chapter 2

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Jin's pov

I saw kookie went past me in anger and muttered "He's one hell of a kid." I sighed and looked at celestine and Taehyung who were laughing, i glared at them before something else caught my attention.

I turned around to see a person walking abnormally making weird sounds , the sounds were disturbing almost like a dying human..during his last few breaths. As on cue Yoongi and others looked at it.

Before anyone of us could think anything else the person walked towards a kid playing around and bit it..feeding on the kid hungrily.
I froze at the sight.

"Run. Run." Tris muttered while tugging at my sleeves but i couldn't move. That

"It is a zombie! Not the right time to say but have you guys never seen a Zombie apocalypse movie. RUN IDIOTS! " Yoongi said and held my hand.

We sprinted off, celestine held my free hand tightly, i could see the fear in her eyes as we ran towards the opposite side..people on the streets ran here and there as the number of zombies increased . A guy ran between me and celestine, causing us to separate.

"Celestine! " I shouted as the crowd of people divided taehyung, celestine and Tris from me and yoongi. It was crazy! No matter how much i try i couldn't reach them.

"Hyung, you will die in the chaos if you keep trying to reach them."

yoongi shouted at me while i kept looking at Them. Taehyung already had tears in his eyes and celestine was in sheer panic. I knew they needed me and yoongi. On the other hand Tris looked completely out of it , like she was in a daze.

I looked back ,those hordes of inhuman things kept coming closer and closer ,there was no way i could reach them..i took a shaky breath, tears threatening to fall .

"Tae, save yourself! Run away with celestine and Tris. " i could see the denial in his eyes.
"Please. "

"And don't look back! " yoongi shouted at them . "Run. I SAID RUN!"

With a face that broke my heart , taehyung pulled the almost numb girls by their wrist and ran to the other side.

And i looked back.
It was a mistake .

Jungkook's pov

How could jin hyung leave me like that! I kept muttering to myself about how angry i am at him and also made a mental  note to teach tae and celestine a lesson for laughing at me until i heard chaos !

People ran past me , some were crying and some were too panicked. All of them coming from the direction where i left our group. Something was not right.

I ran towards the opposite side, it was hard because people didn't care even if they were pushing me to go the other way! On turning the other corner, the sight in front of me took my breath away! Where two minutes ago stood my group, there were creatures eating and biting people.

I knew these people were infected but they weren't turning into zombies in a split second like in movies. I didn't knew where to go or what to do as i saw yoongi hyung's blazer on the road surrounded by corpses and zombies. Fear engulfed me..they didn't die , right?

In a daze ,i kept walking towards the black blazer now painted in red with blood when suddenly a guy caught my hand and dragged me away to the opposite direction.

"Are you insane? Why were you going towards them ?" The blonde haired guy who was a bit shorter than me kept scolding me.

He took me to a nearby apartment and locked the door ,breathing heavily.

"It wouldn't have been so difficult to reach here if you would have cooperated with me...did you wanted to become their food? It was like you didn't wanted to come or stay alive.  I mean what kinda stupid does that ! Are you sure that you are not crazy? Did you ran away
from a mental assy-" i cut him off.

"What-what happened there?" I managed to say.

He looked at me for sometime before speaking.
"'s a apocalypse i guess. You know they appeared suddenly without any warning, almost killing or infecting everyone in their way. " he mumbled.

Jin hyung, yoongi hyung, tae , tris and celestine, where are they? Are they also....dead? Tears fell from my eyes as i recalled how angry i was with them just a few minutes ago which feels like an hour now. I took my head in my hands and cried silently.

I felt a hand rubbing my back.

"Hey, did you lost someone? " the boy asked. I nodded.

"If they are alive, we will find them sooner or later.." He said while sitting on the chair.

"Who are you? And what if we don't find them? " i asked. He saved me out of the hell and i don't even know his name.

"Park Jimin and i will help you bring them back. " he managed to smile. "Yours?"

"Jeon Jungkook "


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