chapter 26

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Tris ran past Violet and took her position, she punched a zombie at the guts and then shooted it.
"Violet, where is Lily?"
"She is hiding somewhere. " Violet replied as she continuously shooted and killed zombies.

Tris turned to look at her with a 'what-the-fuck' expression.

"Are you in your right mind ? Lily is just 10! How the fuck she will survive if even one of these reach her?"

"But i can't just leave you all!" Violet snapped.

"For God's sake, go and save her! There are many of us and we can take care of it!" Tris told her and quickly went two steps ahead and hid behind a pillar as she heard groans.

Violet was hesitant to go but Tris continously signalled her to go. Violet sighed and turned back running to the back arena. She stumbled a few steps back as she bumped into someone. With a shriek she pulled out her gun ready to shoot.

"Wait! It's me taehyung. "

"How are you- anyway ,go over there and help Tris. " violet wasted no time ."Eunji unnie, have you seen Lily?"

"I don't know. "


On the other hand , things were getting out of control. The sound of guns and war was attracting more and more zombies to the camp and it wouldn't stop until someone could close the camp gates but the entrance was swarmed by the undead. Going there would be suicide.

"We can't fight for long if they keep increasing! " Namjoon panted as he kicked another zombie amongst the many of them.
"We don't even have much ammunition! " Yoongi was frustrated. "I SWEAR to kill that person who kept the door open!"

"We have to survive, fuck." Jungkook stopped speaking as he realized no bullet was coming out even after clicking the trigger.

"There's no ammunition! "

"Can you hold on till i finish this lot?" Tris asked as she tried to fight away the three zombies surrounding her at once.

"I don't think so-" jungkook whispered as he saw the undead coming forward.

"Can i be some help?"

The amount of joy that ran through everyone when they heard that familiar voice was a clear contrast of emotions they were feeling just seconds ago.

Taehyung smirked and started firing at the zombies one by one while Eunji used her combat skills . She was a perfectionist, just a neat cut at the most sensitive nerve at the neck and the zombie would be lying dead on the ground.

It wasn't long enough when the cleaned the Middle area of the camp and locked the corridors which connected it to the front arena, this way they could prevent new infected masses from entering the heart of the camp and it would also be easier to kill the remaining infecteds if their is no more addition.

"Damn! " Yoongi sighed once everything on their part was done.
"Let me complete that," Jungkook coughed, "i was saying that we need to survive to kill that betrayer. "

"Taehyung. " Tris muttered as they hugged each other. "I was so worried...."
She caressed his hair and kissed him.
"I missed you." Taehyung whispered as he kissed her back.

"Namjoon, where are others?" Eunji asked.
"Jin hyung and others are defending the front arena. "
"Do they have enough ammunition? " Eunji couldn't help but worry.

"I guess so. " yoongi frowned as a thought crossed his mind. "I will go to close the gates and i think, namjoon can you come with me?"

"It's literal suicide! " Eunji gasped.
"We are going to die anyway if we don't close the gates. " namjoon replied.
"We should take the path that goes through the kitchen and farm to avoid being a problem to the people fighting in the front. "

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