chapter 5

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"Tae, Drive fast! shit shit shit! they are chasing us! "

"Oh God! Kill some of them. " Taehyung said while increasing the speed. In an instant, celestine and Tris snaked half of their bodies outside the window, shooting them one by one, Jimin also did the same. Jungkook was sitting in the middle, he turned his head to see what was going on as the continuous bullet shots numbed his ears.

From the back window, he could see them shooting at the zombies. He couldn't help but get amazed by the precision at which Tris and Celestine were shooting. Sure they survived.

After what felt like eternity of guns firing, the three of them snaked their way inside the car breathing heavily. "Well Taehyung, we are safe!" Jimin smiled.

"I freaking hate this shit." Tris muttered.

"It's not like we have any other option duh! " Celestine rolled her eyes.
"Woah woah you guys are freaking awesome! "

jungkook looked jungshooked!

(😂am sorry)

After that the ride went peacefully, Jimin shared how he found jungkook on Day Zero. The called it Day zero. The outbreak day. He told how Jungkook almost earned the title of the most stupid person out there because of his emotions. He told them how he never felt what family was until he found jungkook, Jimin was in a hostel since he was five. His parents weren't the ones who visited their son often. So when everyone was grieving about the people they lost in the apocalypse,  specially Kookie..he couldn't relate.

Someone with such a sweet smile, pretty eyes and such angelic behaviour could have such a terrible and lonely past came as a shock for everyone.

"Hey Jimin! " Celestine chirped in "You had jungkook with you and now you have us. We will be your family! "

"Yah! Jimin-ssi , you now have the most amazing family you could ever wish for! " Taehyung smiled as he drove.

"Yess! Jimin-ssi , we will stand by your side no matter what and thank you so much for saving kookie. He is precious to us ." Tris added.

Jungkook eyed Jimin, he was trying to hold back his tears. After the apocalypse happened, jungkook had been with Jimin like he was his life support. He knew jimin so well. So without any hesitation jungkook put his hand around jimin's neck whispering "i told you they are nice" . Both of them smiled at each other,  glad to find people they can call family.


Eunji sat on the chair, fiddling with her fingers nervously. They should have come by now. It should have taken typically 6 hours for the whole trip..they went at around ten in the morning and now it was almost eight in the night. The negative feelings were engulfing her. Eunji had came to love all three of them like they were her younger brother and sisters.

She recalled the day they found her. She was walking to a nearby hospital for some first aid...she had cuts fighting the zombies. The fact that she didn't had a gun didn't help, she was skilled in close combat, fighting with knives.  It was risky but she had no other way of survival. She had made sure that no zombie was there in the emergency of the hospital and so she went inside.

She frantically searched for bandages when she felt her life was taken away from her. There was a freaking horde of those coming towards her from the corners of the dark emergency.
She couldn't win with knives against a horde , all she could do was run.
So she ran but it was like the horde of zombies had made their mind to make her their meal.

She had reached her breaking point when there were cars blocking her way , she knew she couldn't make it. She closed her eyes for the pain of her flesh tearing but it never came instead sounds of guns filled the air.

There were two girls, in a car calling her to come towards their car. She didn't trust them but it wasn't like she had any other option. They took her to their shelter in the countryside.
She recalled how Taehyung was so excited when he first called her "noona" .

He had made Eunji so comfortable, he whined to her about everything even though he had met her just hours before.
Celestine on the other hand was a bit hesitant at first but as time grew, Eunji understood that all she needed was love just like her jin oppa loved her. Eunji didn't knew who Jin was but she definitely knew what he meant to her.

She had nightmares where she used to cry for Jin and yoongi. Tris treated Eunji like a teddy bear. Hugging her every now and then. It was impossible to not love them and now her life depended on them.

Her tension increased as the clock struck 8:15 but suddenly the sound of a car alerted her. It wasn't the sound of their old ambassador. She held out her knives but relaxed as soon as she heard the familiar voice of Tae.

"We are home noona!" He said while knocking at their door.
She gladly opened the door hugging tae as soon as she could.
Tae showed her his perfect smile and wiggled his eyebrows as he entered.

Eunji looked at SUV surprised and she desperately wanted to know who the other two guys were. As if reading her mind celestine smiled " Jimin and Jungkook. "
Eunji smiled widely at the boys who were confused by who she was. Eunji felt so good learning that tae's kookie was here. Alive.

The boy had cried the most for jungkook occasionally saying "KOOKIE I MISS YOU." Eunji knew about jungkook and his different personalities. She knew about his jealousy with celestine.

"Boys! This is our noona , Eunji!" Tris said. "Noona, this is jungkook and jimin. "

"We will have the 'getting to know each other session tomorrow, you all are tired and there is dinner waiting for you! " Eunji said in a no nonsense tone. Even though kook and jimin didn't knew her ,they had to obey . She was the eldest afterall.

"WOAH NOONA! KIMCHI FRIED RICE! " Tae looked delighted.

"Tae, you are on duty for making food tomorrow." Eunji chuckled earning a pout from tae while everyone laughed.



I love Eunji so much. Idek why lol.

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