Chapter 28

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Andrea Bocelli - Besame Mucho

                      Bruno's POV"How's your mom?" I asked Mario over the FaceTime call

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Bruno's POV
"How's your mom?" I asked Mario over the FaceTime call.
I'm currently in Switzerland due to the recent movie I'm producing.
I sent Mario over to stay with his mother and Javier.
Filming will end in 2 weeks time and I can finally come back home it's been almost 2 months.
I miss my son, my woman and my father. Sometimes I love my job as much as I hated it. The two emotions balanced out each other.
"Daddy, mommy is in labor and Mr. Javier told my babysitter to brimg me to the hospital. I'm having a little sister!" I just smiled tightly at my son's excitement.
I honestly don't know how I feel about Lana at all, the only relation we have between each other is co-parenting nothing else other than that.
She's a good mother to our son, maybe it's because I still kind of resented her for what she did after his birth.
But one the bright side she has the rest of her life to make up for all those years of missing out in his life.
"Daddy, when are you coming back, I miss you." Mario said in a somber tone.
"Soon buddy, I'll be home soon" From the corner of my eye, my assistant Jason walked in with a slight smile on his face.
I held up my finger telling him to wait.
"Okay, bye Daddy" Mario said before hanging up.
I let out a tired sigh and turned my head to my assistant.
"Sir, there's someone here to see you" Due to my sudden curiousness I sat up.
"Who is it?" Jason turned around going to go open the door of my hotel suite.
My eyes went wide once I laid my eyes on one of the most beautiful sights I've had the honor of admiring.
"Hi baby!" Xolani dropped her bags and started running to meet me where I still sat.
She jumped into my lap straddling me then began kissing all over my face.
"I'll leave you guys to it" My assistant announced his departure.
"Thank you, Jason!" Xolani told him waving goodbye before going back to kissing my neck.
My hands wounded up on her hips, rubbing the smooth flesh.
"Babe, how? What are you doing here?" I asked trying hard not hold in the moan desperately trying to escape from throat.
"Since, I missed you so much. I had to call in a favor and here am I" She answered with a shrug.
"Fuck, I've missed this" Xolani mumbled before kissing me firmly on the lips and started grinding her hips on my jean clad hard on.
My left hand moved into her hair gripping the wavy locks and I flipped us over.
I hungrily kissed her and she returned the same fervor. My lips detected from hers to nipping down on her dainty neck then the top of her chest.
My head turned to the side when she started kissing on my neck, my eyes landed on the wall clock.
Suddenly, I remembered that we were filming in about 30 minutes from now and it's currently 5:30 pm.
"Babe, we have to stop." I pushed myself off her.
Xolani sat up alert "What's the matter?" She asked confusedly.
"I have to get back on set soon" I said as while rubbing her cheek with the back of my hand.
"Oh okay" I could hear the disappointment in her voice.
"When I come back, I'll take good care of you" I placed a chaste kiss to her puckered lips.
"Bye, see you later" Her tone made me a bit sad because she came all the way to a foreign country to surprise me and I don't even think I'll have enough time to spend with her due to how demanding my job can get.
Xolani's POV
To be honest, missing Bruno wasn't the only reason why I came to Switzerland.
I just had to get away from California for a short while even though it's just for a week.
About a few days ago my aunt gave me a two letters from my parents, they were apologizing for what they did and it's their fault our family's broken.
I actually appreciated my father's apology, his letter was 2 pages long and he expressed how sorry he was and he hopes I forgive him someday.
While my mother's letter showed me how much of a heartless and condescending person she is.
I wouldn't even consider her letter an apology it was more like telling me to get over it and get married and come back to South Africa like all is good.
As much as I wanted to hate her, I couldn't my heart isn't black.
Maybe someday, I could maybe forgive my dad he seems remorseful and I even saw it myself when my aunt kicked he and my mother out of her home.
My parental issues aren't the only thing that made me flee from Cali.
Simone has been harassing me a lot since I decided we're not friends anymore.
I never told her directly to her face that I was done with our friendship, just ghosted her thinking she would've caught on.
Unfortunately she didn't, now she's been doing all she could to get my attention.
The day I decided to pack a bag and leave to come here really proved that I made a great decision breaking off our relationship.
Simone is just as toxic as I said, borderline insane.
I told her to leave me alone and stay away from me or I'll drop a restraining order on her.
Right now, I'm on the edge. I was never happy to begin with, I actually pretended until Bruno changed that for me.
I'm indebted to him for being the first true source of happiness in my life.
I shook my head side to side to get the negative thoughts out of my mind. I get up from the couch walking to where I had dropped my bag.
I pulled up the suitcase dragging it behind me as I try to find where the bedroom was.
I'm in serious need of a bath, the only thing I could do on that flight was watch my face and brush my teeth.
With all the money I have, I still refuse to waste money on a private jet. I never deemed it as something necessary.
Once I entered the room, I began undressing out of my clothes.
Going into to the glamorous en suite bathroom, I hopped into the shower.
I didn't have the energy to take out my things out of my bags so I used what the hotel had provided to clean up.
After 20 minutes of singing and dancing in the shower, I got out wrapping myself into the soft cotton towel to dry off.
Brushing my teeth and moisturizing my skin came next.
Since, I felt extremely tired I decided to sleep.
I wore my underwear and cozied myself on the bed and went to dreamland.

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