chapter 25

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3 days later

"Oi listen!" Felix entered the cell and sat with taehyung who was fiddling with his fingers.

"What?" Celestine asked totally uninterested.

"Hobi hyung asked me to ask you if any of you need anything. " he told.

"Can you please send something else than tteok-bokki for lunch? We are literally eating the exact same thing for lunch and dinner for a week." Taehyung whined.

"As you say sir!" Felix saluted and  they started laughing. "Kay then, i will be going. "

"Felix, listen can you convey a message? " celestine stood up.

"To whom? Hobi hyung? "
"Jin oppa."

"Uh..sure. what is it?" Felix was all ears.

"Tell him that there's a cassette in my bag. When we get out of here, we will take different paths right? Tell him to take it with him and keep it safe." She looked at Felix.
"Okay!" Felix showed a thumbs up and went out.

"Felix knows about the plans?" Eunji asked.

"Yep, he knows. Lee know also knows. " celestine chirped.

"Woah.  "

In the dorm.

Everyone was sulking, neither of them expected the events to turn out like this.
"As if the apocalypse was not enough, now we have all these issues." Jasmine spoke.

"I wonder if you guys realize or not but celestine was doing it for our sake." Tris was annoyed.

"By hurting one of us?" Yoongi asked.

"She didn't hurt me purposely. "

Hoseok entered the room with bandages around his arm.
He scanned the room and sighed.
"She did it because I told her to. We did it so that she can stay with Eunji and taehyung as we all escape. "

Every word that Hoseok spoke was like a bullet. With every sentence it was getting clearer that this was all a plan and they misunderstood celestine.

"I knew it! But no one, not even Jungkook, jin oppa or yoongi trusted her." Tris was angry, frustrated and sad.

"But..but Lee know said that the bullet hit you hard. " namjoon asked, now totally confused.

"He knew the plan, he lied to hide it from Jae wook. " Hoseok sat down.

"Yoongi, you wanted to kill her?"

Hoseok faced Yoongi who was visibly guilty now. "And jungkook, 'the filthy hands of your!?' What kind of shit goes through your mind? It's quite stupid for you to think of her like that even after we told you that we are planning something. "

"How was i supposed to know that? " jungkook looked down.

"You know, you were never supposed to know anything. Fuck it! You were not supposed to say that you love her if you believed everything you saw without hearing from her itself! "

Hoseok was angry, he thought that they were smart enough to atleast guess something but damn! Boy, they were disappointing.

"Anyway, we are going to leave today. " he looked at everyone's shocked faces. "I mean I have the two vans ready, there's enough ammunition for us and I have got food too. "

"But-but how are we going to escape?" Violet asked.

"Just climb over the fence. A 10.2 feet climb isn't that tiring, right yoongi?" He chuckled.

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