chapter 23

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Eunji woke up to the sound of the door opening. She looked at Tae, sleeping peacefully on her side. She got up groaning in pain as she heard the sound of boots.
Her eyes softened as tae murmured "leave me" in his sleep , she looked at the boy with a painful smile and thought about her brother.

Her daze broke when she heard the voice she hated the most.
"How are you feeling here ,now that you willingly lost?" Jae wook's mocking tone was boiling her blood.
"I feel i deserve more respect from you since i am your elder." She glared at him.

Jae was dumbfounded and couldn't found any comebacks so, he directly came to his point.

"See, noona" He scoffed, she wanted respect right? " i don't want any one of you to die but it's also true that i have worked too hard to create this camp. It took a lot of people's lives while constructing this and i don't want to reduce any of the resources for them just because of some random people who came here after all the struggles. "

Even though Eunji wanted to shout at him and punch him but she couldn't because she totally understood from where he was saying all this.

"But" jae wook continued, " I have a feeling that someone I truly care about is going to betray me for you all and i am not gonna stop him. "

"Why will you not?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Because i want to do the same ,it's just i can't and i don't have that courage. " He smiled looking down. " I promise you, i won't harm anyone willingly. No one will get injured. "

"You are difficult to understand. " Eunji said with a small smile.

"Am i?" He flashed a smile. "By the way, i like that girl..what was her name..."

"Huh? Who?"

"Celestine. She is taking a huge risk, Warn her ." He said looking at her.

"You what? You know right that jung-" jae cut her off.

"Not in that way."

"Oh." Eunji sighed in relief. "But what risk? I don't understand what you are saying. "

"I can't tell you that." He sighed and walked out leaving a confused Eunji behind.


"Celestine, you are hiding something. Just spill it." Jungkook said slightly annoyed by how she was being so secretive.

"I am just worried about our 'skill test' . I am just thinking about how to get out of here." Celestine said.

"To be honest, i can't trust you either. " Jin said looking at her. "If there's something just tell us. Hiding problems won't solve it."

"Woah! Let that sink in, okay? Basically neither of you can trust me ? " celestine asked with disbelief evident in her voice.

"If you are getting hurt then it's your fault! Why can't you just-" jungkook raised his voice. "JUST TELL US FOR GOD'S SAKE!"

"I AM TELLING YOU THAT I AM TRYING TO FIND A WAY!! What is so difficult to understand? Am i not allowed to do anything on my own." She was getting frustrated now. This conversation was driving her crazy.

"Why can't you trust me? Please trust me. Okay? I am begging you." She sat down , exhausted.

"I can't trust you because you wouldn't have survived without taehyung ,jin hyung and yoongi hyung on day zero! You would have died! You didn't really survived on your own skills,alright? Stop being a nuisance. " jungkook scoffed.

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