chapter 10

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Everyone looked at the stressed couple, fear evident in their eyes.

"There are hordes." Taehyung said , he was already a mess .
Even before anyone could process Tris said something that froze them.

"There's a horde coming from front, there's another coming from back. We have nowhere to escape."

While everyone was bewildered and blank when Eunji's eyes flashed some hope.
"Guys, switch off the car lights."
Without wasting any time Jimin switched off the lights and eunji started taking out clothes from their bags.

"Noona..what are you doing? " Tae asked and in reply she threw three - four T-shirts to him with some tapes she always used to carry around to tape the handles of her knives.

"Taehyung, cover the windows completely and check that all the windows and doors are locked."she said while taping some towels at the back window of the car.

"How far are they tae?" Kook asked.
"They will be here in 5 minutes."

They could hear low moans from a distance. Zombies were close and Jimin was still pasting clothes on his side of the window.
"Fast fast fast jimin" he muttered to himself as the moans became louder.

"No one will make any sound. They will collide against the car but they won't cause any harm until they find humans inside it..the clothes will hide us..just don't make any sound. " Eunji said helping Jimin to paste the clothes.
"You are so clumsy Jimin. "

Growls and moans filled the atmosphere , it was eerie and terrifying. Taehyung and Tris crouched down a bit and Eunji too sat silently without any movement. Jimin was literally holding his breath back but jungkook's eyes didn't left celestine's. It was all okay until they heard a loud bang against the car door at celestine's side. Zombies have probably collided against it.

And then it was just moans, growls , sounds of colliding with the car . The fear almost paralyzed them , they weren't even sure if they would survive till the hordes will pass.

Anxiety attacks were kind of common for Celestine. The last time she had an attack was last month after she had an extremely close battle with two zombies. They damaged her mentally, physically and emotionally. And now she was having it again.

She couldn't make a sound, shivering violently she kept her head on her hands...Tears rolled down her cheeks and her heart started beating at an abnormal rate, sweating profusely in the chilly night ,her chest tightened and a feeling of nausea along with the fear of dying engulfed her. She desperately tried to keep it under control but the shaking wouldn't stop , that's when a pair of hands embraced her , filling her with warmth and sense of security.

Jungkook was watching her helplessness, he didn't knew what should be done when someone gets anxiety attacks but all he could do now was give her some sense of security. So he hugged her tightly, conveying that he was there for her, they are still alive and they will be safe. His eyes became glossy as celestine hugged him back, hiding her face in the crook of his neck , shaking violently. He could feel his T-shirt getting wet due to her tears, he rubbed her back ,trying to calm her down and hugged her tighter.

Her heavy breathing against his bare neck was a signal of the damage the attack did to her. She was exhausted mentally and physically. He felt her grip on him loosening slowly as her breathing became almost normal but she wasn't moving. He wondered for a bit about what's happening. She couldn't possibly fell asleep again...he shook her a bit as the noise of zombies decreased slowly, she fell back on the seat almost immediately...she was unconscious. He couldn't do anything right now, even if he makes the tiniest of a sound , they all could be in trouble.

So he held her hand tightly, intertwining his fingers with hers and stared at her unconscious form. Jungkook couldn't help but admire her beauty. Her black hair fell on her face, the light freckles she had and those beautiful dark brown eyes that held so much emotion within them. He went closer to her face and whispered to her unconscious form "we made it!"


Driving through the abandoned cities, Taehyung couldn't help but found himself gazing at the remains of the buildings which once held life. He missed everything , everyone. Tris nudged him, breaking his thoughts. Jimin was driving now, it was early in the morning and after yesterday's incident with the horde they decided it was best if taehyung gets some rest.

Taehyung wrapped his hands around Tris and kissed her forehead. She blushed ever so slightly and mumbled "when are we reaching tae?"
Taehyung smiled at her before replying "soon." He didn't knew what anyone else thought about the camp but he did believe that it was a safe place. A place he could call home.

Celestine hadn't woken up ever since the attack and it was scaring jungkook more than it scared anybody else. Taehyung, Eunji and Tris knew this would happen and Jimin wasn't yet too attached to her..but jungkook had never seen her suffer like this.
She was still in his embrace, clutching his T-shirt when she opened her eyes .

Jungkook sighed in relief. Celestine, for a few seconds was completely clueless about everything, her head was throbbing with pain but her body felt warm. She opened her eyes slowly as the sunlight pierced through her eyed.

"Celestine?" She couldn't really make out who's voice that was for a second but as realization hit her ,she quickly looked up. Jungkook was starting at her .

".....oh" she detached herself from him and moved away a bit from that awkward position. "Shit am sorry. " she said looking at a worried kook.

"Ah ! You are awake! I think we are about to reach. " Jimin said eyeing celestine from the mirror.
She nodded.

It was a beautiful day, the sky was painted golden, throughout the previous year nature was slowly regaining it's beauty. Saplings grew at every possible place, concrete jungles were getting destroyed and instead of them the land filled with green trees and plants, flowers and birds!

"Yah jimin-ssi, is that the gate of the camp?" Tris pointed to a long wooden gate ,gaining everyone's attention. It was made of old wood, saplings growing out here and there. Almost hidden in all the greenery, standing in all it's glory. It was old but strong ,almost like old people, weak physically but stronger than everyone because of their experience.

"Well...that's-that's great. " Eunji stuttered a bit , it was kinda unbelievable that they were actually here , they were here after yesterday's deathly experience, they were here.

Jimin drove towards the gate, stopping a few yards away from the gate.

"Well, me and Eunji noona are gonna go and see if this is actually going to work out." The blonde haired guy got out ,Eunji followed.

They walked very confidently but to be honest none of them knew what to do. They just stared at the gate, trying to figure out if there was a way to go inside.

"Oi mate!? You guys need an entry in the camp?"


A/N- can anyone of you guess who this 'oi mate' guy is? Also he isn't a main character...

Ok lmao no one should be interested lol bye!

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