Chapter 22

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Dean Martin - Innamorata

                      Bruno's POV "Baby, I'm here

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Bruno's POV
"Baby, I'm here. Shush it's okay, no more tears" I cooed at my crying girlfriend getting into bed and comforting her shaky frame.
Simone has called me earlier on Xolani's phone informing me about what went down with her parents showing up with out of the blue and a strange unknown another came along with them.
Apparently he's her "fiancé" I think not. This is my woman she's not going anywhere and I plan on proposing to her before this year comes to an end.
I'm in too deep to let her go because of some arranged marriage
"Bruno, why's everything in my life falling apart?"
"No baby, nothing is falling apart I'm here to make sure nothing of such happens to you. I got you." I told her while rubbing on her quivering back as I kissed her temple multiple times.
"It's been a long day. Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up.
"What about Mario? Who's watching over him?" Another reason for me to make her my future wifey.
"You know the older couples that live next door to me, Ms. Hanson used to babysit Mario when he was a toddler so I took him to their place to spend the night." Xolani's lets out a sigh of contentment.
"Sleep, I don't want you stressing yourself" I said as I pulled her body more closer to mine.
"I love you" She mumbled lowly then snuggled to my chest.
"Ti amo anch'io" I grinned to myself repeating the words back to her.
(I love you too)
The next morning, I work up to an empty cold bed.
Then I heard the shower running, sitting up I stretched out my aching muscles and got up making my way into the en suite.
Once I entered the steamy bathroom, I disrobed myself till I was in my birthday suit.
I slide the glass door of the shower and got inside wrapping my hands around Xolani's wet naked figure.
The sudden rise of my manhood was aching and I haven't had a taste of her for almost 3 weeks at the max now.
"Buongiorno amore mio" I felt Xolani visibly shiver once I greeted her in my native tongue.
(Good morning, my love)
"G-Good morning Bruno, did you sleep well?" I hummed in response nuzzling my face in her heavenly scented skin.
Ever since I began dating Xolani coconut and apples became my favorite fruits.
She steps backwards to allow the shower head to spray me with the warm water. From the corner of my eyes I see Xolani's biting hard on her bottom lip with an all too familiar look in her eyes.
I turned around to face her staring down at her big breast, slightly flat stomach, curvy hips and my special prize.
"You like what you see, baby" I asked with a cocky smirk dancing on my lips smirking cockily.
"Yes" She answered getting on her knees and in a flash my cock was enveloped by the warmth of her mouth.
"Ahhh" I sighed in content placing my hand on the back of her head.
Xolani's went on to give me the best morning head I've had in a while.
"Oh, you're so good baby" I encouraged her as I fucked her mouth in a furious pace until I released in her mouth.
Then I easily picked up her 5'3 frame and placed her against the marble shower wall.
Xolani wrapped her legs around my back. I showered her face and neck with little kisses as she giggles with delight and tries to not get water into her eyes.
"Bruno, please put it in" She begged while sensually biting on my earlobe.
She moved back staring at my face for a second before diving in for a kiss kissed. What started as an innocent peck, turns into pre-meditated hunger.
My arms grip around her tighter, as I pressed her deeper against the wall.
Xolani's arms were around my neck as our lips melt against each other in perfect sync and her tongue darts out looking for mine.
She sucks on his tongue then on my bottom lip biting the plush flesh.
Then a sudden moan escapes from my throat.
We haven't seen each other in 2 weeks due to locations, distance, our jobs and most of all time was a bit limited.
My desire for Xolani went out the roof. I needed her to sate the brewing hunger in me.
The time apart has only made our kissing more intense and the carnal appetite even harder to fight.
I reached down stroking my rock hard length then I raised it to her wet entrance.
Twisting my hips in a certain way, I slide right inside her tightness.
"Ooh, yes Bruno right there please don't stop!" Xolani screams out following were pleasurable moans.
I put my mouth over the taut nipple of her right breast and she moans as her hand sneaked into my hair.
My hands are all over her big juicy ass palming and gripping her round bottom.
As I fucked her like a mad man high on adrenaline.
I pulled out letting her down on both feet, then turned her body around before entering from behind.
Xolani began throwing it back on me, I watched how her ass jugged and bounced on my cock.
It truly was a sight to behold. I couldn't help but land a few slaps on that sexy ass which belongs to only me.
"Oh shit...Don't stop. Baby, I'm about to cum" I groaned out as Xolani pushed back on me.
I could feel my legs getting shaky and my his cock starting to tense up in a painful yet pleasing sensation.
With one final thrust, I grasp Xolani's hips in a tight grip when her walls held me vice-grip then we both came in unison grunt escaped from the back of my throat as ropes of cum were spilled inside her.
At this point, I wouldn't mind being a father again knowing that I got a good woman by my side there's nothing more fulfilling.
I pulled out my now flaccid manhood and began rinsing myself then Xolani who still had a dazed look in her eyes.
I peck her nose then turned the shower off.
Sliding open the glass door, I got out first grabbing a towel holding the towel open
then wrapped it around his her wet glistening skin.
Then I took another towel for myself wrapping it around my waist.
I tugged her hand as we exited the steamy bathroom.
"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked while drying her off.
"Let's go to Denny's. I'm sure neither of us feel like cooking" Xolani replied with smiling big.
After I finished helping her get ready while she did the same with me.
Xolani's locked you her house, then mounted my motorcycle putting the helmet on her untamed hair.
I got on the bike twisting the key to ignite start, my girl instantly wrapped her arms around my midsection as I rode in a flash like speed to the well-known diner.
Once we arrived at the place, I told Xolani to go it and get us a table while I secure my motorcycle in a safe spot.
As I made my way inside the diner a tall, black man with a face full of beard was blocking an uncomfortable Xolani.
I hasten my steps to reach them, as I stood behind Xolani holding her close to me.
At first she was tense until she realized that it was only me.
"Xolani, can I speak with you privately?" The bearded male asked avoiding my deathly gaze on him.
"Please I just need 2 mins and I'll be out of here" He pleaded with her still looking away from me.
Xolani looks up at me smiling tightly, I winked at her as I unwrapped my arm from her waist.
I watched as how she followed the guy to his table in the diner and sat in front of him.
I saw his lips moving in a fast pace which made it a bit difficult for read what he was saying the only thing I could catch onto was "I'm sorry" that was all.
So, I decided to give them their privacy and order our breakfast. Since Xolani is a regular here most of the waitresses and waiters already knew her usual. I ordered both our meals
"He told me my parents real agenda for coming here. I should have known those bastards didn't care for me." I draped my arm over her shoulder as she laid the side of her head on it.
"We'll get through it baby, I'll be here every step of the way." I vowed to her.
Nothing or no one will bring harm to my woman.

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