chapter 8

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"GUYS! I AM DONE." Celestine plopped down on the sofa beside Jimin. Everyone was prepared to leave the next morning. Eunji and Jungkook were washing the dishes after dinner while Taehyung and Tris were planning about the journey.

"Jiiiminnnnnnnn" Celestine nudged.

"What?" Jimin chuckled.

"Jiiiminnnnnnnn " Celestine laughed.

"Eunji noona, celestine has gone mad!" Jimin laughed.

Eunji and Jungkook looked at them like they were aliens. Jungkook went and sat beside jimin while Eunji wiped her hands .
"Jimin, you are so cuteee awww" Celestine giggled pulling his cheeks.

"Yah celestine! " Jimin turned red and Jungkook joining celestine in teasing jimin didn't help.
"Awww jimin is a baby ! A cute babyyyyyy" jungkook laughed ruffling jimin's hair and then fist bumped celestine seeing the flustered jimin.

"Why do you guys tease me?" Jimin said shyly.
"Cuz you're the cute chim chim" Tris joined .

The chitchatting went for sometime until Tris jumped up and clapped her hands gaining everyone's attention.
"Well..we start the journey at 8 am tomorrow -" She was interrupted by jungkook .

"YAAH! That's so earlyyyy" He whined but it wasn't like anyone cared about his sleep so Tris continued anyway.

"So , what I was saying..yaa so at eight we will start the journey, I don't really know where to spend the night so I guess we will have to sleep in the car only. " She sighed.

Celestine shifted uncomfortably on her seat . "I-I am kinda nervous. " She admitted.

"Celestine, we all are here ok? We will take care ." Eunji whispered to celestine while hugging her.

They went to their rooms later, no one really admitted of being scared or nervous but it could be seen on their nervous faces and stiff bodies. The night was beautiful, sky full of stars . On nights like these jungkook missed yoongi and Jin the most. There were countless times when he used to have sleepover at yoongi's place. He loved to lay on the roof with his hyungs and fall asleep in between them.

Jungkook stared out of the window for a long time until sleep embraced him. Sleeping gave him the most peace.


Taehyung placed their bags of food, clothes and weapons or stuffs that could be needed at the very back of the car along with Eunji. It was already seven forty five and they didn't wanted to start late.
Everyone was either checking if they left something important or were getting ready.

Eunji sat at the very back with those bags, Tris wanted to sit in the middle but because taehyung was supposed to drive and jimin really wanted them to be together, so on pressurising Tris went and sat in the front, blushing hard from all the teasing.

Celestine looked around, jungkook was nowhere to be seen.
"Jimin-shi, where's kookie?"

"He woke up just minutes before." Tae replied instead. "He was so grumpy. "

It was about seven fifty five and they really needed to leave. So , celestine ran upstairs and knocked at his room.
"Kookieee? Come fast or we are leaving you!" Celestine said loud enough for jungkook to hear from inside the room.

She heard footsteps coming towards her . Jungkook opened the door violently, scaring celestine.

"Aish! You scared me! We are leaving this house but that doesn't mean that you will break the doors.." She mumbled to herself while climbing down the stairs while a very grumpy jungkook followed her downstairs, mumbling curses.

Celestine sat in between jimin and Jungkook. Jungkook insisted on sitting at the window side. His skin glowed against the sun...there were times when he looked ethereal, he had become so strong, responsible and rough after the apocalypse, it had become almost impossible to find the funny twenty year old boy in him.

Circumstances had changed him but he was still the same boy whose emotions controlled him, who liked to sleep, who loved to play games out in the sun , who enjoyed life.

The cool breeze calmed jungkook, made him feel at ease. His eyes closed slowly and he fell asleep again. Celestine couldn't help but chuckle at his sleeping form. He looked so cute while sleeping, almost like a child.

"Hey tae, what time do you think we will reach Busan!?" She asked in a low tone, making sure that jungkook is not disturbed.
"Tomorrow around afternoon If everything works out well. " He said not diverting his gaze from the road.
Celestine hummed and closed her eyes. Maybe sleeping would help her pass the time.

Celestine dreamt of herself in her school, leading a normal life..attending classes, gossiping with friends in break....coming home and doing homework.

"Celestine? " Jimin's voice echoed through her ears as she slowly opened her eyes. "It's evening, don't you feel hungry? "

Did she slept all those hours?

" I feel hungry. " She straightened herself, rubbing her eyes. Jungkook was staring at her with a smirk plastered on his face . She looked out , it was almost dark.

"What?" She asked him.
"How can you sleep so much? " He asked.
"Umm..I was tired.." She rolled her eyes before turning around to look at her noona.

"Noona, where's Tae and Tris? "
"They are on the roof of the car." Eunji replied while giving celestine a cup of instant noodles.
Now that wasn't a normal place to be in. "Why? And why are we not driving? "

"This is a highway, " Eunji said looking out. "The way ahead isn't really safe to travel at night. So, they both are checking if there's any horde coming...Then we can drive backwards a bit to stay safe...else we will stay here."

"Finally, our binoculars are coming in use. " Jimin muttered awkwardly.
Eunji laughed at that.

"Jungkook, can I please sit on the window side for the night atleast. Please please please please-" Kookie cut celestine off.

"Stop whining, yeah ok. " He opened the door of the car and got out , celestine followed him. Before jungkook and Celestine exchanged their places, they both glanced at the hugging forms of Tris and Taehyung.

"Oii lovebirds! Great job. " jungkook laughed while Taehyung shooted a glare at him.

"It's boring, let's do something. " jungkook let out a sigh.

"What are your wishes? Also 'I wish the apocalypse would have never happened' is an invalid wish. " Celestine pointed at jungkook.

"Umm..i want hyungs back and I want to sing all around the world with them. " jungkook scratched his neck nervously.

"I don't even know how I find you adorable sometimes. " She grinned. "What about you Jimin-shi? "

"I want to do a world tour and I wish that I don't have to kill many of those afterall they were once humans too." He shrugged.

"You are right, they were humans. " Eunji whispered to no one.

"Noona, what are your wishes?" Jungkook asked.

"I want to find a cure for this virus and I wish I could undo that
incident. " She said sadly.

"What incident noona? I mean it's ok if you don't want to share. " Jimin looked at the ground.
Everyone ought to have some secrets.
But Eunji spoke.

"I-I had to kill him. "


I am kinda excited for the next chapter!

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