lowered the baskets down so she could take what she desired this continued on till the very last student was called.
Everyday after the normal academic studies, I let my students color anything they desired.
During their lunch time, I walk around and ask what each and everyone of them wanted to color the next day.
Once they all told me what they wanted, I print out the drawings for example, superheroes, Barbie and Disney characters.
There's a whole different bunch but these are the highly requested.
Time Skip...
As usual, the parents came to pick up their children leaving me only with Mario.
Ever since his mother appeared he's been a little distant from everyone including me.
He doesn't smile much and always had a mean mug on his face.
Mario doesn't seem as happy as he used to be and it's breaking my heart because I don't know what to do or say to make him feel any better.
The other night, Bruno called me about wanting to have an important discussion, he told me about letting Lana back into their lives for the sake of Mario.
I felt wary about the idea, since the woman did abandon him as an infant, I'm sure she learnt her mistakes and wants to make things right between them. This was about 2 weeks ago.
I checked the time on my Apple Watch for the 7th time.
As I were about to go get my phone to call Bruno he walked in with the young faired-skinned woman.
"Daddy!" Mario screamed in excitement at the sight of his father then he had a deep scowl on his face when he saw who stood beside him.
"Hi Mario" She greets the boy nervously.
"Daddy, why is she here? I thought it was only you picking me up" Mario asked glaring the woman who looked slightly uncomfortable.
"Mario be nice, I don't like you disrespecting your elders" His father sternly reprimanded him.
Bruno walked closer to where I stood kissing me on the lips, he held my wrist moving us closer to the pretty woman.
"Lana, this is my girlfriend Xolani" Bruno motioned to the brown-haired beauty who had a huge smile on her face.
"Tesoro, this is Lana Brooks" He said introducing her to me.
"Wow, you're even more beautiful up close" She compliments while shaking my hand.
"Thank you, so are you" I replied politely before she turned her attention to little Mario.
"She seems nice" I whispered as Bruno tugged me away to where my desk was.
"Lana, wanted to see Mario's place of study that's why I brought her with me today." He said playing with the ends of my curly pink wig Simone helped me install last night.
"I like you hair, it makes you look good enough to eat" Bruno huskily whispered kissing my jawline.
"Come over tonight" I told him with a certain knowing look in my eyes.
"Okay, Mario will spend the weekend with Lana she's been trying to get to know him a little better. I don't trust her yet but I know she would never hurt him" Bruno assures me after he saw the worried look on my face.
I turned my head to where Lana and Mario stood by the door entrance.
The little boy was playing a game on his Nintendo switch while Lana sighed failing to gain Mario's attention.
I think she felt my gaze on her when she looked up smiling sadly.
I kind of felt bad for her. I wouldn't know the feeling of having a child who might despise you and I pray I never experience it.
After they left, I packed up my belongings driving back home.
I took a long, well-deserving shower, l put lotion on my body then essential oils on my skin because I don't use perfumes I prefer my natural body scent instead and these soothing oils just enhances my scent.
My door bell rang, I quickly put on my comfy clothes and rushed downstairs to open the door because I knew it was Bruno.
"Hi baby" He breathed out when his eyes landed on my frame staring at me hungrily.
Bruno walked in closing the door behind him peering down at me lustfully.
I didn't even notice how exposing the clothes were.
The light blue tank top showed my straining nipples.
The gray boy shorts that looks like a panty did nothing to hide my ass cheeks as they hung out of the material.
I took a seat on the couch, crossing my legs Indian style picking up the remote to turn on the TV.
I looked up and saw a heated gaze pinned on the wet spot on the crotch area in my gray colored boy shorts.
I stared at Bruno for a second and as thoughts slipped through my mind I felt the wet spot began to grow.
It turned me on tremendously knowing that Bruno wanted me that much.
Spreading my legs as much as I could
"Do you like what you see?" I asked innocently.
Bruno licked his lips in nervousness
"Don't tease me, tesoro" He growled out palming his the dick print in his sweatpants.
I closed my legs lifting up my hips and took of the boy shorts along with my thong in one swift movement displaying my bare pussy to him.
Bruno's adam apple bopped as he gulped.
I stood up from the couch walking up to my tall, muscular hunk of a boyfriend.
I grabbed his hand and placed it on my clit, shivering at how cold his fingers came in contact with my warm mound.
In his eyes I could see Bruno battling himself within. I knew he couldn't resist me even if he wanted.
He bagan probing his thumb around my clit until his index and middle fingers found my opening.
Bruno slipped his finger all the way into my very wet hole and slid it in and out a few times.
"Do you want to eat me?" I asked moaning in his ear I heard no response.
Drawing back to search for my answer in his eyes.
Bruno pulled his fingers out of my pussy then went on to lift my body over his shoulder like I weighed nothing.
He walked up the wooden stairs of my house to the upper level where my bedroom was.
I giggled uncontrollably when his hand rubbed around my ass cheeks before laying a hard slap on both making me jerk and wince at the sudden pain.
Once we got into my bedroom he wasted no more time dropping me on the mattress then taking off his plain white shirt while I took my tank top off moaning as I felt the cold air come in contact with my hard nipples.
Bruno joined me on the bed, his lips met mine in heated lip lock, he turned his head leaning over to kiss my throat, down into the concave spot at the base of my neck.
His hand moved up from my stomach to the valley between my breasts and he held himself up with his other arm.
Bruno trailed his cold fingertips over my curves and his lips moved back to mine before he started trailing down my neck nipping and biting on the flesh.
Holding one of my tits, he pulled on my pebbled nipple and descended his mouth on the other.
I had never felt anything so sensual in my whole life, squirming I let my hands move over his neck as I ran my fingers through his dark silky hair.
Bruno cupped his hand over her mound and rubbed firmly, his fingers slide right back into my sopping hole as he hovered above me suckling on my tender breast.
"Please eat me" I moaned out wantonly.
Bruno chuckled letting go of breast in his hot mouth.
He looked at my swollen lips, parting my labia. He slid his body down from the bed pulling my bottom half to the edge then went ahead to slither his thick tongue inside me.
Bruno slides out and to the far edge and pushed inside. He dragged his tongue up the whole length of my labia onto my clit.
He did it again and again, each time his tongue touched my clit I jolted as if shocked.
Every now and then my leg muscles flexed with every charge. I was surprised by how different the pleasure was from his tongue felt than from his fingers.
I had never known anything that electric. He plunged two fingers inside me and I crossed my feet on his back.
Bruno stopped the long strokes and started concentrating on my clit only.
I reached up clutching at my pillow pushing my face into the plushy thing.  Suddenly, I felt warmth shoot from my toes up through my legs, stomach, chest and neck.
My whole body shook wildly as I came undone.
"Is that what they call an orgasm?" I question myself in awe without realizing I said it out loud.
"That good, huh?" Bruno smugly asked moved up on my body placing a chaste kiss on my lips.
He gave me a few minutes to recover then an idea popped in my head.
Wanting to return the favor, I got out of the bed knelt at his legs, eagerly pawing his thighs open wider so I could lean between his knees.
"Tesoro, what are you doing? He asked in alert I looked up and found him staring down at me with a somber look of love and desire.
I smiled a little and raised to kiss his lips before reaching into the boxer to handle his manhood.
I looked curiously at his very erected dick and innocently stroked it gently feeling the tip.
I ran my thumb around the head and kissed his rock hard stomach, then closed my eyes and lovingly touched my lips to the head.
I saw this lady do this in a porn video Simone showed me after she finished doing my hair for me last night.
When I told her I wanted to lose my virginity to Bruno, she told me her words wouldn't be enough to teach me.
Simone said I had to see it for myself, telling me porn will educate me on everything that I needed to know about the art of any type of sex.
I cupped his balls gently giving him kitty licks on the pink mushroom tip of his cock.
"Agh, just like that, baby" He grunted pulling my hair.
Slowly, my mouth enveloped his dick and my tongue swirled over and around.
Bruno's head rolled back and he moaned in a low tone.
I took the his dick out of my mouth, I grasped him and licked down to the base of his shaft and began kissing and sucking not only on his cock, but alternating onto his balls, still cradled in my warm hand.
I began concentrating on his testicles with my mouth and stroking his cock firmly.
I felt that Bruno was close due to the fact he had my hair in a vice grip clutching onto it as a warning.
"Gahhhhh..." He released inside my mouth it tasted salty yet sweet at the same time.
The lady in the video swallowed it so I think that's what I'm supposed to do also.
Gulping the mouthful of semen down my throat, I opened my mouth to show Bruno that it was gone.
He looked at me stunned and pure amusement danced around his eyes.
"I want you to make love to me" I declared with look of confidence in my body language.
"Maybe another time, you have completely drained me of every single energy in my body. Damn, girl where did you learn all that!?" Bruno said dramatically causing me to giggle.
"Come on, let's take a bath" He lifts me off the floor and lead me into the bathroom.

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