chapter 1

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A/N - BTS haven't debuted.

The room filled with a mystical feeling as Kim seokjin started singing accompanied by Jeon jungkook who was playing the violin.

It wasn't something new, they both together could create heaven on earth just by singing and playing music. The music academy and it's students were already used to this heaven.

The high notes, the low notes , every word that came out of jin's mouth could easily reach your heart. He was singing Epiphany and there was no denying of the fact that no one could sing that better than Jin himself.

Celestine and Tris were seated at the corners of the room , eyes closed and mind focused at those mystical feelings that came out as words from the singer's mouth. Celestine could recognize that voice even from miles was jin singing, the only guy she had created some relationship with, a relationship full of love and mischief.

It would not be wrong if someone mistook jin and her as real siblings. They both were like siblings, she found in him a peace that only a brother could provide and he found in her someone who could understand him , who could hug him and irritate him by her continuous "jin oppaaaaaa jin oppaaaaa" , someone who would know his every evil but still love him the same way..

It was no surprise that jungkook hated celestine because she was so close to his hyung ! Before she came in their life two years ago..jin was all jungkook's hyung but now he is also celestine's.

Tris on the other hand found it funny in a peculiar manner, she used to laugh at jungkook's jealousy and make jokes about it to their other friends , namely Kim taehyung and min yoongi.

It was all fine and good among the six friends. They cared for each other nonetheless but jungkook could never care for celestine nor could he call her his 'friend '. They were frenemies. Friends because jin wanted them both in their life and enemies because they wanted jin's love all by themselves.

As the song ended, no one moved for a good minute or two..everyone tried to drown in that voice, in that music.


"Jin oppa" celestine called and went to jin who was yet again torturing yoongi and Taehyung with his dad jokes and yet again laughing at his own jokes while yoongi preferred looking at the sky , probably cursing jin internally and taehyung...well taehyung looked embarrassed himself that he could laugh at these stupid jokes.

"Yo what do you want? " jin asked while celestine looked at taehyung who was literally begging with his eyes to drag away jin from there.

"Umm..jungkook is looking for you furiously because apparently you didn't wait for him after the performance and came out. He's gonna kill you! " celestine said.

"I don't understand how can he be like this when i literally raised him up! " jin sighed while yoongi chuckled on seeing a furious jungkook advancing towards their group.

"YAAH HYUNG! WHY DID YOU NOT WAIT FOR ME?" Kookie roared while Tris came running behind him with her bag almost flying behind her.

Neither celestine nor Taehyung could stifle a laugh at the scene and earned a glare from both kookie and tris.

Taehyung showed his perfect smile to celestine while whispering to her about how jin is about to die.

"KOOKIE-AH YOU SHOULD NOT LOOK AT ME LIKE! I AM OLDER THAN..YOU" Jin managed to say although everyone could see him getting afraid from jungkook.

"I AM SO ANGRY! ANNEYEONG.(bye) "kookie went passed jin and shooted a glare at celestine and taehyung's uncontrollable laughter while yoongi sighed again.

Jin watched as kookie went ahead and finally disappearing from all of their sight as he took a turn.

"Aish ! That kid is one hell of a something. " jin muttered to himself.

That's when the hell broke.


A/N- so..this is my 1st ever work related to BTS and am super nervous for this.
Thanks to Shadow_2903 who literally encouraged me to write this.
Hope you guys will enjoy.

DEAD: BTS × Zombie apocalypse Where stories live. Discover now