chapter 7

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"Jimin, where were you and kookie going when we met you?" Eunji asked.

"We heard about a camp , it's in Busan. We thought we could be safe there." Jimin replied.

"Camp?" Tae asked.

"Yes. We don't know about it much though, we were taking our chances." Jungkook said sipping his tea.

"Sounds nice, what is it called though?" Celestine who was reading a book , lifted her gaze and questioned.

"No idea ! By the way what are you reading? " jungkook went towards her and snatched the book. She sighed, it wasn't something unexpected. "Looking for Alaska!" Jungkook read the title.
"What is this? Is it a travel guide to alaska or something? "

Celestine snatched the book back from kook. He wasn't into books and it shows. "No idiot, the girl's name in the book is Alaska. Please mind your own business, books aren't for you."

"I only open books when I want to sleep! " Taehyung chuckled.

"Hey celestine, I will read it after you finish it." Jimin said earning a thumbs up from the girl. "Do you guys think we should go to the camp? Like all of us."

"I don't think there is a need. We are here happy, yes we take risks while getting supplies but that's it. " Tris shrugged.

"Yeah but when it rains, the water gets inside the house and there are no humans around. Won't it be good to be surrounded by people? " Taehyung suggested.

"We can fix the roof , Tae. " Tris rolled her eyes .

"I really really want to go to the camp and live among people. " Tae pouted.
"Well..I don't see any harm in that." Eunji stated.
"I miss our old among people will make it better. " tae made a puppy face and started nudging Tris. "Please please please "

"Alright! " Tris gave in. If it wasn't for the cute face that tae makes when he wants something, then she would have never agreed on going to the camp. She loved this old house.

"Hold on! You guys are planning to go to a certain camp which is in Busan ? Reaching Busan will take like 2 whole days of travelling given the circumstances and on top of that we may face hordes and we won't have any shelter for night! What is the need ?let's be here..." Celestine pointed out every possible threat.

"We have instant food so we won't die of hunger, second , if we face a horde then we can fight. We have weapons remember? And third, we can sleep in the car at night. " jungkook shrugged.

"What if the camp people aren't good?what if they betray us? I have seen enough movies to know that during apocalypses you should never trust strangers! " Celestine frowned at the thought of getting betrayed.

"OHMYGOD YOU BELIEVED IN THOSE MOVIES!??" Jungkook said dramatically. "Girl, they needed something to make the movies a great thriller, that's why they put those villains. I can't believe that you believe in them.."

" Yah celestine, Jimin and I were both strangers to you , ain't it? But you trusted us and we trusted you. Don't worry it will be fine. " Eunji smiled.

"So we are going? " Jimin asked.
"YESS! " Everyone answered happily except Tris and Celestine. They were obviously hesitant.

"We start travelling tomorrow in the morning! Pack your bags! Yay! " Taehyung jumped happily before going to his room to pack his bag.


Everyone was packing, it was late in the afternoon. Taehyung and Jimin were already done with their packing and were sitting near the window . Jimin observed taehyung's brown hair and almost perfect face shining in the sunlight. He always thought how taehyung looked when jungkook talked about his beauty. Now when he is seeing tae himself, he could agree that Taehyung looked ethereal.

"Taehyung.." Jimin muttered.

"Jimin.." tae answered.

The blonde haired boy laughed softly before looking at Tris who was continuously going upstairs and downstairs, gathering stuffs and talking to herself.

"Taehyung, you like Tris?" Jimin asked  the boy sitting in front of him.
Taehyung looked at Jimin for a second before observing Tris.

"Yes." He replied smiling. He had always liked her . She had light brown hair that reached her shoulders, her turquoise eyes always made him crazy, her cream coloured skin made her stand out even in the dark. The way her eyes shone in the moonlight always made tae insane. He could drown in those eyes.

"Why don't you tell her?" Jimin asked pulling Tae out of his daze. "You two would make a nice couple. "

"I should? " Tae looked at Jimin who nodded a yes.

Taehyung got up and ran upstairs to where Tris was leaving Jimin who lost himself in the beauty of the sunset, in that canvas called sky which was painted in purple , pink and red.

Tris was talking to herself, it was something she did a lot. "Where are my rubberbands? Rubberbands where the hell are you? Please respond! " she checked the drawers, the pockets of her jeans until a hand pulled her. It was Taehyung, she knew that even before she looked at him.

"Hi tae, please help me find my rubberbands, i don't remember where on earth i kept them."

"Here, they were in the washroom. " tae said giving them to tris. "OHH! Gamsahabnida (thank you) " Tris gave a grateful smile before keeping her clothes in a bag. Tae kept standing there for some time, trying to gather courage for asking her out.
After what felt like eternity tae decided to speak.

"Tris..umm..i want to talk. " Tae said nervously.
"Oh..okay. "
"Umm..i like..i really like you."

Taehyung finally said what he felt, his heart was anticipating all kinds of rejection he could face, anyone who would see him could tell he was about to get unconscious with the tension.

Tris on the other hand was dumbfounded. It was so sudden. She let out a nervous chuckle on seeing taehyung's tensed face. He looked like he would cry anytime now.

"Taehyung-ah! I like you too"
Tae let out a breath he didn't knew he was holding in. She looked at his brown orbs, their was always some emotion in them...she looked at his now smiling face and couldn't help but smile at his adorable reaction.
She came closer and hugged him while he patted her head and hugged her back.

All the coldness vanished as they remained in each other's embrace, warming the other.

They stayed like that for some time until a voice came. It was jungkook's.


That was the start of endless teasing from everyone. Among all the chaos , tae shared an eye contact with Jimin that conveyed the gratefulness tae had for him.


I am so PROUD of taehyung for confessing.
It's that proud mother feeling.

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