chapter 15

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"We need supplies. " Jae wook announced the group. "And because i want you guys to prove yourself, i will assign tasks to all of you. "

When no one interrupted him , he continued, "Tris and celestine will go with Hoseok and violet to the city for supplies. "

"But city is dangerous!" Taehyung  told jae wook who ignored him.
Jungkook's eyes met with celestine's and he knew they would make it.

"Jin, Eunji , namjoon and jasmine will make lunch for the whole camp." Jae declared earning a happy and disappointed sigh from Jin and Jasmine respectively.

"Yoongi, jimin, jungkook and taehyung will clean the dining hall ." Jae fake smiled at them.

In that moment, all yoongi wanted was to kill jae and feed on him like a zombie.


"UGHHHH" Violet groaned as they searched another shop but all the instant food and stuffs were already expired.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do?" Celestine lifted her hands up dramatically. "Your leader is such a jerk !"

"I know. " violet agreed almost immediately earning a light chuckle from hoseok who was most probably thinking.

"Celestine...where were you and Jungkook last night? " Tris asked as she leaned on the bonnet.

"We were in the farm..but wait where does that came from? " celestine replied nonchalantly.

"Tae and I were searching for you both because why on earth will you both inform us before getting vanished all of a sudden and please don't act cool..we saw you both...kissing. " Tris grinned at celestine who was all red by now.

Violet cooed and nudged celestine.

"It was the heat of the
moment. "Celestine blushed.

"So you don't feel anything for him?" Violet asked.

"No! It's not like that." Celestine rejected immediately.

"So ,you feel for him?" Tris smirked.

"Umm..yeah..Whatever shut up and focus or else you will end up here with those zombies. " celestine giggled a bit.

"OK GIRLS! " Hoseok flashed his brightest smile. "I have an idea! Let's raid a storage cell, there must be storage cells for grains somewhere near ."

As much as the idea intrigued them , it had loopholes too. They didn't knew the way to a storage cell. "Maybe we should go rig-"

Hoseok stopped dead in his tracks, there were a group of infected coming towards them.
"Seriously guys!" Violet muttered before pulling the trigger of her gun killing one of them, followed by another one.

Hoseok and Tris too used their guns too kill the rest of them. Celestine was just standing there as she didn't had a gun and all of the infected were dead anyway but suddenly she felt a strong pain on her shoulders,  instinctively she elbowed the creature behind her and then turned around kicking it in it's gut.

"Do you...think it pains the infected....There!?" She yelled loudly before kicking it again but this time , just below it's abdomen. The infected moaned in pain and fell , Tris shooted it as soon as celestine was at a safe distance away from it.

"Well..the infected too feel the pain there....poor men! " Celestine grinned looking at her group who were laughing too.
"C'mon celestine, don't need to be so aggressive...there." hoseok laughed but something caught his eyes.

Celestine's shoulder was bleeding.

"Celestine..." hoseok pointed at her shoulder.

In the adrenaline rush she had during the fight ,she had almost forgot about the wound. Her eyes widened.

"Oh my God. " violet gasped. "Please tell me this is not a bite."


"OHMYGOD THIS SMELLS GOOD!" Jasmine walked around as Jin and Eunji were cooking and namjoon was cutting vegetables.

"You know what jas? You could help me with this. " namjoon groaned as his eyes filled with water because of all the onions he was cutting.

"Nah~" jas giggled before sitting beside namjoon. "Aww my baby is crying. " she mocked.

"Jas, go please. " joon was irritated.

"You called me and now you are telling me to go!" Jasmine pouted.

"Why am i still in a relationship with you?" Namjoon questioned himself and earned a smack on his head from jasmine.

"Idiot." She muttered before jin called her and told her to wash the potatoes.

"I heard a lot about you ." Eunji said while cooking. "They really missed you and yoongi. "

"Yah! They are really precious to both me and yoongi. The circumstances have changed them but they are still just 20-21 year old. " He smiled at her.

"You know, before we came here we used to live in the countryside near Seoul and our house had a reserved room for yoongi and you. Taehyung and celestine chose it." She smiled fondly at the memories of their former shelter.

"Woah really!?" Jin was all too excited to know about everything that happened when he wasn't there with his kids.

"Ye (yes) , that room had a window near the bed . You could see stars from there, i heard yoongi is a they kept that room for you both."

"Awwww~ " Jin smiled to himself.

"Eunji, thank you so much for taking care of them while we were away. Specially of celestine, since you said she had the nightmares. "

"If you are their hyung, i am there noona too." Eunji smiled proudly.


"JIN , HERE ARE YOUR POTATOS!" jasmine saluted him before running to a tired yoongi and his team.

"I swear to God, I will kill anyone who will make the dining hall dirty again. " yoongi yelled.

"I will help you with it hyung! " taehyung plopped down on the old sofa.

"Jin hyung, give me water." Jungkook walked upto jin and hugged him from behind.
"Yah! My hyung is backkk!" He flayed his hands in his air excitedly.

"Noona, " he nudged eunji,"my WORLDWIDE HANDSOME HYUNG IS BACK!"

"Umm..yeah ok. Kook are you drunk by any chance?" Eunji was too embarrassed.

"Nope! I am just...... buffering. So much cleaning was needed." He gave his bunny smile as jin smacked his head.

"Go and call everyone, lunch is ready. " jin laughed as jungkook pouted but nonetheless went to make the announcement.


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