chapter 19

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In the following days after celestine introduced Lily to others, a lot of things had changed. Tris realized her mistake and they were back to being bestfriends , jungkook's strong dislike towards kids had started to fade away since Lily was his best comrade now and Yoongi , unknowingly had started trusting Hoseok more than everyone else.

Unlike everyone Hoseok wasn't scared of Yoongi and that made their bond grew stronger day by day. Today was one of those days where Yoongi felt like he needed to do something, he just couldn't sit idle. Hoseok going for patrolling along with Jin was a good chance for yoongi to do "that something. "

"Hey! Can i join you both?" He asked as Hoseok and Jin walked towards the bike.

"What's with him? He is always so grumpy , why does he want to work suddenly? " Jin whispered to hoseok who, with a smile on his face whispered back "one of those days."

At this Jin nodded understanding.

"Okay! " Hoseok replied to an impatient yoongi.

Yoongi walked towards them showing them his gummy smile.
Jin side hugged yoongi before going towards his bike.
Soon , felix opened the camp gate and the three of them went out .

Earth had really healed, thought Jin as he saw greenery all around,  birds chirping and a clear sky. There was this fact that the zombies didn't attacked animals but a lot of animals died due to starvation. Specially those who were pet since their owners were bitten. Jin couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy like the old times , before the apocalypse when he used to ride bikes with jungkook behind him while Taehyung sat behind yoongi.

Those were the good times, there was no fear of dying. Today again he could feel that feeling of freedom he used to get as the bike ran through the road and cold wind hit jin's perfect face.

"Hyung! This is like before..haha" yoongi laughed as he went past jin .
Jin smiled and found Hoseok driving beside him , smiling too as yoongi went ahead of them.

Yoongi on the other hand had went a bit far away from both of them and now found himself in the center of the forest which was in front of their camp.
"Shit" he muttered before deciding to go back but the familiar low groans caught his attention and as if a switch has been turned on ,yoongi realized that he only had one gun and this was a horde.

A few of those zombies stumbled out of the bushes as yoongi fired at them. Two of them fell down on the ground dead as the bullet hit their head, three of them sleed down but didn't stopped coming forward. Yoongi fired again killing them one by one but there were more coming and he knew he couldn't fight them alone.

He kept firing and occasionally using close combats if some of them came to near. A walking dead came too near for yoongi to shoot him so, he punched it in the stomach as it let out a moan and then kicked it. Yoongi then held it's wrist to push him away

If it was not for Hoseok who fired at the zombie, then yoongi would have got bitten again. Jin and Hoseok started firing using both of their guns and rescued yoongi out of

At the camp

Everyone was sitting around a bonfire in a circle , discussing about anything and everything when they saw jin, yoongi and hoseok coming.
The worried expression on their faces made the others alert. As they reached where others were sitting, jin and hoseok made yoongi sit who was still somewhat dizzy.

"What happened? " Namjoon asked concerned.
"Yoongi had a close encounter. If we were even a second late, he would have got bitten. " Hoseok muttered looking at yoongi.

There was a stunned silence until yoongi, himself decided to speak.
"Hoseok, I am immune. "
The expression on Hoseok and violet's face changed abruptly.
"Wh-what?" Violet asked to no one actually.

"Yeah...that was the secret is didn't wanted you both to know but I think now we trust each other enough. " Yoongi said.


A/N- I watch a lot of eerie stuffs so..these kinda things will happen and guess what? These scenes come in my mind when I shower lol

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