Chapter 13

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Jacques Brel - Je Suis Malade 

                   Omniscient POV "Bruna sign the fucking papers, I'm not going to ask again!" The older Salerno gentlemen angrily roared at his soon to be ex-wife

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                   Omniscient POV
"Bruna sign the fucking papers, I'm not going to ask again!" The older Salerno gentlemen angrily roared at his soon to be ex-wife.
The older woman jumped in fright, staring at the man she's been married to for the past 33 years yell at her for the first time.
Yes, they had fights during their marriage. The fights were always initiated by Bruna she did all the nagging while Bertino just sat quietly and listened to her complaints.
Basically, their fights were always one side.
"I want a divorce now" He glowered at the woman who cowered back in fear.
"Why?" Bruna timidly asked.
Deep down she knew his reason of wanting a divorce.
It's was to be with that pathetic excuse of a slave Ruth.
Unless, he knows the secret she had desperately tried to hide in the dark.
"Abramo" Her head shot up hearing the name of her lover.
"How could you do that to me? After everything I done for you, provided everything your heart desire, I stayed faithful and I respected our matrimony, I did everything to be a good husband even if it meant putting my pleasures aside for a sneaky, cunning woman like yourself!" The older Salerno was pouring his hurt out to the woman the deceived him for many years.
"I loved you Bruna, but you went ahead and had an affair with my COUSIN!" The amount of pain in the Bertino's voice couldn't be contained.
Guilt washed over Bruna then she began crying.
The older man scoffed when he saw the foolish tears on her once beautiful face, Bruna is still a pretty woman but her wickedness and unfaithfulness made him see her differently she's ugly and disgusting to him as of this moment.
"Why are you crying? You're the one who kicked me down, embarrassed me and made me a laughing stock because I was the last to find out about your affair. This is all your fault" He snarled making her cry harder.
"Sign the papers and get out of my house. You have 2 hours to pack your belongings" With those last few words Bertino exited their formally shared bedroom going to the Kitchen where he knew his new found love was at.
"I did it. I finally stood up to her" He happily told Ruth who smiled sadly.
She knew he was hurting deep down but he's only masking it up in front of her.
"It's get better" Ruth stood on her tippy toes kissing his cheek and hugging his sobbing frame to her smaller one.
She knew the man loved his wife, that was his first love and everything first but she broke his trust and made him a fool.
Ruth said nothing but consoled then melancholic man of his pain.
Back in the bedroom, Bruna laid on the bed brawling her eyes out.
Then she remembered Bertino's time limit for her.
She got off the bed wiped the her wet cheeks walking into the closet and began to pack the important necessities like her designer clothes and shoes.
Bruna still is a socialite and most always look like money everywhere she shows up to.
After she finished containing everything into her luggage, she retreated from her once shared bedroom going downstairs.
Bruna saw Ruth and Bertino snuggled together on the couch.
She felt jealous knowing she had no right to be.
"You disgust me" Ruth angrily spat out.
Not caring that the woman was her former employer.
Bruna said nothing because she felt embarrassed.
She made her way out the huge house to the garage, loading everything into her car.
Bruna drove off her husband's property to the first placed that popped in her head; which is her son's home.
45 minutes later, she arrived at his modern looking home.
The guards effortlessly opened the gates for her knowing that's their boss's mother.
Bruna came out the vehicle walking to the front door she knocked on the double doors three times.
Soon the door opened showing a shocked Bruno.
"Mamma, what are you doing here?" He asked his mother as she stood in front of him with 3 suitcases behind her.
"I have no where else to go, your father kicked me out" She said shrugging nonchalantly.
"Ma, what did you do?" Bruno asked crossing his arms over his chest.
He knew his mother definitely started something and he's kind-hearted father probably had enough of her bullshit.
Bruna sighed heavily feeling the fear creep in her heart once again. 
"Promise me that you won't hate me after finding out the truth" She said her voice shaking a little.
"Mamma, our with it already" He told her sounding impatient.
"I was having an affair" Bruna choked out cowering a little.
"With who?" Bruno asked through clenched teeth.
"Abramo, your father's cousin" She whispered fearfully.
Bruno anger rose up 100, he's never been this angry in his life except the time Lana left him with an infant Mario.
His life was always a lie, his mother is no woman of virtue she's a fraud a fake.
It was all a lie, he felt extremely betrayed by the new reveal.
First she's a racist now a cheater.
'Poor father, I wonder how he's coping' Bruno silently thought to himself.
"Mio figlio, please say something" Bruna pled with her son wanting to hear something from him.
He swallowed hard at what he was about to do.
"Get out of my property. Right now!" He shouted in pure rage.
Bruna immediately got scared by his tone.
"Please don't, I have no where else to go" She tried to reach for him but he stared at her menacingly.
"That's your problem, you brought this upon your. I don't care where you go, there are hotels, you have a restaurant sleep there or go to you fucking lover and stay with him, I'm sure he'll welcome you with opened arms. I'll be damned to let you into my house now that I know your true face. You make me sick." Bruno sneered at the wide eyed woman stepping back into his house he slammed the door close in face.
Bruno stood there dumbfounded, her life is over. Both her son and husband hate her with a passion.
She has nothing to live for, Abramo doesn't want her anymore he found love elsewhere.
He was tired of been her dirty little secret. Abramo is now in a relationship with a widowed Native-American beauty.
Bruna got inside her car speeding off to Colorado Street Bridge also known as the "suicide bridge" in Pasadena.
During the whole ride there Bruna thought why not end it all? She could handle anymore hurt in her life anymore.
She abandoned her car in the further streets taking one last walk in her mundane life.
Once she reached the middle of the bridge, with shaky hands she climbed on the railing saying a short prayer before jumping to her death.
Bruna landed headfirst, her skull cracked then her brain became unresponsive due to the hard contact on the concrete ground causing her to die instantly.
People around who witnessed the older woman committing suicide screamed, whispered between themselves, some called the authorities and others went on about their lives. It wasn't any of their business.
Bruna Salerno made a selfish decision instead of living with guilt for the rest of her miserable life she decided to end her "suffering" the easy way out.

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