Chapter 23

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The 5th Dimension - Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In.

                      Xolani's POV"Mario how was your play date with Angela yesterday?" I asked the little boy as he ate his food

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Xolani's POV
"Mario how was your play date with Angela yesterday?" I asked the little boy as he ate his food.
"It was so fun and her dad took us horseback riding!" He answered in an enthusiastic manner.
I almost rolled my eyes at my uncle's antics. He always goes out of his way to do the absolute most.
I warned that man to take them to a simple yet fun place because it's summer vacation and I wanted the kids to have something to do before they started summer camp.
"What else did you guys do?" Mario dropped his fork putting his little hand under his chin.
"After horseback riding, we went to the eat and then Angela's dad took us to his house and we swarm in the pool then ate again and Daddy came to pick me up late" Well, his day seems very eventful than mine.
I was in the studio with Nairobi. I finally completed the song after a writing block.
Nairobi served that song, did her thing and I'm very proud that I created something that might be written in the music history as a masterpiece.
I know I'm getting ahead of myself but it's good to get cocky sometimes after accomplishing a lot at my age.
"What do you wanna do today?"
"Oh no, Daddy said that I'm going to San Francisco with grandpa and Ms. Ruby." Mario said with an adorable pout on his lips.
I couldn't help but pinch his chubby cheeks making him annoyed.
"It hurts" He said in a whiny voice.
"Sorry" I told him apologetically and let me tell you what this little man did.
Mario pointed to the cheek straining his neck up.
I laughed out loud before pecking his pink tinted cheek leaving a small mark from my deep red lipstick.
I picked up a napkin to wipe it off but he shook his head no.
Chuckling I ruffled his hair as we waited for his dad to come back from the call he went to go answer.
We are currently eating lunch at their house.
"What time is your grandpa picking you up?" I question before taking a small sip of my apple juice. My obsession.
"At 6pm and we are coming back on Saturday" I hummed in response.
"Ms. Wazi, do you like my real mommy?" Mario asked out of the blue.
This is an awkward question and I don't know how to tell him.
I don't know Lana well enough to have an opinion about her, the only thing I know about her are the things Bruno told me.
Their past together and the abandonment, that's all I know about her so I can't answer the little boy's question.
I felt a tug in my shirt which took me out of my trance.
"Do you?" The curiosity in his big eyes spoke volumes.
Before I could open my mouth to speak his father walked in with a beaming smile on his face.
"Sorry about that, my assistant called to tell me my schedule is free for the whole week"
"That's great. A full stress-free week"
"I finally get to do they self-care thing you've been taking about" He concluded with a suggestive wink directed at me.
I shook my head giggling because of how insatiable Bruno have gotten ever since our first time making love.
I'm sure his food was cold now when I saw the steam have dissipated.
"Let me warm that up for you" I pushed my chair out picking up his plate to go microwave it.
"Thanks babe" Bruno pinched my butt making me yelp and Mario stared in between me and his father before focusing his attention back on his meal.
I flipped Bruno the bird mouthing a few cuss words so the little human in the room wouldn't hear me scream profanities at his father.
Time Skip...
Papa Salerno and Ms. Ruby came to pick up Mario about 2 hours ago.
I swear if I was into older men, best believe Papa Salerno could get it because that man is fine and Ms. Ruby is what I aim to look like when I'm older, that woman seems to be aging backwards.
After the left, Bruno and I decided to pig out of junk food while watching Comedy Central.
I let out a loud ugly laugh along with Bruno as Drunk History played on the 85 inch TV.
The sudden ringing of my phone cut my laughter short. I picked up my phone to see Angela was calling me.
Swiping my thumb across the screen I answered placing the phone to my ear.
"Lala, mommy and aunty are fighting because she brought a strange, scary big man to the house without asking mommy now they are fighting. Daddy told me to stay in my room but their still going at it and I hear things breaking downstairs" Immediately I stood up alarmed.
Bruno looked over at me in confusion mouthing 'what happened?'.
"Thank you for telling me, Angel. I'll be there soon" I told her then hung up.
"Apparently my egg donor took my sperm donor to my aunt's house with telling them about the unexpected guest." I told him as I began putting my shoes on.
"Wait, let me take you. My motorcycle will get us there faster" I contemplated the offer then nodded my head in agreement.
What the hell did Karen do now? I swear I'm gonna give those two parasites hell.

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