Chapter 25

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J Cole - No Role Modelz

                      Xolani's POV"Hi Lana, how are you and the little bun in the oven?" I asked the woman as I sat across from me inside my Cafe

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Xolani's POV
"Hi Lana, how are you and the little bun in the oven?" I asked the woman as I sat across from me inside my Cafe.
I decided to do a bit of investing and I bought a coffeehouse because I wanted to do more than songwriting. It's been a big accomplishment for me since business is booming day by day.
Lana just called me out of the blue saying she wanted to discuss something with me. Honestly, I was shocked because she and I aren't even friends she's just my boyfriend's baby mother.
I respect her because she has given me no reason not to and besides she seems like a cool person.
Regardless of her former career, I refuse to judge her character because of it.
"I can't wait till I reach 9 months, I feel exhausted most of the time but it's all gonna be worth it and I also enjoy that I get to boss Javier around whenever I pleased" She responded giggling before taking a small sip of her pomegranate juice.
"So have you gots found out the gender?" A wide smile overtook her face.
"Yes, we did last week and it's a girl and that's not even the best part, I'm having twins! Isn't that amazing?" I felt happy for Lana but I couldn't help but the sad emotion that crept into my heart.
I'm already 25 years old and my ultimate dream since I was in my adolescent years was to get married before I was 25 and already have a child or 2.
But, hey not all fairytales come true.
"Mario must be excited about having two sisters. He's gonna be the best big brother ever." She smiles at me rubbing her bump.
"I know, he's very protective of you so it's in his nature." Lana commented I couldn't help but chuckle at the sudden memory of that little boy arguing with a grown man.
Last week, I took him and Angela to the park. A flirty yet annoying handsome man kept speaking to me while I paid him no mind prior to me telling him that I was already in a relationship.
Mario might have noticed my discomfort and decided to give the idiot who couldn't take the hint a piece of his mind. The man left after Mario kicked his ankle.
That little human is a pure joy.
"Umm, Xolani I actually called you to thank you. I understand that I've made many foolish decisions in the past like abandoning my son just a few hours after I gave birth then running to away to a foreign country to avoid my responsibilities. I'm not a good person but I'm trying to better myself because I'm bringing two new innocent lives into this world." Lana kept quiet for a second wiping the fallen tear on her cheek then began speaking again.
"I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you. Mario actually told me himself that you were the only mother in his life including his lat grandmother no matter how evil that woman was she loved her grandson a lot. And I want to thank you for loving the man that I failed to give my heart to, Bruno is a good man, he deserved better than me and now the he's found that person, you make him happy Xolani. Way more happier than I could have. That's why I'm grateful each day." I'm sure the look of astonishment on my face is very comical or could be the next trending meme.
"Please say something, your silence is sort of making me anxious" Lana giggled nervously.
I snapped out of the mini trance that I was in "I apologize, I'm just thrown off-guard." I laughed scratching the side of my neck.
"Sorry if I made the mood weird" Lana rushed out.
"No, you didn't. I wasn't expecting that at all" She lets out a dramatic sigh.
"You're not so bad yourself, Lana. I like you" I sincerely told her.
Lana raised her glass "New friends?" I shrugged my shoulders saying why not before clinking our glass cups as we laughed together.
From a distance I saw Simone walk in with a big black lens sun glasses, looking disheveled and pretty much out of it.
Immediately I felt alarmed, this isn't the first time Simone came to me and her appearance.
Lana eyes traced my line of vision as she turned her head to check what I was staring at.
"Oh, you seem to be having company, I'll be taking my leave." I nodded at her standing up I gave her a hug and watched her waddle out
I signaled for Simone to follow me to my office.
Once we got in she got herself comfortable by discarding her baggy hoodie and the glasses.
I wasn't even surprised to see the huge discoloration around her right eye.
"Lemme guess, you and your aunty got into it again?" Simone groaned as she plopped herself onto the couch.
Simone sat up ready to tell me what happened.
"Don't even bother telling me the story because it's always similar to the previous ones" I said getting a little annoyed.
"Why don't you just move out? Simone, you have more than enough money to get your own place." I suggested to her for the 100th time.
"Lani, you know I can't" Simone said tiredly.
"Why not sis? That woman is toxic. She degrades you, emotionally and physically tortured you since your mom died. Just because she might be "family" doesn't give her the free pass to treat you like your beneath her. If that's keeps going on, I will personally file a abuse report."
"Yeah whatever" She said in a nonchalant manner.
"I mean it Simone, if you don't break ties with her. This has went on for way too long. Each time you tell me you have it under control you don't." I told her walking to the mini fridge and taking out the gel ice pack.
When I hand her the cold object, Simone's body shook as heart wrenching sobs escaped her.
Immediately, I sat down wrapping my arms around her tightly.
"She's all I have left. I don't have anymore family members except for her." She wailed into my shoulder, I didn't even care that my tank top was getting wet by the second.
"Simone, you have me and always will. I'm your best friend no we are sisters, I'm your family. I know it's hard to let go but for your own happiness you need to. I can't let this toxic cycle you have with your aunt go on any longer. Please" I begged her sniffling as I try to hold back my tears.
I pulled her closer to me comforting her quietly.
'Blood is thicker than water' I call bullshit whenever I hear that statement. The best decision person can ever make is leaving an poisonous family.

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